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#54138233Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:09 AM GMT

Okay, this post has been posted some weeks ago and people didn't understand the meaning of the post. I shall explain thoroughly what this is about. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU POST! ----- "WHAT" Okay, this has been a problem for most people who play roblox. When you go to a server, you realize there is nobody to talk to because people are safechatters right? Okay, this can fix that problem. ----- "IMPORTANT INFORMATION" (MUST READ!!!) 1. This is not about deleting safechat. 2. This is about telling which server has more safechatters and freechatters 3. This does not imply that safechatters suck just because they are... safe. 4. Safechatters aren't really noobs they just want to be safer. 5. Even though #4 says they aren't noobs don't we all like to chat to others? 6. If you hate talking to people you can go to servers that are SC fully. 7. If you love talking to people then go to a server that has many Freechatters. ----- "WELL HOW DO WE DISTINGUISH CHATTING SERVERS THEN?" Okay, this is a thorough explanation, I'll try my best to explain this as accurately as possible: You guys might have noticed robloxians have a BC/NBC/OBC in their character image when looking at game servers havent you? Well how about other than that roblox would add a little picture of a chat bubble on their heads saying either (SC) for safechat and (FC) for freechat? See wouldn't that be a great idea? Now you can clearly see which servers have many freechatters and servers who have many safechatters! Here's an example: (Random NamesLOL) Server1, Mandude(SC) Guyrandom(SC) Trollzoll(FC) ObiWan(SC) Server2, Crazieman(FC) Lolpenguins(FC) Ragemoad(FC) GalacticDonuts(FC) Now basically, people could choose server #2 because they have many people who can freely chat rather than to go to server #1 and ask this overly repeated question: "Who can talk in this server" but to no response rather than simple safechat words like "Hello!" "Hi!" "Teh Epik Duck Is Coming". ----- "DISADVANTAGE CLAIM" 1. Disadvantage: Some people say that if this happens, people will be able to talk alot and insult alot in freechatting servers. 1. Solution: Well common sense! You can go to servers with mixed safechat and freechat as this graph shows: (Random names again LOL) Server1, lolzoll(SC) Trollzoll(SC) PantsMcAwesome(SC) Guest1337(SC) Server2, ragekillz(FC) megapawntage(SC) awesomecoolhard(FC) Corny(SC) Server3, chatpenguin(FC) donutty(FC) galacticturkey(FC) yourdadscool(FC) If you wanted to chat alot then go to server 3. If you hate chatting and want to be alone for some reason pick server 1. If you like chatting sometimes but dont want to get spammed horribly pick #2. --- 2. Disadvantage: Safechatters will be harrassed about this 2. Solution: Wait a minuite! How will that happen? This post mainly suggests that we just say who's a safechatter or not! This doesn't ever support that safechatters will get harrased or we shouldn't be a safechatter. THIS POST HAS NEVER RECOMMENDED THAT! --- 3. Disdavantage: Roblox will somehow get glitched in the update 3. Solution: That always happens in every update but i bet roblox will try hard to fix it in the NEXT update! ----- "END NOTES" I, Ramza26 of roblox hopes that this gets as many supports as possible. If this happens with roblox this can help roblox be very much nicer, servers will be more fun and more extreme!
#54138324Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:11 AM GMT

Been following this for awhile... I still strongly support this! Hope noobs dont spam this again though this has been repeated 3 times i think
#54138387Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:12 AM GMT

TL:DR version for all you ADHD sufferers; Make a little icon above your head that denotes weather you are a SafeChatter or a "FreeChatter"
#54138420Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:13 AM GMT

I support this.
#54138450Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:13 AM GMT

Ehh.. Support. :3 -- TheDigitalBot Was Here! :D
#54138838Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:20 AM GMT

#54138991Saturday, September 03, 2011 4:22 AM GMT

#54142182Saturday, September 03, 2011 5:33 AM GMT

Yeah of your going to say no or no support or vice versa explain why
#54143792Saturday, September 03, 2011 6:11 AM GMT

Support. ~I couldn't find diamonds in minecra­ft. What did I do? ... I installed mods.~
#54143877Saturday, September 03, 2011 6:14 AM GMT

how about in game, on the leaderboard, similar to the friends icon and BC icon, what if it was displayed as a speech bubble with a padlock over it? anyway, supawt
#54223027Sunday, September 04, 2011 12:30 PM GMT

Man rlly hope roblox looks at this!
#54223338Sunday, September 04, 2011 12:39 PM GMT

i kinda support
#54223654Sunday, September 04, 2011 12:48 PM GMT

#58374916Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:54 AM GMT

MOAR must see!
#58375015Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:14 AM GMT

#58375995Tuesday, November 22, 2011 12:43 PM GMT

No support
#58377211Tuesday, November 22, 2011 2:11 PM GMT

support, why has this not been done yet? IT'S BRILLIANT!
#58377265Tuesday, November 22, 2011 2:16 PM GMT

Good idea Support
#59553474Wednesday, December 14, 2011 2:08 PM GMT

I bet if telamon reads this he be awesomenated!
#59558474Wednesday, December 14, 2011 6:59 PM GMT

A great idea 1,000% support
#59560419Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:23 PM GMT

I read it all even If I have a Headache... Now Guess if I support :P Anyway it's OverSuggested... Maybe make a Thing like " @ Mods " to get it Noticed... Eating Christmas Pudding since 1998 !
#59560536Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:26 PM GMT

Oyush. I would'nt have to ask "Who talks?" every time I enter a server.
#59560733Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

I don't think people want to be pestered alot if they are freechatters or safechatters. Safechatters (If they can be messaged,im not sure) will most likely be picked on.They can say 'Noob don't be a noobish safechatter' or just kick them out of things all the time.Kinda like Bc is doing to nbc and bc+nbc to guest. I feel that really safechatters come into the line of fire when it comes to refering people as noobs : / Though yes,in some ways this is helpful,others not. I just disagree with this because i feel it isn't really right to me. (My opnion)
#59561525Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

Support! @R3gebiscuit : First, it's not like it would affect the safe chatters, because can't they only see "menu Chats"? Second, I don't think it's fair not to update ROBLOX to make it better because some noobs on ROBLOX are making fun of people for these silly things. & about the glitch solution; I'd also like to add that the POSSIBILITY of a glitch shouldn't be something to stop updates. If we thought like that, we'd get NO updates. Even if they're glitchy and not everyone wants them, I think it's nice to keep moving forward and "expanding" ROBLOX.
#59561784Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

@R3gebiscuit, it's not like it's impossible to end the BC-NBC and BC+NBC-Guest war

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