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#56507495Sunday, October 16, 2011 7:58 PM GMT

CREATED BY RANGERGIRL3373 AND BABYSHAWNA09 A large group of people go on a cruise, many people from Asia, North America, Europe, Africa, and even South America, they all join together to take this cruise, that has been being arranged for many years. YOU are apart of this cruise. Once on the boat and already on the ocean, there is no turning back. Many days later, you're warned we've entered the Bermuda Triangle. There was not much time to get ready for what nobody expected. A crash, into an island that's been deserted, and not found since the 13th century! Many people on the boat die, including the captain and workers. Very few live, and you are apart of these people. A month or so after surviving, a nuclear substance breaks out from all the commotion, under the waters around. There are transformations, and rumors of mystical creatures.. You can be a mystical creature or you weren't effected by the gas. Human, or some sort of creature that we don't have to google or something to learn about it. YES, you get the powers/agility the creature gets. Rules: 1. No godmodding, ubering, being a Mary Sue, exc... 2. Listen to the creators, then admins. 3. No killing or severly hurting some one unless you ask them. 4. No controling a rper with out their permission. 5. Use grammar. 6. If you read everything then put "Bermuda" in other. cs- Name: A.ge: Gender: Mythical Race: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Items (optional): Comapanion (optional): Other: Our CS's: BABYSHAWNA09 - CS- Name: Jessica Kate A.ge: 17 Gender: Female Mythical Race: Dark Elf Appearance: PHYSICAL- Jessica has a summer-tanned skin tone, and she is very thin. She has wounds on her hands, from her home, she climbs trees. They're cracks and dry, from poor care. She's slim, with a small figure, not much. She has oval-shaped, emerald green eyes, places above her nose, beside the bridge. She has a usual over-bite, with straight teeth, which are white. Outside, her lips are pink color. They are thin, and has a small curve at the edge. Her carrot-orange hair flows out of her scalp and ends near her arm-pits. The black strands are still visable, due to the orange was a dye. Due to her transformation, she has elf ears that are tangled and hidden in her hair. Garments- Most of her clothing was burnt or 'drowned' in the water. She wears a long, purple T-shirt with the words 'Car FAX!' in bold, black letters. Under, she wears a white teddy (lol xD). She fits into a pair of worn-out black leggings, and navy blue converse that are coated in mud and sand. Personality: Jessica is kind and helpful unless she slashes out with her Dark side. Her dark side came from her 'mutant' change, so she hates it. It's rude and evil, also very stubborn. Without her dark side she has many ideas and is super creative, and chooses her friends carefully. Bio: Jessica Kate is from England. Her parents are worried about her arrival back home, and yet she hasn't had the chance to. She has a thick British accent and loves creatures. Her curiosity usually takes control of her, and she loves to investigate. She longs for friends, whom she has never gotten with the 2 week trip and then the month of on this island. She hopes one day she can name the island. Items (optional): Her small bag, which miraculously lived the crash. It contains her notebook, pen, cell phone (no bars/range), and a bunch of hair ties. Companion (optional): None. She longs for a pet, though. Other: Bermuda RANGERGIRL3373'S- cs- Name: Ally Clark A.ge: 10 Gender: Female Mythical Race: Fairy Appearance: Ally is short and skinny with pale skin. She has strawberry blonde curls and bright blue eyes. She wears black jeans, a white tank top that has a red sequin heart on it, white converse, and a red sweat shirt. She has black wings with red around the edges. Personality: She is kind, curious, and stubborn. Usually she doesn't get angry easily. She can be pretty brave. When she is scared she barely talks. Bio: Her mom and dad took her on a cruise. She definitly didn't expect that she would be brought here. And changed. Her mom and dad died when they crashed and only she survived. Items (optional): A black messenger bag with a painted red heart on it. It holds a flash light, a sketch book and journal, and some markers and pencils. Companion (optional): A pure white kitten named Angel. Other: Bermuda
#56509461Sunday, October 16, 2011 8:24 PM GMT

Bring Up My Post -!! U
#56514581Sunday, October 16, 2011 9:33 PM GMT

#56575196Monday, October 17, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

Cmon pweasie join. LOLXD
#76052906Sunday, August 19, 2012 6:30 PM GMT

#76057954Sunday, August 19, 2012 7:27 PM GMT

Aw I remember this ;3 And... whats a teddy o.O
#76141687Monday, August 20, 2012 6:35 PM GMT

Mah Cs- (For Reference) Name: Crystal Blue Water A.ge: 22 Gender: Female Mythical Race: Mermaid Appearance: A mermaid with extremely wavy blue hair with shells in it, a blue bikini top and a sparkly blue tail. Personality: Mildly Bipolar, her mood can change with yours. She can be extremely hostile, nice, selfless, cruel and any other mood/personality you can think of. Bio: Her father is a green-based merman. Her mother is a purple-based mermaid. She has three other siblings, two sisters and a brother. Her sisters' names are Jessica and Sammy, Jessica being the pink-based one and Sammy being the green-based one. Her brother's name is Logan and he is tan-based. Her life has been pretty simple, fighting with her younger siblings. But then the nuclear subtance has broken out and her life has turned for the worst... Comapanion (optional): D'Brickshaw [Best friend] Other: Blue is her middle name.
#76146745Monday, August 20, 2012 7:41 PM GMT

(for reference... which isn't a bad idea...) cs- Name:Joseph Emmerson (goes by Joe) A.ge:13 Gender:Male Mythical Race:Part bird, part human Appearance:If human: He's about 5'4 and has blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears jeans and a grey t-shirt saying "Get A Life" on it with a picture of a 1-UP mushroom. He also has white wings with light blue feathers here and there. Personality:He's very quiet. That's all I really need to say. Bio: His parents had died months before the cruise started, thus he doesn't talk a lot, as sadness is still consuming him. Items (optional): A pixel camo swiss army knife. Comapanion (optional):None, he's forever alone. Other: Doesnt fancy "bermuda" shorts.
#76147107Monday, August 20, 2012 7:45 PM GMT

Is this an elfpunk roleplay? Jesus Q Christ. Haven't seen that before.
#76149859Monday, August 20, 2012 8:13 PM GMT

Name: Tasha Lamari A.ge: 10 Gender: Female Mythical Race: Centaur Appearance: She has brunnette waves reaching just below her shoulders. Her eyes are grey with a spash of yellow round the pupil. Her skin colour is brown, as is her fur. Her tail is fairly long, reaching just below her knees. She wears a black over the shoulder shirt decorated with stars and a heart in the middle with the words "You light up my universe" in white. She also wears a blue butterfly necklace. Personality: She's usually quite talkative but can get shy at times. She gets scared easily. She's very creative and trys not to get bored. Bio: She was born into a normal family. A mother and a father and two sweet sisters, Nicole and Louise. Her family died on the cruise. She keeps smiling though she's hurting inside. Items (optional): A handbag containing a small brush, her sketch pad and pencil case containing a mixture of stationary. Comapanion (optional): A small chocolate brown bunny called Coco. Other: Bermuda

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