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#54695650Monday, September 12, 2011 5:16 AM GMT

Darkness. Complete, utter darkness. A silence lingers, almost as unnerving as that darkness. There's a strange smell in the air, one that cannot be placed. It smells similar to decay. Your heart is beating wildly. It senses something wrong. You hear whispers, but you know there is no one there. At least, you hope no one is there. You dig around in your pockets, quickly trying to find your lighter to illuminate the space that surrounds you. Your hands are shaking, and you almost drop it right after you pull it out. You're not really sure if you want to light up the room. You're afraid of what might be in front of you. The walls seem to be breathing almost. Your hand is on the metal wheel. You're holding the lighter with a tight grip, and your palms are becoming sweaty. You stand there for what seems like an eternity, and finally, the whispers stop. You hesitate one more time, then you roll the wheel on your lighter downward and mash down the lever at the same time. The flames come up. You're in front of a brick wall. It's bare except for one poster. "Smile for the camera." The words are written in a very scratchy font. Right under them is a picture of a creepy looking view camera. You shudder. Your body starts to relax, but the fear in your heart stays. There is something wrong. Horribly wrong. Before you can think much about it though, you see something approaching you. Whatever it is is tall. You bite your lip, not sure if you should be glad or terrified. As this person - No, not person, thing - gets closer, you realize that you should be terrified. Very terrified. It has the appearance of a thin, tall man wearing suit. The first thing you notice though is it's lack of a face; That terrifies you most. You're paralyzed in fear, not sure what you should do. The creature walks slowly up to you... And nothing happens. Just as you let out a sigh of relief though, the creature stretches out his arms and you are surrounded completely by darkness again. And pain. Horrible, searing pain. Thud You fall off of your bed and onto the floor. With a sigh, you roll onto your back. You're sweating, but relieved that it was just a dream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so I've been watching Marble Hornets, Tribe Twelve, and all of that creepy stuff and I started thinking up an RP about Slenderman. This is it. :D You don't need to know about any of those series to be a part in the RP, but I would like you to google Slenderman and read about him a bit if you don't know who he is. ---------------------- RULES: 1. Listen to the admins. 2. Semi-lit. That means write it out like a story. 3.No godmodding, auto-hitting, auto-dodging, auto-killing, etc. 4. No Mary sues. (Or Garys. No one likes Garys either.) Give your character some flaws. Only ONE person is perfect. Yes, you guessed it. Chuck Norris. 5. No killing other players off. 6. Dedication. Yes, this is a rule. I want you to try and post at least once every two days. If you can't for some reason, message me, and I will keep your character out of the story until you get back. 7. I have the power to stop and start the RP. 8. I have to accept your CS. 9. "EYES OPEN" at the end of your CS if you are reading this. 10. Grammar. Use it. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I'd like to be able to read what you type. 11.Respect everyone. K? K. 12.Respect other player's backstories: Don't put yourself into someone else's story, and don't act like you've known someone's character all their life if you didn't stop to ask first. 13. Make the difference between OoC Chatter clear from RP: Use brackets or parenthesis to denote Out of Character (OoC) talk. 14. "Intermission" at the start of your CS if you read ALL OF THIS. :) ------------------------------------------ CHARACTER SHEEEEET * = Required. *Name(First and last.): Nickname(s): *A.ge(16+): *Gender: *Height: *Weight: *Eye color: *Hair color: *Hair style: *Skin: Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.): *Bio(At least five sentences.): *Personality(Not just a pile of words.): *Fears(At least five): Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.): Here we go. Now, smile for the camera.
#54695892Monday, September 12, 2011 5:35 AM GMT

