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#56365174Friday, October 14, 2011 7:43 PM GMT

"Welcome, heroes, to my games! Today, you will prove your strength, wisdom and agility in battle against one another! You will fight against your opponents with no sympathy for them! Strike them hard! The true hero will be rewarded! There will be only one hero moving to the next stage, besides the first four battles. Stay focused, and stay positive! You twelve have been chosen by I, Balgree, because I've never seen such talent! Your skills are remarkable! Today you will broadcast your skills to me, and to others. Oh, if you are curious, your opponents will undoubtedly die. But no matter! You are not here to pity eachother, you are here to conquer eachother! Good luck, young heroes, and best wishes!" The heroes looked from one another, perplexed and dumbfounded. This turn of events had been least expected. The only part of this whole situation that made their skin crawl was when Balgree had announced that all but one of them would die. They simply shook the thought away, and began to prepare for battle. The games would begin in the next morning. They all desired the same thing- To show what skill they have, and win the games. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -RULES- -You are a hero. I am ONLY accepting those with originality. -Your character will most likely die. Please, don't complain. If you disapprove, then you shouldn't join. -You WILL have to decide among yourselves who will win. Don't argue over it. I may make sequals anyways. -Put 'Games' under your CS, so I will be certain you read the rules. -No godmodding. This is important. -STORY. MODE. ONLY. -You need to be engaged in this RP! For what reasons? Because others are dependant on your character's actions in this RP. -You need to be descriptive! This includes, not only the CS, but throughout the RP as well. -Respect one another. -No trolling/criticism/flaming. -You must be accepted to begin! -The arenas will not all be the same. I will decide the arena's appearance. -USE GRAMMAR. -Change 'Games' to 'Hero' under your CS if you've read the ENTIRE list. -You CANNOT escape the battles, nor can more than one [Besides the first four matches] hero survive. -Keep OCC [Out of Character] to be minimum. If you have any questions, or anything related to the RP, then go ahead and post it. If you just want to have a conversation, please do that on a Party. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -CHARACTER SHEET- Name: A.ge: [16-25] Ability(ies)?: [Opt.] Weapon?: [Opt.] Appearance: Personality: Gender: Other: Biography: [Opt.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Games Diagram: 1x1x1 - - - 1x1/1x1 - 1x1 - - - 1x1x1 - - - 1x1 1x1x1 - - - - - 1x1/1x1 - 1x1 - - 1x1x1 - [If this diagram doesn't make sense to you, here's an explanation: The first four battles will be between three heroes. The first to lose on that match will end the round. The surviving two will move on to the next stage. The '1x1/1x1' means that those are two seperate battles. The winning two from each of those battles will fight eachother. The winner in THAT battle is the champion.]
#56365352Friday, October 14, 2011 7:46 PM GMT

(AGH! The diagram isn't as how I made it. -.- Ah, I'll just try to do it differently. DIAGRAM: ~First: Four Matches~ 1x1x1 1x1x1 1x1x1 1x1x1 ~Second: Four Matches~ 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 ~Third: Two Matches~ 1x1 1x1 ~Fourth: One Match~ 1x1 BY THE WAY... I WILL ONLY ACCEPT 11 PEOPLE. Sorry, I left that out. o.e)
#56367004Friday, October 14, 2011 8:11 PM GMT

(Bawmp? ._.)
#56367050Friday, October 14, 2011 8:11 PM GMT

(Intresting. .-.)
#56367506Friday, October 14, 2011 8:19 PM GMT

(It is. :3)
#56369677Friday, October 14, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

#56370118Friday, October 14, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

(Im not saying you copied because this is changed enough to be origanal,But was this inspired by the hunger games?)
#56370370Friday, October 14, 2011 9:03 PM GMT

(No... Not all of these types of RPs are inspired by the Hunger Games. =/ There are other shows/movies/books with the same plot/storyline. Besides, this is not even related to the Hunger Games in any sort of way.)
#56370887Friday, October 14, 2011 9:10 PM GMT

(In fact, I got this idea from a show that existed before the Hunger Games.)
#56370996Friday, October 14, 2011 9:12 PM GMT

(hmm...ok then.I might join,But theres alot of roleplays im thinking about joining.)
#56381338Friday, October 14, 2011 11:23 PM GMT

