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#55160485Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:49 AM GMT

Since all the others in that thread won't make it... We were all hit with a wave of nostalgia (I was around back in 2008, just not with this account) and decided that we would make a VS thread, but a very special one. We didn't establish rules, so I'll do it. 1: No godmodding. If a majority of the audience and/or players thinks you are Godmodding, you will be disqualified. Play fair. 2: Submit a character from an actual RP. You aren't you, and you don't have an infinite amount of powers and attacks and weapons. What does your character do? Just C/P the sheet from another thread. 3: Be a good sport. If your character has been outmatched, then give up. 4: Do not say the result. One of the goals of one of my RPs was to cut down on people stating what happens. You can't say "I attack him two billion times and he explodes in a fountain of blood." It's a matter of surrendering, and I find it more fun to be in suspense as to wheter or not you hit. 5: Be fair. If you schedule a match against somebody, submit a character that can put up a fight. A Construction Worker turned Militia isn't going to kill the Messanger of Fate, but the Messanger of Fate might kill a Demi-God. (I know a guy who is just seething with anger right now at my comments XD) Notes on me, skip these if you don't care. I determine things using a 20 sided die, and if you want things to be a little bit luck based, you can ask to be judged on hitting and missing with a d20. I find it to be quite fun, as the feeling of suspense is so strong you can taste it. If you don't want to submit a character, that is okay. I will send in a sample CS for you to fill in if you don't think you have any sufficently awesome characters. Now please note, this is not one of those stupid brawling things, where you pull nukes out of your back pocket and command armys of ducks. This is a PvP style of RPing. Think about all those time where you battled other players in your favourite RPs. Now imagine an entire thread devoted to that.
#55160786Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:53 AM GMT

Slapping this right into my threads. One of my favorite kinds of Vs threads are the ones where a team is formed, and when one dies the next match starts. Also team, 2v2 matches, 1v1v1v1, tag team, so many choices!
#55160834Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:54 AM GMT

#55160946Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:55 AM GMT

Lord this will be fun! :) Imma wait because my only roleplay character I have is a blind sonic hedeghog with fire powers and a sword ._."
Top 100 Poster
#55161018Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:56 AM GMT

Name: Zaeed Freeman Race: Human (He's also a demi god.) Gender: Male Ayj: 27 (He doesn't ayj. But he says he's 27.) General Appearance: Shaved head, Stubble, Brown eyes, 6'3", Muscular Clothing Appearance: A white business suit.... That's it. Wepons: Dual Las-Katanas (Like lightsabers, but they're katanas) Bio: Classified
#55161063Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:57 AM GMT

Oh, and before I post the rest of the stuff, I want to give credit to everyone who contributed... ...in the next post :P
#55161103Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:57 AM GMT

Well that was fast. hey, xilrite, quick question. Did you plan on this thread being where it happens? or where the traditional "macaw5 Vs. Insertnamehere" fights get launched into separate thread?
#55161115Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:57 AM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#55161129Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:58 AM GMT

forgot a part of the cs (i fail at copy and pasting sometimes) Notable Quote: "We all have death following us, only a question of how close."
#55161223Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:59 AM GMT

Credit for the creation of this thread goes to... macaw5, GoldN, roman117, supercommander, WickedFrenchFry, and Xilirite. Also, CS (Both empty and two filled) next post.
#55161279Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:00 AM GMT

By the way, Name: Stan Keep @ge: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: He currently wears a black jacket with red stripes running down its arms. He wears black wind pants. His hair is black, and long. his eyes are a deep water blue. Way you died: When investigating a demon hunting agency, he was found in a room he wasn't allowed in, and was executed by the sentry camera. He was able to look at some files before he died. Weapons: He owns a simple pistol, and a hellsteel sword, named after a special metal found in the deep ground of the realm of the dead. it is the style of a longsword form medieval times. Bio:He was a detective for a controversial newspaper. It had been sued many times due to it's invasive investigations. He was searching for some dirt on demon hunting organizations. He searched a very questioned one. They had been reported for doing more than just killing demons. he disagreed with the aspects of demon hunting, and offered to do the investigation. murdered, he now vows to their fall. Yeah, he kills demon hunters.
#55161306Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:00 AM GMT

This should be where challenges are issued then they move to actual threads.
Top 100 Poster
#55161309Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:00 AM GMT

@xil oh i thought you said we were to copy and paste our CS's from the threads our characters are from
#55161351Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

Empty CS for people who have no suitable characters... Name: Race: (See Below) Agge: Homeland: (See Below {SB}) Weapons: (SB) Armor: (SB) Skills: (SB) Appearance (Physical): Appearance (Clothing): Appearance (Other): (SB) Personality: Traits: (SB) Flaws: (SB) Background: Future Plans: Current Goal(s): And the Messanger of Fate himself... Name: The Guide. Race: Human Agge: 27 Homeland: Demevir Weapons: A long silver blade. Armor: N/A Skills: Skilled with Soul and Fire Magic (See Below. As I said, constantly improving.) Appearance (Physical): Unnaturally pale, his hands are charred by flame. His eyes have turned grey, and his hair looks like it hasn't been cut in years. However, he strangly has no facial hair. He is also unnaturally tall. Appearance (Clothing): A long, black robe with what looks like Raven feathers sewn into it. Appearance (Other): Almost never changes his facial expression -- Calm, almost soothing, and purely neutral. Personality: This man does not talk. He has devoted his life to helping fate take its course, as some strange, mystical force has broken his goddess' grasp on the world of Vyrivend. Traits: Extremely Agile, Very Calming, and a Deadly Fighter Flaws: Forbidden from forcefully enforcing fate. He must nearly guide people along their path, and must never speak to other people. He also is always in a state of cold (Other then his hands, which is why they are so burnt), and is vulnerable to fire as a result. Background: When he turned 17, this man (Who we shall refer to as Guide) pledged allegiance to Yrendia, the Goddess of Fate. He was chosen to be a Raven, Yrendia's sacred messangers, who are cursed (In their eyes blessed) to never speak, and forever guide people upon their path to their ultimate destiny, until they die. 10 years later, he has become almost a myth. The farmers refer to him as The Ghost of Demevir. Future Plans: To guide everyone on their path to their destiny Current Goal(s): To guide a small handful of people to their destiny, which is to save the world from an ultimate doom.
#55161363Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

first rule of vs hub dont talk about vs hub -Ð>I<
#55161392Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

You are. Some people have no good characters :/
Top 100 Poster
#55161458Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:02 AM GMT

oh okay
#55161490Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:03 AM GMT

Darkian, I don't understand. We're just feeling nostalgic D:
#55161568Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

Darkian is just using word play, Vs. hub sounds like fight club, and we all know what not to talk about.
#55161604Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

http: //www.youtube .com/watch ?v=agi8PUm lAKU&feature=p layer_deta ilpage -Ð>I<
#55161614Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

Hmm, well, I'll post my character and stuff later. Gotta dig up his sheet.
#55161671Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:05 AM GMT

Yeah, Nikkotus will take some digging. 67 pages is a lot to dig through.
Top 100 Poster
#55161768Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:06 AM GMT

wait should i dig up some more characters
#55161832Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:08 AM GMT

Dig up as many as you like. First off, Guide has a Demi God to murder... (Also, I have all of his powers written down on a sheet of paper. I never make things up.)
#55161834Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:08 AM GMT

Let's save that for the actual threads. thee probably will best serve as previews for what a person's characters are like. unless the thread was intended differently.

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