*Name(First and last.): Nicole Ward Nickname(s): Nikki *A.ge(16+): 17 *Gender: Feminine *Height: 5'3" *Weight: 125 *Eye color: Bright blue *Hair color: Jet black and cyan. *Hair style: Her hair is mostly straight, but it falls into loose curls at the bottom. She sometimes teases it. She has choppy cyan bangs that are cut in a way that they curtain over her right eye. *Skin: Caucasian Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): She has a square shaped face, a greek nose, dimples, and chapped lips. There's a few blemishes on her cheek, but they're not too bad right now. Her body is a little curvy, thanks to her extra weight. She has long, skinny feet and fingers. Her eyes are big, and she usually has eye liner surrounding them. The lines are thick, raccoon style. She has two holes in her lip where her snakebites go. *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.): Skinny jeans, tattered skirts, tutus (Usually along with the skinny jeans), band t-shirts, novelty t-shirts, hoodies, and spaghetti straps.She is always usually wearing a necklace, either her Gir one, shark tooth one, or a heart locket. She tends to play with the necklace when she's deep in thought. *Bio(At least five sentences.): Born in the country, she has kind of a southern accent. She tries to hide it when she talks, but usually fails. She has an alto voice that she has grown to love. She's involved in many activities at school; She's in the student council, orchestra, debate club, choir, and art club. She plays violin, cello, piano, harp, drums, guitar (Acoustic and electric), bass guitar, Xylophone, and flute. Music is her life, and she loves all genres of it. She mostly listens to Post-hardcore, power pop, screamo, techno, and stuff like that though. She writes a lot. Stories, poetry, lyrics, you name it. *Personality(Not just a pile of words.):She's a tough girl that seems to be indifferent at all times because of how bad she is at showing emotions. She can be a bit rude, but once you get to know her she's a complete sweetheart. She thinks too much about things and hates being lonely. She doesn't like talking much, so you usually only hear her talk if she's asked a question. She's smart, but rebellious. She tends to break rules when she's feeling loud, then she regrets it right after. She's a negative person, always expecting the worse because of what has happened in her life so far. She always looks down on herself. She thinks she's a horrible person, and she thinks she's ugly. All because of a few bullying experiences. Very sensitive and brave. Hot-headed and stubborn sometimes. She's brutally honest. Creative, and she has a big imagination. Daydreams a lot. *Fears(At least five):Mirrors (In the dark), being buried alive, heights, darkness, confined spaces, losing loved ones, dying alone, being abandoned, needles, failure, being forgotten, being alone, Pain, being stared at, parasites, being unloved. Hobbies:Writing, Drawing, acting, sleeping, playing instruments, listening to music, reading, surfing the internet, texting, photography. Likes:Music, writing, reading, drawing, sleeping, cats, dancing like an idiot, and horror movies. Dislikes:Jerks, idiots, bullies, being ignored. Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.):
#54697923Monday, September 12, 2011 11:13 AM GMT

(Sweet, a creepy tale. I don't have a large vocabulary like yours, so expect simple words.) Name: Andre Johnson. A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 140 Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Light Brown Hair Style: Andre's hair is untidy. He got bangs going straight to his eyebrows. He has loose hair almost everywhere. He doesn't take care of his hair. Skin: White, but slighty tan on the arms. Style: A t-shirt saying, "The zombies ate your brains!" with a black background and short sleeves. White shorts, usually coming with a jet black belt. Sky blue jeans that go down to the heel. Wears a cross with him all the time. Bio: Being born in the city, Andre loves electronics. He is slightly shy, yet he has lots of good friends with him. Andre has grown an addiction to mobile devices, so he drained some of his eyesight by looking onto a screen for hours a day. Andre doesn't go outside often in the day time, but he likes coming out in the night because of the cool breezes. Andre is also forgetful, he even forgets to feed his pets sometimes. Personality: Andre is a somewhat dispassoniate fellow. He is also stubborn, because he takes his beliefs to heart and he stands up for them. He also is lazy, given the fact that he likes to stay inside. He also has a short temper. He treats people with respect and honesty, and doesn't try to do any harm. He lacks self-confidence also. He doesn't talk very much, because he usually leads conversations to a point where it's useless and or awkward to continue. He isn't very brave. If you asked him to sommon one of those "demons" from a Creepypasta, he would never go for it. And his gullible. People got him to believe that "ghosts" are real. He is also used to being alone. If he dies alone, forgotten, never to be found, he won't care. Fears: Ghosts, Mirrors in the dark, extreme pain, being murdered, having a Creepypasta come true, any type of insect, hurting somebody badly. Hobbies: Creating plots and ideas, writing, internet, sleeping, playing video games. Likes: Games, cats, Internet, books, Creepypasta, sleep. Dislikes: Bugs, having too much attention, homework, Math Class, idiots. (I hope this gets accepted. I put lots of work into this one. X3)
#54715393Monday, September 12, 2011 9:50 PM GMT

(You're just missing two things. Read the rules. :3)
#54719591Monday, September 12, 2011 10:44 PM GMT

Lul bump
#54735737Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:18 AM GMT

