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#57114030Friday, October 28, 2011 8:00 PM GMT

Storyline: Magic always been a part of the universe, but only a few races actually used it. Humanity also always had magic. But never found out. Thousands of y.ears they lived without even knowing a single thing of magic. It is said in the past there were sorcerers, but there never been the proofs. But now in 5315 humanity found out how to use magic, at least some of them. The people that controlled magic went to a special academy to learn how to control. But humanity never done good things, they found a way to let the world behold, that's true, but never they do what their supposen to. Humanity started to battle each other and since then using magic became illegal and might only be used in the academy or when another world war comes. But humanity started to battle underground, illegal battles of magic, without that the world knew a thing of it. As a student of the academy you should not belong there though, but I just wanted to let you know. Well, the academy needs to know your name, who are you? __________________ Cs: First name: Surname: A.ge: (10-65) Gender: Appearance: Biography: Items: Extra: Which form of magic would you like to learn? Healing-Boosting-Fighting-Others _________________ So as a student you must now how the academy looks like, so I'm going to tell that first. The school is a thin building surrounding a large courtyard, the floor of the courdyard is just made out of grey stones, there is one door making you enter the school. There are some benches all over the place and in the middle a small fountain. There is a big gate making you able to come in and go out, but it's never open, no one from the school may go outside. If you enter the school you can go left and right. If you go left you see 7 doors, one of them leading you upstairs, to the right there is just the same. Upstairs everything looks the same, orange bricks a red mat covering the floor and all the same doors. Behind some doors there are classrooms were you study theory, It are big rooms with chairs and tables, two chairs each table, behind others the dormitories. Every door is numbered numbered from 1 to 24 but not all classrooms are used. You can't go upstairs too so making you only be able to visit 12 classrooms. Outside you can practice your magic. There aren't much lessons, only 5 hours a day. 3 Days a week, but you can never leave the school, you always need to stay inside. _________________ Lessons: -Monday 4 hours theory (Learning spells) 1 hour practice (All classes standing on different positions, the courtyard is big enough) -Wednesday 1 hour English 2 hour Maths 1 hours History 1 hour theory (Learing spells) Friday: 3 hours theory (Learn how to focus) 1 hour practice 1 hour English Classrooms: Healers: Number 3 Boosters: Number 4 Fighters: Number 7 Others: Number 11 The dormitories: Girls: Number 5 Boys: Number 6 Punished people: Number 12 _________________ The teachers: Miss. Maiden --Healers She's thin and pretty old, she wears round glasses and has short grey hairs. She has hazel eyes a very big nose and big lips, it's a nice lady. Mister. Prays -- Boosters He has brown short hairs and is very muscular and tall. His eyes are green and he has a big nose and small lips. He looks like he's 21. Miss. Maiden -- Fighters It's the twin sister of the other Miss. Maiden, but she's very strict. Miss. Fierce -- Others She mostly wears a blach coat and cap making her face beeing unable to be seen, she walks bent and is not that big her hands(the only parts you can see) are wrinkled. Principal Ludwig: He's small and is pretty big. He wears sunglasses and has a small nose and big lips. He has grey hairs and mostly smiles with shiny white teeth. _________________ There are also rules you need to folow let us look to them... Rp: 1. Roblox rules 2. No Gmodding/Trolling/... or whatever 3. No Npc's for you... 4. You can have 2 characters. 5. Saying 'it's not in the rules' won't help. 6.You can escape the school and go to the underground battles, but be sure no one notice you. 7. Magic is hard, don't act like a professional. 8. Put Ooc between '()' 9. If there's something you would like to know, just ask. And if I forget something just ask. 10. I say who can use magic without spells. 11. Skipping lessons? Just ask and I'll skip some time... School: 1. Ordinary school rules. 2. Don't leave school. 3. Lights out at 10 o'Clock 4. No fighting _________________ Magic: Mostly magic needs spells, but some people found a way to use magic without spells... Not all can do that... And not everything in magic can be used without spells, spells are very important even for those. Healing: Healing is not much, but is one of the hardest spells, professional healers can even heal disseases, but reviving dead people is impossible. Boosting: Boosting is making yourself or others stronger: Example making yourself run extremely hard, jumping very high, getting very strong,... Fighting: All kinds of magic used in battles.(Also defensive forms) Others: Things that don't fit in the others: Flying, teleporting,... Others also contains a part of all the other magic forms. _________________ I'll also post a character, but mostly I'll be a Npc. I think you understand why... The first week at the school there are no lessons, you can use your magic free, no fighting though.
#57115982Friday, October 28, 2011 8:33 PM GMT

