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#54508013Friday, September 09, 2011 7:26 PM GMT

-------------------------DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER----------------------- ------------------------------Please Read Through First------------------------------ (Thank VirtualDarks for the *Attention* ^^^^^ Idea) I'm not a good scripte... Who am I kidding, I can't script. I try and try but I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I can't learn it using the ROBLOX™ tutorials because I mostly have to study for my collage course. I suggest that 'The ROBLOX™ Team' adds a new studio tab called 'Scripts'; This will open up a whole menu with 'basic' scripts. (So advanced scripters will not start to look average). How it Works: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Open up the pause menu. 2) Click on game settings. 3) Tick/Cross the studio mode. 4) Click on a button with a picture of a medieval scroll on it. 5) Click and drag the script of your choise to the block, triangle, cylinder, model whatever you want the script to go to really. Optional: User Uploads ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There may be a sub-tab so that when you open the menu, there are two tabs in it. One will say 'ROBLOX™ Uploaded' and the other will say 'User Uploaded'. How it works: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Really good 'user scripters' will be able to upload there own scripts, (Like 'FREE' Models) where any other users will be able to use the uploaded script. There will also be a trust system on this either depending on how much it gets used or how much it gets voted as a trusted script. (This will not apply to the ROBLOX™ Uploaded scripts). Thank You for your generous time to read this. 。◕‿‿◕。 ~We may be NBC but were entitled to equal right; We get a say too.~
#54509328Friday, September 09, 2011 7:57 PM GMT

I don't see why this is necessary, or useful. Can't you just search the scripts you need in Free Models?
#54509492Friday, September 09, 2011 8:00 PM GMT

Searching a script in free models will not make it 'trust worthy'. I've heard games being obliterated because of misleading scripts and lots of times by personal experience.
#54510051Friday, September 09, 2011 8:11 PM GMT

I already suggested something JUST LIKE THIS yesterday. *facedesk* *facelamp* *facewall* *facealgebrabook* *facecdcase*
#54510378Friday, September 09, 2011 8:17 PM GMT

ill try to make a roblox plugin for that, where you drag what you want in the order you want it :D eg, theres a box for you to choose from with a scroll bar with all the functions and preset stuff like "instance.new" and etc. and you get to just drag them into an order of your choosing :D

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