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#56069741Sunday, October 09, 2011 3:44 AM GMT

Okay, no storyline really exept we are the only survivors of an almost wiped-out human race. Lets say there was some pandemic that eventually burned itself out that got 'em all. Anyways, This is kind of a bad idea so put up with it. CS: Name: Gen;der: A;ge: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Name: Rose (but just call her Kitty) Gen;der: F A;ge: 20 Appearance: Tall and lean, honey blonde hair falls to the small of her nieck. She always has a charm of a howling wolf around her neck. Personality: Smart, friendly, but gets angry quickly. Bio: Kitty roams the ruined country with her black bullmastff, Meep. She really had an uneventful life before this, not much to tell. ...Well, that's pretty much it.
#56129861Monday, October 10, 2011 12:26 AM GMT

#56131868Monday, October 10, 2011 12:52 AM GMT

Name:Seri Gender:M Apperence:Medium built with shaved head,wears a gray coat with magum in reach. Personilty:Quiet and resourceful but is prone to his pryo side(He likes to see things burn) Bio:Left his barricade gun shop in hope of greater things
#56132123Monday, October 10, 2011 12:56 AM GMT

(Sounds good wait for like 3 more peeps)
#56132882Monday, October 10, 2011 1:05 AM GMT

(Actually lets just start now, ppl come.) ~Kitty~ I can't belive it. No. Another human. I mean, I knew I wasn't the only one left but I never thought I'd live to see the likes of my own sort. "H-hello?" I stammer, voice hoarse from lack of use.
#56193323Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:00 AM GMT

-Seri- "YE HAAAA!!"Went seri's voice as the car went up in smoke.He was only wandering for 3 days but felt like 50.His mind aching for fire,he finally found a old lighter in a abandoned car.With the car in flames,maybe more surviors will come...
#56320015Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:38 PM GMT

~Kitty~ I shake my head. An illusion. It must be the thirst. "Never mind..." I whisper to myself. I haven't had anything to drink it two days, my throat's a bit dry. But I remember this place. There was a stream somewhere around here. ajust keep walking.
#56324701Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:31 PM GMT

Name: Unknown, goes by Classified Gen;der: M A;ge: Unknown Appearance: Scarred face, bloodied nose and wears ripped suit. Personality: Hot-headed, strong, confident Bio: This is classified information.
#56397678Saturday, October 15, 2011 2:55 AM GMT

(sounds superb you're in.)
#56423149Saturday, October 15, 2011 4:13 PM GMT

[Classified] I slip the gun out of my pocket. I heard noises. I'm stumbling around an abandoned factory, looking for signs of life. I sneak towards the scuttling sound and then look. Curses! Just a cockroach.
#56449644Saturday, October 15, 2011 11:10 PM GMT

Serio: What the....is that...is that a zombie?*Blows head off*Oh crud,i think thats why life is hard to find,since even zombies are hungry...*Finds $30 and a knife on corpse*Well,maybe these zombies won't bother me
#56464723Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

~Kitty~ There it is! The pond! Kitty's iodine had run out long ago, but if the pool was safe then, it was probaly safe now. She bent down and gratefully gulped the water down. SHe could hear Meep slurping beside her. Good ol' Meep. He had been there for her ever since this whole mess started, she found him as a pup, a stray. Owners most likely zombies. He had taken to her, though. He was the only think she had talked to in years.
#56520064Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:48 PM GMT

Serio- *Sees corpse picking self up*What the....Crud!!*Shoots again in heart*Lesson learned,these zombies...they don't need their heads,they need their hearts...Well,time to burn in case my lesson is false...
#56521595Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:10 PM GMT

Name: Gregory Jones Gen;der: M A;ge: 26 Appearance: Faded, Dusty, Ripped US Military Uniform, Short Messy Hair, Stubble, 6'2", Brown Eyes Personality: Optimistic Bio: After his unit was destroyed during a quarantine mission, Greg wandered the once great planet as the remnants of his unit slowly withered away. Now with only a few of his good friends left, he has decided to set out to find other remnants of the military and survivors.
#56522913Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:28 PM GMT

Name:William T. Gender:Male A.ge:24 Appearance:He has brown uncombed hair. His eyes are hazel and he wears sunglasses most of the time. He wears a dusty, white suit and ripped white shorts. He has worn, red shoes and has a large wound on his left leg. He weighs 160 pounds and is 5'8. He has a pistol on his belt. He also has a pocket watch that seems to have been passed down from his family. Personality:usually angry. He is sort of slow and is loud. Bio:William was once a buisiness man. When this disaster happened he set off on his own, to see if anyone had survived. He speaks with a southern accent. Is this ok?
#56524929Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

Name: James Smith. Gen;der: Male A;ge: 27 Appearance: Dark brown hair, combed and clean. Caucasian skin, scratches and cuts, here and there. White button-down shirt, un-tucked and faded. Black jeans, worn out. No shoes. Stands at 5'9", 106 pounds. Personality: Quiet, cautious, but generous. Bio: James has been blind since he was 12. When he first heard of the walking plague he head for the hills, so to speak. He sleeps in trees, constantly moving, and spends his winters in caves barricaded by him. He carries a long staff, smooth with sharpened edges.
#56532026Monday, October 17, 2011 1:21 AM GMT

(both sound beautiful start whenever you like :)
#56532091Monday, October 17, 2011 1:22 AM GMT

(You too James :)
#56618662Wednesday, October 19, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

Serio- Well,finally found a working truck.So what if i had to kill 2 zombies and knock out a scavenger?Its a working amry truck...Lets see...great,3 miles to a airbase...
#56759996Saturday, October 22, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

Serio- Found a horde of zombies all over Fort knox...strange thing is,i don't see any blood,signs of fire or struggle against the zombies,like Fort Knox was evactuded
#56760476Saturday, October 22, 2011 2:03 AM GMT

Serio- I found the reason why...the miltary was evactuity across to West coast,more importent,Oregon.If you make it there,you should be safe...thats what 2 remaining soldiers told me,before 1 shot himself and the other went back to his bunker.Anyone need a lift?I got 2 plans... Plan T:Go along the mexico border,hoping to find more guns in Texas,than cut across Utah and drive to Oregon Or Plan N:Go along the canadian border,survie off the wild life and get to Oregon.faster,but dangerous
#56876235Sunday, October 23, 2011 7:49 PM GMT

(Anyone posting?Otherwise i am going to skip some days)
#56934423Monday, October 24, 2011 10:04 PM GMT

(Skipping 5 days)
#56934621Monday, October 24, 2011 10:07 PM GMT

Serio: Found a assult rifle(M16 baby!!),got to Utah and found a young german shepheard i named Heads...life is good...Just 2miles til the border,than From Utah to Idaho then Oregon!!I hope we get evecated...
#57539813Saturday, November 05, 2011 7:27 PM GMT

(is anyone active?i feel loney

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