#56382272Friday, October 14, 2011 11:34 PM GMT

Save meh a spot, once more, TAi.
#56382658Friday, October 14, 2011 11:39 PM GMT

[ This is so friggin original! And it is nothing like 'The Hunger Games!' Even though I like the book series very much, I think this is awesome. Mind if I join Tai? ]
#56382906Friday, October 14, 2011 11:43 PM GMT

(@Devi, Alright. :P @Moltak, Of course! Forgive me if it didn't sound very appealing, and that I messed a few things up... :3 I was just eager to make this.
#56383017Friday, October 14, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

Name: Bonnie Garlia A.ge: 17 Ability(ies)?: Can lie easily, decieving. Fierce, vicious killer. Weapon?: Katana Appearance: Bonnie has black hair that swoops over her eye and ends at her hips. Her eyes are a shining emerald green, and she has ghostly pale skin. She can look like an innocent young child at times. She wears a green army jacket with patches on the arms. Underneath is a solid black babydoll teeshirt. She wears regular, dark jeans and running sneakers, worn and dirty. Personality: Bonnie trusts no one, and can come off as trustworthy and weak to enemies. She will lie easily and without a second thought. This may make her seem like a bad person, but she is fiercly loyal to her family back home, and will do whatever it takes to survive and see them once more. She is very emotional as well. This has took a deep toll on her, what with becoming a different person than she is. Gender: F Other: Bonnie is a fierce killer. Biography: Bonnie had it all at home. She had a loving boyfriend, adoring family and many friends. Now this has all been ripped from her, and her serious, long-term boyfriend broke up with her shortly before she left. TEH GAMES
#56383124Friday, October 14, 2011 11:45 PM GMT

Name: Khade 'Hopper' Moore A.ge: Seventeen Ability(ies)?: He is very creative, and a quick thinker in battle Weapon?: A shield he made himself, he's able to split the shield in two and form it into a sword. And he's able to put it back into shield form. [ Sorry if this sounds uber or something. ._. ] Appearance: Question... Is this like modern times or medieval? Personality: He's a goofy, funny guy. But he can get very defensive if someone hurts his friends. Gender: M Other: He's a very hungry teen. Biography: Again.. The question: 'Is this like modern?' Hero
#56384232Friday, October 14, 2011 11:57 PM GMT

Name: Feather Astrym [True name- Brian Asterum] A.ge: [16-25] Ability(ies)?: Feather has the ability to release an ear-splitting squawk that results in a small tremble Weapon?: Feather uses his talons, and his beak Appearance: Feather has the wings, talons, legs, beak, and head of a hawk that are several shades of brown. His wings are broad, and thin. His beak is fairly long, and is a faint orange shade, as well as his legs and feet. His eyes are a bright shade of red. He wears no shirt, although his chest is the only human body part on him. His is the average height, and size of a human. His talons are sharp, and keen. His eyes are usually narrowed. His voice is raspy, and deep. Personality: Feather is self-confident, determined, eager, and solemn. He focuses on the task at hand, and, in certain situations, occasionally greedy and ambitious. He is always determined to win his battles, whether his opponent is trustworthy or not. Gender: Male Other: [[[Games]]] Biography: [Opt.]
#56384491Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:00 AM GMT

(@Moltak, It's modern, but think of... Teen Titans, for instance. xP They all have their own fashion. For instance, Raven wears a blue cloak most of the time, although she will occasionally switch colors. And yes, that is what inspired me to make this... :L By the way, your hero doesn't have to be human...)
#56384603Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:02 AM GMT

(AGH! I forgot a.ge... Feather is, erm, 21. :P By the way, you're accepted Devi.)
#56385005Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:07 AM GMT

