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#56502421Sunday, October 16, 2011 6:47 PM GMT

Long ago, there lived a great king named Yosu-No-Kingu, King if Elements. He controlled plants, water, fire, earth, and air. He ruled Yosu-No-Okakou, Kingdom of Elements. All the citizens had one elemental power but he held all. He also had five children who each controlled one of the elements. When he died, the children began to argue about who would take the throne. They tried to rule with Oligarchy but none of them seemed to have the same level of power. Soon, they began to fight each other and decided to split up. One child was called Shokubutsu-No-Ko, Child of Plants. She controlled plants. The other was Mizu-No-Ko, Child of Water. As you can guess, she controlled water. Then, Kuki-No-Ko, Child of Air. Then, Chikyu-No-Ko, Child of Earth. Finally, Hi-No-Ko, Child of fire. They formed their own kingdoms, one for each element. Chikyu-No-Okakou, Kingdom of Earth, Mizu-No-Okakou, Kingdom of Water, Hi-No-Okakou, Kingdom of Fire, and Kuki-No-Okakou, Kingdom of Air. However, the kingdoms were still fighting. Neighboring kingdoms and clans took advantage of this and began fighting. This time is known as Senso-No-Jidai, Era of War. Now, you can join! Races: Elves Humans Undead Phycics Mages Mythical Creatures Abilities: Earth:You can control metal, earth, sand, mud, etc. You can sense these elements miles away and you can bend them into shapes, shoot them, strong ones can even make waves of earth! Water:You control ice, snow, water, drinks, etc. They can control water just like Chikyu-Metarbendas control earth. They cannot control blood. Sorry. Fire:They control lightning and fire. They can control fire like other people control elements; make shapes, use in battle, etc. Plants:They can regenerate, create plants, etc. They control plants like people control other elements. Air-control over gases, air, wind, etc. They control air just like other people control element Healing:This only applies to Mages and Elves. They can heal but serious injuries take a lot of work. Energy Power: This applies to Mages and Phycics. They can push things away using Willpower. If the thing is heavy, it is harder. Telekineses: Much like Energy Power but it only applies to Phycics and Mages. Warrior:Applies to Mages and Elves. They have much strength and willpower. Very brave. Shielding:It takes much preparation and work. It can shield people very well. Applies to Mages. Mind Magic:Applies to Mages and Phycics. They can get into memories and read minds. It can be fought off with Willpower. Black Magic:Applies to Undead. They can revive, summon, possess, and control darkness. Admins: My Friends (Jigajig especially) Those Deemed Worthy Oceanicimascout Ltkiwi Rules Ignore trolls Don't Troll NO Gmodding Put Kitsune under your CS if you read this Admins, you can: •Ban •Accept •Make powerful characters If you abuse power, I WILL ban you. Humans only have ONE of the elements Humans are the only ones with elemental powers There can be Mythical creatures, yes. No crossbreeds "It's not the rules"does NOT count And anything else I come up with >:D CS Name A.ge Gender Race Abilitie(s) Appearance Personality Bio Items Other ^_^ Have Fun!
#56503957Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:09 PM GMT

Name:Niko Ty A.ge: 20 Gender: Male Race:Human Abilitie(s) (How many?) Fire Appearance:Niko stands at 5,11 with tanned skin. He keeps his hair which is blue brushed over to one side of his face usually the right and his eyes are brown. He almost always wears a black, robe with long-sleeved, buttoned shirt of varying colors, usually orange, blue or black, with or without pinstripes, with black knee-length pants. Personality: A nice young fellow who tries to get on with other people. Bio:TBR! Items: A saber strapped to his back. Other:His left eye has three scars running through it Kitsune
#56503970Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:09 PM GMT

CS Name: Swerv A.ge: The Undead don't age. Gender: M Race: Undead Abilitie(s): Dark Magic, Leading, Walking in the shadows. Appearance: The color of a shadow with red eyes, no one can describe his most terrifying form. Personality: Evil, Demanding, Wanting Bio: Is [Possible?] Undead leader of one of the fighting groups. Very skilled with dark magic and can blend into shadows. However, you can see his eyes when he's in shadows. Items: Dark Staff Other: Leader of one of the Undead fighting groups[?]
#56504095Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:10 PM GMT

(Jigajig accepted. Ocean, there has to be an a.ge. They do not age but they eventually fade away. But accepted.)
#56504198Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:12 PM GMT

(Undead A.ge=38)
#56504249Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:12 PM GMT