*Name(First and last.): Reishu Farre Nickname(s): Rei-Rei, Coloris, Idiot, Smile *A.ge(16+):16 and a half *Gender: Female *Height: 5"7 *Weight: 120 pounds *Eye color: A shivery piercing gray *Hair color: Chestnut *Hair style: Swept bangs and her hair goes down to her hips, it's straight *Skin: Always cold and clammy, looks like porcelain Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): Rei has a heart shaped face, full lips that are chapped and damaged from biting on them, a nose bridge that looks actually a bit thin, asian eyes, dark circles under her eyes and a rubbery tear-stained face. *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.): Old, baggy clothes that barely even fit her. For example, her shorts are wrinkly and long, they're a beige color and her shirt looks like it could fit a full grown man. *Bio(At least five sentences.): Rei acts like the careless girl, but deep inside she's not. She says to herself she's a waste of space. She can't kill herself. Her parents died when she was 4 and she's been raised poorly. She's a shut-in. She locked her door and tossed the key out on the street. Her only way out is from the balcony, and she never would dare jump off. *Personality(Not just a pile of words.): Reishu is an idiotic moron who doesn't care about anything, just eating and staying alive. She won't answer you if you talk to her, unless it sounds like a threat or alarming to her. *Fears(At least five): Being the one scared, faces, blood, her abnormal dreams Hobbies: Scaring people, watching TV, being creepy Likes: Being lazy, and the occasional bag of potato chips Dislikes: Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.): EYES OPEN Her Story: Reishu had have been staring at her mother's coffin for a while, and was the only one who didn't cry. " Is she the cursed child? " " So insensitive. " She wasn't deaf and she could hear these whispers, but she didn't do anything about it because she knew her big brother would say; " Suck it up. " She bit her lip in regret and angst, as blood dripper from her lip and she ran out. She couldn't stand this anymore. It felt like she was going to kill herself. She faced the street, and it felt like her confidence grew a million more times. She ran out into the street, attempting to get killed. The crazy child had ran outside, dancing in the rain, not shivering, just smiling. She continued to go to school, but she gave a creepy smile at everyone who looked at her and asked a question; " What happened to your mom and dad, Reishu? ". That's how she earned her nickname, Smile. Whenever she gets on her computer, her chat name is in dark red, ".smile."
#54737148Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

(You need one more fear. Other than that, accepted.(: )
#54738665Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:28 AM GMT

( Good eye. I apologize! Her last fear would be of fire, and she's neurotic about it. )
#54759895Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:37 PM GMT

(Kay. :P We'll start when two more people join.)
#54764593Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:46 PM GMT

Slight Intermission/Delay loading ////////////90% 99% done loading CHARACTER SHEEEEET * = Required. *Name(First and last.):James Deringo Nickname(s):Snake *A.ge(16+):17 *Gender:M *Height:5,8 *Weight:130lbs *Eye color:Green *Hair color:Red *Hair style:Rough shake and go look. *Skin:White Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.):Hoodies and jeans. *Bio(At least five sentences.):James is an average kid,He also is raises by a good family,but he is easily infullenced.James is also a computer fan not int eh good way he is a hacker,and pro at breaking firewalls,Encriptions,anything you can think of.He is a lso a book reader not like those books that are five pages long no he reads books the size of his head.He tried sports once an then came back with five broken bones,and a sprained knee.Now he sticks to being a nerd at everything you can think of. *Personality(Not just a pile of words.):He is parinoid of everything everyone,He is also no trustworthy he will betray you if he has to,He is friendly though to everyone he can slightly "trust". *Fears(At least five):Darkness,People,Loud noises,Zombies,Death. Hobbies:Hacking,and being a nerd(:3). Likes:Music,Computers,Life. Dislikes:People who treat him like sh-t Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.):N/A
#54766699Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:16 PM GMT

(Read the rules again, and a little bit more for personality please. :P)
#54767074Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:20 PM GMT

(I'm thinking of joining...)
#54776975Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:38 AM GMT