Name: Khade 'Hopper' Moore A.ge: Seventeen Ability(ies)?: He's not human actually, he has the ability of fire. Like he can light his hands on fire and burn people with it. He cannot shoot fireballs or light anything but his hands on fire. Weapon?: A shield he made himself, he's able to split the shield in two and form it into a sword. And he's able to put it back into shield form. [ Sorry if this sounds uber or something. ._. ] Appearance: Khade has brown hair, most of the top dyed dirty blonde but you can still see some of it. He wears a brown coat, with a brick red sweatshirt under it. Khade also has dirty jeans with mud smudges on them, and a hole in the left knee. Also has brown boots his father used to wear all the time. Above all he has this diamond-shaped shiny orangish-red metal plate sticking out of his shirt, actually it's not metal, it's part of his skin that has turned metal-hard, it formed a hole in his shirt and it reveals itself. Personality: He's a goofy, funny guy. But he can get very defensive if someone hurts his friends. Gender: M Other: He's a very hungry teen. Biography: He was a poor teen, in a poor family. Most of his clothes was his brother's old ones, and some of his dad's. His brother died right at Khade's a.ge right now. Khade was only 12. His father found a new hobby to get his mind off of the death, hunting. It helps him concentrate and it gives his family fresh game. Soon his father brought Khade out hunting. A few weeks later, his father got caught in a forest fire and died, now Khade is alone, except for his mother who is very ill. Hero
#56385146Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:09 AM GMT

(Accepted. :P Now, if nobody else joins, we may create the other 9 heroes ourselves... And from there, we will decide who's in what battle. :P)
#56385860Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:18 AM GMT

(Save me a spot please!)
#56386424Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

(Super duper happy guy alert!!!!!) Name: Jun Tamashi. A.ge: 18 Ability(ies)?: Marksmanship, cooking, negotiation and healing. Weapon?: A Dragunov and a CZ75 (With a Epic face painted on the barrel.) Appearance: Short-Blue hair, spiking at the front, only covering the forehead and spiking at the back, piercing red eyes(O-o'), Standing at 5"7(Yesh, kinda short....), blue jacket with a smiley face on it, black sweats with the phrase "For Sparta!!!!" on the right thigh, blue sneakers. Personality: A Happy-Go-lucky kind of guy, he is always smiling, no matter what happens, he doesn't like killing people, but he will if he has to.... Gender:M Other: He likes to care for injured animals and he is a vegetarian. His name mean "Pure Soul". Biography: Jun Tamashi always had a knack for guns, his father was a very great sniper, he would teach his son how to use one, but when he learned that his son was a pacifist, he gave up. Jun cared for everyone, even the ones who ridiculed him for being too nice, nobody bothered him since everyone actually respected him. At the age of 13, a dreadful event occurred, he saw a gang beat up a 12 year old girl, he attempted to rushed to her aid, unfortunately, he couldn't reach in time...they killed her. He saw that he could do nothing, so he hid...and waited for the thugs to leave. Ever since that day, he vowed to protect anyone he sees, no matter who they are.
#56386746Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:29 AM GMT

(Super duper happy guy alert!!!!!)(Forgot something xD) Name: Jun Tamashi. A.ge: 18 Ability(ies)?: Marksmanship, cooking, negotiation and healing. Weapon?: A Dragunov and a CZ75 (With a Epic face painted on the barrel.) Appearance: Short-Blue hair, spiking at the front, only covering the forehead and spiking at the back, piercing red eyes(O-o'), Standing at 5"7(Yesh, kinda short....), blue jacket with a smiley face on it, black sweats with the phrase "For Sparta!!!!" on the right thigh, blue sneakers. Personality: A Happy-Go-lucky kind of guy, he is always smiling, no matter what happens, he doesn't like killing people, but he will if he has to....Also by the way !~HERO~! Gender:M Other: He likes to care for injured animals and he is a vegetarian. His name mean "Pure Soul". Biography: Jun Tamashi always had a knack for guns, his father was a very great sniper, he would teach his son how to use one, but when he learned that his son was a pacifist, he gave up. Jun cared for everyone, even the ones who ridiculed him for being too nice, nobody bothered him since everyone actually respected him. At the age of 13, a dreadful event occurred, he saw a gang beat up a 12 year old girl, he attempted to rushed to her aid, unfortunately, he couldn't reach in time...they killed her. He saw that he could do nothing, so he hid...and waited for the thugs to leave. Ever since that day, he vowed to protect anyone he sees, no matter who they are
#56392460Saturday, October 15, 2011 1:45 AM GMT

(I don't mean to upset you, Doom, but I'd like to avoid guns. o.e These are heroes with super powers, basically. You may have any melee weapons, though.)

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