#56505163Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:26 PM GMT

(K.) CS Aki-Tsuki 11 Female Human Ability:Earth and metal control Appearance:four and a half feet high and very skinny and pale except her rosy cheeks. She has deep blue eyes and dark hair with spiky bangs and some hair in front of each of her ears going to her shoulders. The rest go to her knees. She wears a kimono ( http://www.roblox.com/Kimono-Girl-item?id=62604429). She is barefoot and wears a pair of swords on her back. The handle is a wooden, glossy black sheath and one has a blue dragon and one has a red dragon. She wears a worn pouch around her neck. Bio:Aki-Tsuki likes to be called Aki. She was born in the autumn under the moon thus the name Aki-Tsuki (Autumn Moon). Her family lived in a simple village near some woods and they ran a Blacksmith Shop. One night, her parents left the house for a walk. Just one walk. Just one! She waited for hours and hours until she went to the woods to see. She found their skeletons there. They had been eaten by undead. She buried them in the woods and from then on, ran the shop herself. One day, she found a baby injured Kitsune. She took very good care of it and now they live together. A few years later, some undead broke in and destroyed everything. Everything. Except her and her Kitsune. She keeps a few memories in a pouch around her neck which she keeps VERY protected. She travels around now, offering work for food. Items:a rucksack of supplies. And her swords and some kunai and shiruken. Personality:Aki is friendly and always polite. She tries to help others and keeps an open mind. However, talking about her past can trigger things.
#56505818Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:35 PM GMT

(We may start. )
#56506065Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:38 PM GMT

Niko I leaned on the tree watching the clouds in the sky go past and smiled sighing.
#56506252Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

Aki walled quietly down a dusty path in some woods. It was the middle of October and the air was cool, wind blowing. Behind her, Vulpine padded softly behind.
#56506261Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

~Swerv~ I look at all the warriors. I stroll down the line, then hit one in the face. "Straighten up!" I yell. "Yes, sir!" he mutters.
#56506669Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:47 PM GMT

Niko I stood up fully and smiled making a little dragon of fire watching it fly around my head. I laughed and walked through the forest it following me.
#56508378Sunday, October 16, 2011 8:09 PM GMT

(It says you posted but I don't see anything..)
#56513581Sunday, October 16, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

Name: Xyris A.ge: 14 (Body age at least) Gender: Female Race:Elvish Abilitie(s): Healing, speaking most languages, sensitive hearing and Swiftness(More will come hopefully, as she is an apprentice). Appearance:The typical elf. Pointed ears, sharp slightly angle features, tall and lean. She has eyes that change colour depending on mood, but she tends to control her emotions, keeping them hazel. Her hair is long, wavy and a deep, dark brown, streaked with bleaching from the sun as well as sticks and leaves. Generally scruffy looking, as she tends to look at her reflection once a year, and that's by accident. Normally wearing a hooded cloak and apprentice robe(Simliar to this:http://th02.deviantart.net/fs12/PRE/i/2006/286/0/0/Elwen_Young_by_VyrL.jpg), but whilst travelling, a more suitable attire(http://th02.deviantart.net/fs12/PRE/i/2006/286/0/0/Elwen_Young_by_VyrL.jpg) Personality: Curious, Pacifist, Cautious, Naive, Optimistic, Truthful(Horrible Liar), Claustrophobic, Metallophobic, Dislikes Royalty, Dislikes Dark Magic, Controlled, Thoughtful, Receptive and Approachable(Sometimes). Bio: A traveller from lands far away, she had not heard of this war before. After lots of trouble and lack of directions, she has become lost. A foreigner that has stumbled into a war. She looks for someone to teach her as her Master is 'on holiday'(She lies to herself as much as to others). For an Elf, she tends to be childish and rude(By Elven Standards), because for the first years of her life she was raised by humans. Soon thrown out, since she was aging too slowly, and she became mainly instinct whilst in the wild.(Sorry about going from present to past) Items: A spellbook attached to a silver chain necklace, Ceremonial dagger, Longbow and Quiver(Elven make), Travelling Pack and Belt with potions and such attatched. Other: Tends to have split personalities, and people who know her can sometimes be a bit shocked when she switches between the two. This normally happens when something has changed(eg:Trust, Being watched).
#56513659Sunday, October 16, 2011 9:19 PM GMT

((Whups.The "(Simliar to this:http://th02.deviantart.net/fs12/PRE/i/2006/286/0/0/Elwen_Young_by_VyrL.jpg)" is meant to be: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/211/3/7/blind_mage_by_shar_vampire-d425vzy.jpg))
#56514026Sunday, October 16, 2011 9:25 PM GMT

(Accepted :3)
#56515105Sunday, October 16, 2011 9:42 PM GMT

~Swerv~ "We've destroyed plenty of people and families," I begin, "but we must work harder. You must destroy every creature besides us in sight. You!" I exclaim, pointing my staff at a skeleton. "Wh-wa-what?" he stammers. "How do you destroy a human?" I ask. "K...Kill them?" I back into the shadows, showing him.
#56518016Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:23 PM GMT

(You im.itate undea.d perfectly!)
#56518410Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

(Filter will not let me post a CS!) (I will post bit by bit to find the answer!"
#56518471Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

CS Vulpine 5 M
#56518524Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:30 PM GMT

Kitsune Fox-fire, lightning, transforming
#56518602Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:30 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/Vulpix-item?id=63778499(not pokemon). He also wears a silver bell.
#56518698Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:32 PM GMT

Friendly, exited, sometimes aggressive.
#56518760Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:32 PM GMT

As a child he was attacked by undead when Aki helped him out. They are now friends.
#56518815Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:33 PM GMT

Items:sometimes holds Aki's pouch

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