Slight Intermission/Delay loading ////////////90% 99% Keep your eyes open and done CHARACTER SHEEEEET * = Required. *Name(First and last.):James Deringo Nickname(s):Snake *A.ge(16+):17 *Gender:M *Height:5,8 *Weight:130lbs *Eye color:Green *Hair color:Red *Hair style:Rough shake and go look. *Skin:White Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.):Hoodies and jeans. *Bio(At least five sentences.):James is an average kid,He also is raises by a good family,but he is easily infullenced.James is also a computer fan not int eh good way he is a hacker,and pro at breaking firewalls,Encriptions,anything you can think of.He is a lso a book reader not like those books that are five pages long no he reads books the size of his head.He tried sports once an then came back with five broken bones,and a sprained knee.Now he sticks to being a nerd at everything you can think of. *Personality(Not just a pile of words.):He is parinoid of everything everyone,He is also no trustworthy he will betray you if he has to,He is friendly though to everyone he can slightly "trust". *Fears(At least five):Darkness,People,Loud noises,Zombies,Death. Hobbies:Hacking,and being a nerd(:3). Likes:Music,Computers,Life. Dislikes:People who treat him like sh-t Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.):N/A CHARACTER SHEEEEET * = Required. *Name(First and last.):James Deringo Nickname(s):Snake *A.ge(16+):17 *Gender:M *Height:5,8 *Weight:130lbs *Eye color:Green *Hair color:Red *Hair style:Rough shake and go look. *Skin:White Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.):Hoodies and jeans. *Bio(At least five sentences.):James is an average kid,He also is raises by a good family,but he is easily infullenced.James is also a computer fan not int eh good way he is a hacker,and pro at breaking firewalls,Encriptions,anything you can think of.He is a lso a book reader not like those books that are five pages long no he reads books the size of his head.He tried sports once an then came back with five broken bones,and a sprained knee.Now he sticks to being a nerd at everything you can think of. *Personality(Not just a pile of words.):He is parinoid of everything everyone,He is also no trustworthy he will betray you if he has to,He is friendly though to everyone he can slightly "trust". *Fears(At least five):Darkness,People,Loud noises,Zombies,Death. Hobbies:Hacking,and being a nerd(:3). Likes:Music,Computers,Life. Dislikes:People who treat him like sh-t Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.):N/A
#54777197Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:41 AM GMT

(Sorry my account is being hacked.)
#54777408Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:45 AM GMT

Intermission Name(First and last.): Smith Robert Nickname(s): Zalak A.ge(16+): 16 Gender: M Height: He guestimates about 4.9 (HES REALLY SHORT) Weight: He doesn't know Eye color: hazel Hair color: black Hair style: It's quite shaggy Skin: Palish Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): N/A Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.): does it matter? Bio(At least five sentences.): WILL BE REVEALED Personality(Not just a pile of words.): Easy going, Can be timid *Fears(At lea st five): Snakes, Ladders, Heights, Crowds, Doctors Hobbies: N/A Likes: Food Dislikes: Sleep Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.): EYES OPEN
#54778217Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

[I'll start but I have school, it's so freaking long for one day >:(] *Name(First and last.):Aurita Spheare Nickname(s):None *A.ge(16+):18 *Gender:Female *Height:6'1 *Weight:102 *Eye color:Blue with a small hint of brownish green *Hair color:Whitish brown with black streaks *Hair style:Long bedhair put into a low ponytail, and two bangs fall in front *Skin:Causican/White Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.):N/A *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.):A gray tank top with black lines going down with a blue short sleeve shirt under it, she wears blueish gray "Ice" jeans with some dirt on them. And she is seen in purple running shoes [Not detailed as the others, I have to go to bed soon] *Bio(At least five sentences.):She completed school. Her life was normal after that. And her life went on. When she had that dream she felt nervous about what else will happen. And just. Went on with her life while still worrying *Personality(Not just a pile of words.):Quiet and she may be nice if she needs to *Fears(At least five):Acid. Sharks, Seeing her own blood in a puddle. Burning to death. And seeing others die Hobbies:N/A Likes:N/A Dislikes:N/A Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.):N/A
#54778609Wednesday, September 14, 2011 2:06 AM GMT

*Name(First and last.): Tiffany Linback Nickname(s): Tiff *A.ge(16+):17 *Gender: Female *Height: 6'0 *Weight: 120 *Eye color: Hazel *Hair color: Blonde *Hair style: Down *Skin: Smooth sorta pale. Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): She has a huge scar from her mid arm to her ebow... Her face is ovalish circleish and she has a bigish nose *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.): T-shirs from Areo and jeans *Bio(At least five sentences.): She has a reat fear of highs fom when se went rock climbing and fell, luckly she was hooked to a wir rightbt unforchantly she got a huge scar in the process. When she was ten her big brother died in a car crash. That devestated her so she had began to loss all hope but she met a friend that stuck by her no matter what. She is usally nice to people.... If they are nice back. (Sorry that probaly sucked not very good at those...) *Personality(Not just a pile of words.): Funny,stubborn,sometimes rude are some of the words used to describe Tiff. *Fears(At least five): Fire, Clowns, Tight closed spaces(like elevators), Heights, complete darkness Hobbies: She plays bsketball, runs track, and does gymnastics Likes: Basketball, running, gymnastics Dislikes: Snakes Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.): She usually has a pen and a journal for she loves to write. Here we go. Now, smile for the camera.
#54778674Wednesday, September 14, 2011 2:07 AM GMT

