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#55558234Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

Hello Roblox! Ok, if ROBLOX ever did this, ROBLOX will be way to addicting. :P This will provide you more protection, escpially when your afk ( brb ), more fun, more happines :) and maybe more friends! :O Allright where to start? :D I have came up with Roblox Fighting WarBots. ( Please read the rest ) Let's start with characters. To identify your bots, above there head will be ( this is an example ) DieOfNightBot1. There will also look just like you! But not your gear. So be cautious of what you wear!! Ranks. There will be ranks. 70 ranks max. It is the MW2 ranks, you can easily look up those ranks. Anyways... They get promoted by experience points. To get exp. points you need your WARBOT to kill another WARBOT, or by training them. Or you promote them. You can only promote 5 bots per week! When bots gets to the next LV. exp. pts. they randomly get promoted. It will also say how much more KO's that your WARBOT needs to get to the next rank. Training. This is the fun part. Training bots is another way of making them stronger and better and earn exp. points. To trian, there will be a trianing button. It will cost you 5 tixets to train them! It takes them 10 min. till training is over. You cannot do anything with your WARBOTS till trianing is over. Classes. You can choose your class for your WARBOTS. As in, sniper, defender, grenadier, medic, scout, soldier, and so on. Each class will have there own assigned weapon. Once you assign them to there class you can't change it! Character 2. Your WARBOTS will look just like you, only that they will be just a little smaller then you. There names will be above there head will be: ( your name ) BOT ( number ) Profile BOT: Some where on the screen, there will be a button that say "view BOT army." You click that button, and a small screen pops up and shows the profile of the BOT. THis will be shown in the BOT Profile. 1) Name 2) Level Rank 3) Rank 4) Class 5) Character 6) Defending Skills: /100 7) Raiding Skills: /100 8) Running Skills: /100 9) Medicing Skills: /100 10) Leader Ship Skills: /100 Then so on. Allies. You can send Ally request so your WARBOT doesn't kill your friend's WARBOT. To make it not shoot your friend WARBOT, you both have to accept each other to be allies. This same goes with enemies. Daily Income. You get 2 WARBots on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. If you miss a day, then you get 4 WARBOTS when you log on the next day. Your daily regular Tixets and Robux Income will go up on the higher and more WARBOTS you have in your WARBOT TEAM. 500WARBOTS: +15Robux. +5Tixets 100000WARBOTS: =500Robux. +50Tixets Squads. You can also place them in squads. A level 50 ranker must lead the squad of the WARBOTS. Highest amount of WARBOTS in squad total is 10. Places. You can even leave your WARBOTS at your place to defend! If you don't want anyone coming on. When you log off, they still stay there until you go to there WARBOT profile and click RECALL MISSION. Then there not on duty and not defending anything. Moving WARBOTS. You can give commands. YOu can click on them and click some where else and tell them several Commands. Then they just wait or whatever Command you told them to do. The WARBOTS will only allowd to appear in WAR games. This is all I can think of, if you got something else add to this, post a comment! ~+~+~+~+I hope the Roblox will do this. :) ~+~+~+~+ I do accept friend request, feel free to send them away!! PS: there will be a button below choosing your server size it will say Allow WarBots : yes or no, you click yes then you can put warbots in the game. Only the creator and leave his warbots in his game while he logs off.
#55558535Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:45 PM GMT

Kind of cool... but that could fall out of hand fast...
#55558859Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

Haha, Warbots. Reminds me of Warbears. "Why do we have to name everything we make with the prefix of "War"?" "Because we're the Warbears." Anyways, Sounds like pets. It seems very nice, but Warbots itself would drive ROBLOX completely off-course of being a building game. Either you should script it yourself, or create an entire new game off of ROBLOX, then get rich in reality off of that. :) -Virtualdarks Hopefully, people will realize this is an alternative account of a Forumer whom has 7,337 total posts, as of now. :\
#55582036Friday, September 30, 2011 11:49 AM GMT

Sounds like a good idea!
#55583685Friday, September 30, 2011 1:27 PM GMT

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#55585277Friday, September 30, 2011 2:52 PM GMT

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#55585441Friday, September 30, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

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#55608196Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:02 AM GMT

There can also be added a script to the player in building games. That others can not delete others stuff. There is allready a script of that. Also I could get rich off making this an entire game XD if I have the time to do it.
#55608283Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

Maybe when I am a MOD: working for roblox, I can script this myself. I can deal with all the problems but that cant be possible till 4-5 years later :P
#55879385Wednesday, October 05, 2011 6:02 PM GMT

#55879422Wednesday, October 05, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

Reminds me of some mod for MC involving using clay to make soldiers that duke it out against eachother.. Support.
#55898469Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:42 PM GMT

Spread this around! Keep this forum up! So the MODS and ADMINS can see and read it!! SPREAD THE NEWS ROBLOXIANS!
#55898644Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

Once I learn how to make PS3 games... The PS3 games will get tons of new games coming out! :P I can even use this and change some stuff around a bit so it can work for Ps3 O.o
#55898695Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:45 PM GMT

Mind = Blown That is awesome. +1 Support. They should be only allowed on War games though. -[Winterpwner]-
#55898707Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:45 PM GMT

Oh, yay, now I can reply with my main. :) Read my alternative account's reply (Virtualtime). -Virtualdarks
#55898869Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:47 PM GMT

Support this is a pretty good idea and you done your homework typing this out _________A Ugly man hidden under a helmet_________________________________
#55900581Thursday, October 06, 2011 12:08 AM GMT

if we do that then roblox wouldnt be building game it would be an MMORPG (Massivley Multi Online Role Playing Game)
#55902486Thursday, October 06, 2011 12:32 AM GMT

Um. Maybe... but I think this is more of a game idea. If I had to be a warbot myself, these would be my stats. 6) Defending Skills: 98/100- All about the defense, baby. 7) Raiding Skills: 80/100- I'm kind of good at this stuff. 8) Running Skills: 40/100- Lolfail. I can't run at all. 75 if I'm running for my life. :P Sometimes I run insanely fast though out of nowhere. 9) Medicing Skills: 89/100- I'm a boyscout, I know these things 10) Leader Ship Skills: 99/100- Again, a boyscout. If we were stranded on a deserted island I would know what to do.
#55906067Thursday, October 06, 2011 1:19 AM GMT

I CAN BUILD A WARBOT!!! I think above is an epic win
#55906139Thursday, October 06, 2011 1:20 AM GMT

Make it in your own place? -Wub Wub Wub
#55907783Thursday, October 06, 2011 1:41 AM GMT

#58153981Friday, November 18, 2011 3:13 AM GMT

THis would be still very cool. Can't wait till I am 18. :)
#58156013Friday, November 18, 2011 4:00 AM GMT

ROBLOX IS A BUILDING GAME NOT A FIGHTING GAME LEARN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
#58159758Friday, November 18, 2011 7:18 AM GMT

I agree with maxvile, and suggest you go with ftwnoob's solution
#58162931Friday, November 18, 2011 2:10 PM GMT

Good idea, kind of

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