(No one?) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57116220Friday, October 28, 2011 8:37 PM GMT

ummm your grammar is worng repeatadly in the story I read nothing else XD because of that. Um so this is a sci-fi fantasy mash up :D
#57116325Friday, October 28, 2011 8:38 PM GMT

also do we have to be a student? do we have to be human? you mentioned other races...please illaberat
#57116351Friday, October 28, 2011 8:38 PM GMT

(Yeah sorry about the grammar, but I'm not English, maybe I need to make another one and fix the grammar? Yes, kind of.) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57116434Friday, October 28, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

(Other races? Just other living creatures out in space, they have nothing to do with the story. Yes, you are students.) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57116444Friday, October 28, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

#57116480Friday, October 28, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

(Ok I'll do that then.) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57116835Friday, October 28, 2011 8:46 PM GMT

(I have one more thing to say, one umm I don't like everyone being students... I have seen school roleplays like this. They were to strict and serios and died after one page because of lack of freedom and the fact that is basicly a text based rpg on roblox....Some people, sometimes the better rpers, like to have a outlandish character, that is there for some reason and brings a little more action :D Althouggh you seem to have made that imposible D:)
#57117426Friday, October 28, 2011 8:55 PM GMT

(You can control 2 characters, 1 inside, 1 outside?) (Rewrote it like this?) Magic always has been a part of the universe, but only a few races actually used it. Humanity also always possessed magic, but they never found out how to use it. Thousands of y.ears they lived without even knowing a single thing of magic. It is said that in the past there were sorcerers, but there never been the proofs. But now, in 5315, humanity found out how to use magic, at least some of them. The people that controlled magic went to a special academy to learn how to control it. But the humans always do things wrong, always they need to find a way to ruin all the things they find. They also abused magic, they started to fight against each other and since then using magic became illegal and might only be used in the academy or when another war comes, but those who controlled magic couldn’t live without… So they started to fight underground; an illegal fighting club where you fought ‘till dead. If you were lucky the opponent saved you, but that didn’t happen much. As a student of the academy you should not belong there though, but I just wanted to let you know. Well, the academy needs to know your name, who are you? __________________ Cs: First name: Surname: A.ge: (10-65) Gender: Appearance: Biography: Items: Extra: Which form of magic would you like to learn? Healing-Boosting-Fighting-Others _________________ So as a student you must now how the academy looks like, so I'm going to tell that first. The school is a thin building surrounding a large courtyard, the floor of the courtyard is just made out of grey stones, there is one door making you enter the school. There are some benches all over the place and in the middle a small fountain. There is a big gate making you able to come in and go out, but it's never open, no one from the school may go outside. If you enter the school you can go left and right. If you go left you see 7 doors, one of them leading you upstairs, to the right there is just the same. Upstairs everything looks the same, orange bricks a red mat covering the floor and all the same doors. Behind some doors there are classrooms were you study theory, It are big rooms with chairs and tables, two chairs each table, behind others the dormitories. Every door is numbered from 1 to 24 but not all classrooms are used. You can't go upstairs too so making you only be able to visit 12 classrooms. Outside you can practice your magic. There aren't many lessons, only 5 hours a day. 3 Days a week, but you can never leave the school, you always need to stay inside. _________________ Lessons: -Monday 4 hours theory (Learning spells) 1 hour practice (All classes standing on different positions, the courtyard is big enough) -Wednesday 1 hour English 2 hour mathematics 1 hours History 1 hour theory (Learning spells) Friday: 3 hours theory (Learn how to