(Dark accepted. Zalak, you need at least a bit of information in your bio. :P And a bit more with personality, please. Chunky, read the rules and add a bit more for your personality, too. :P)
#54778789Wednesday, September 14, 2011 2:09 AM GMT

(@Misty a little more for personality, and read the rules. :P)
#54779345Wednesday, September 14, 2011 2:19 AM GMT

Intermission *Name(First and last.): Tiffany Linback Nickname(s): Tiff *A.ge(16+):17 *Gender: Female *Height: 6'0 *Weight: 120 *Eye color: Hazel *Hair color: Blonde *Hair style: Down *Skin: Smooth sorta pale. Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): She has a huge scar from her mid arm to her ebow... Her face is ovalish circleish and she has a bigish nose *Style(What you usually wear. ex. T-shirts and jeans.): T-shirs from Areo and jeans *Bio(At least five sentences.): She has a reat fear of highs fom when se went rock climbing and fell, luckly she was hooked to a wir rightbt unforchantly she got a huge scar in the process. When she was ten her big brother died in a car crash. That devestated her so she had began to loss all hope but she met a friend that stuck by her no matter what. She is usally nice to people.... If they are nice back. (Sorry that probaly sucked not very good at those...) *Personality(Not just a pile of words.): Funny,stubborn,sometimes rude, outgoing, and crazy are some of the words used to describe Tiff. Infact most people call her a phsyco but shes not that crazy. :D (I wonder how I made that up heh heh...) *Fears(At least five): Fire, Clowns, Tight closed spaces(like elevators), Heights, complete darkness Hobbies: She plays bsketball, runs track, and does gymnastics Likes: Basketball, running, gymnastics Dislikes: Snakes Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.): She usually has a pen and a journal for she loves to write. Eyes open Here we go. Now, smile for the camera.
#54781151Wednesday, September 14, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

"Intermission" CHARACTER SHEEEEET * = Required. *Name(First and last.): Sylvia Wells (No one knows her name) Nickname(s): Silver *A.ge(16+): 16 *Gender: Female *Height: 6' *Weight: 122lbs *Eye colour: Green, but when she's mad they turn a shade of brown. *Hair colour: Red *Hair style: Long and flat, there's no volume to her hair, and it ends unevenly at the middle of her back *Skin: Very pale Extra appearance (Nose shape, face shape, etc.): She has a small roundish noise, and freckles cover her face, she has no acne, but has the freckles to make up for that. *Style: She wears a silk silver dress that goes to her knees, black leather boots and gloves, usually has a black flowing pinned into her hair. And a silver locket she keeps close. *Bio: She's a girl of few words. While she rarely talks, when she does it is important and helpful. She has a love for animals, more then humans. Not much is know about her, most don't even know her name, she simple goes by silver. Most suspect she's hiding a dark secret In her locket... A friend, a Sister? Who knows? *Personality(Not just a pile of words.): She is smart, and is more mature then she should be. Its easy to tell she had to grow up fast. She always has her 'poker face' and is very hard to read. She is helpful and nice, but does not seem that way when you first meet her, she tends to keep to herself. *Fears: Being heart broken, losing a friend, being lied to, giving up (I've got this, it's real), and being alone even thought it seems like what she wants all the time. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, knife throwing, and thinking. Likes: N/A Dislikes:N/A Extra(Stuff you'd like to add not mentioned above.): She is found of her pet cat, Revilo. EYES OPEN
#54803746Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

(That was the longest CS I've ever filled in.)
#54808291Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

(Joining later.) -Ð>I<
#54808383Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:51 PM GMT

(Can't I keep my bio a mystery untill I reveal it and it's dramatic?)
#54840644Thursday, September 15, 2011 8:49 PM GMT

(Can you?)

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