focus) 1 hour practice 1 hour English Classrooms: Healers: Number 3 Boosters: Number 4 Fighters: Number 7 Others: Number 11 The dormitories: Girls: Number 5 Boys: Number 6 Punished people: Number 12 _________________ The teachers: Miss. Maiden --Healers She's thin and pretty old. She wears round glasses and has short grey hairs. She has hazel eyes a very big nose and big lips, it's a nice lady. Mister Prays -- Boosters He has brown short hairs and is very muscular and tall. His eyes are green and he has a big nose and small lips. He looks like he's 21. Miss. Maiden -- Fighters It's the twin sister of the other Miss. Maiden, but she's very strict. Miss. Fierce -- Others She mostly wears a black coat and cap making her face unable to be seen, she walks bent and isn’t that big, her hands (the only bodyparts you can see) are wrinkled. Principal Ludwig: He's small and is pretty big. He wears sunglasses and has a small nose and big lips. He has grey hairs and mostly smiles with shiny white teeth. _________________ There are also rules you need to follow, let’s take a look. Rp: 1. Roblox rules 2. No Gmodding/Trolling/... or whatever 3. No Npc's for you... 4. You can have 2 characters. 5. Saying ' it's not in the rules ' won't help. 6. You can escape the school and go to the underground battles, but be sure no one notice you. 7. Magic is hard, don't act like a professional. 8. Put Ooc between '()' 9. If there's something you would like to know, just ask. And if I forget something just ask. 10. I say who can use magic without spells. 11. Skipping lessons? Just ask and I'll skip some time... School: 1. Ordinary school rules. 2. Don't leave school. 3. Lights out at 10 o’clock 4. No fighting _________________ Magic: Mostly magic needs spells, but some people found a way to use magic without spells... Not all can do that... And not everything in magic can be used without spells, spells are very important even for those. Healing: Healing is not much, but is one of the hardest spells, professional healers can even heal diseases, but reviving dead people is impossible. Boosting: Boosting is making yourself or others stronger: Example making yourself run extremely hard, jumping very high, getting very strong,... Fighting: All kinds of magic used in battles. (Also defensive forms) Others: Things that don't fit in the others: Flying, teleporting,... ‘Others’ also contains a part of all the other magic forms. _________________ I'll also post a character, but mostly I'll be an Npc. I think you understand why... The first week at the school there are no lessons, you can use your magic free, no fighting though. ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57117580Friday, October 28, 2011 8:57 PM GMT

(better better :D but dude when you have a school rp if everyone is a student and does well. What you expect of a school for something then I promise you it will die. I've seen it happen so much. Make a new thread and I'll join, I still want to know about the other races :D)
#57117709Friday, October 28, 2011 8:59 PM GMT

(There's nothing special, creatures like we call 'Aliens', or 'Others' if you look to this from latin XD. Some of them knew how to control magic. There's nothing special about them so. Human isn't smart and only found out later.) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57117894Friday, October 28, 2011 9:03 PM GMT

(Are some of them better then humans?)
#57117960Friday, October 28, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

(What do you understand about 'Better'?) (Also: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=57117827) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57118046Friday, October 28, 2011 9:05 PM GMT

(more powerfull? better at learning it? I am a lore nerd I demand these things >:( )
#57118241Friday, October 28, 2011 9:08 PM GMT

(Yes, there are, human is a very low race. Most of the 'Aliens' are smarter and better at magic. physical characteristics are generally the same, making 'Aliens' not stronger than human. Some of them are weaker then human but these 'Aliens' live too far from Earth to have contact with them.) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57118509Friday, October 28, 2011 9:13 PM GMT

(Weren't you joining?) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57119101Friday, October 28, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

(I am, my character isn't even human :D XD every school needs one of those people XD)

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