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#57126736Friday, October 28, 2011 11:13 PM GMT

Opening statement I am well aware that this thread has left a likelihood of godmodding out there, however I do have a solution for it that is an in thread option (or rather I have several solutions). Also, if a player Vs player fight drags on too long I have a dice system for it. I would also ask you to keep in mind that the option of retreat is usually open and I encourage its use. Year 2877, interstellar travel is common place and humanity has known it is not alone in the galaxy for centuries. Factions have risen up and fallen, countless wars have scarred the galaxy but civilization always remains. However peace of a sort has reigned for the last century with the two great factions, the Terran Union and the Systems' Federation, enduring an uneasy truce with even some trade. Though even with the incredible degree of development there are still many untamed swaths of space within the Milky Way. In these places the law of the jungle still applies. Wildcat miners, high risk traders, explorers, colonists, mercenaries, pirates, privateers, and countless others make their living out there, and almost every last one of them in some way relies interstellar craft. Rules Use common sense Your ship can get destroyed Your crew can get killed Your captain can get killed Do not godmod (if you do I will respond appropriately and with overwhelming force) You do not have and cannot get antimatter or darkmatter weapons. In almost every engagement your ship will be hit multiple times. I will not have a character or a ship, instead I'll be covering many of the NPC factions If you have a question ask it You will be able to purchase more ships later if you have enough credits If you make a new species other players may use it CSs You need to fill out a Ship Cs, a crew CS, and a captain CS. If you want crew members or captains who are not human you need to fill out a Species CS as well. If you want more than one loadout for your crew you must fill out an additional loadout sheet Ship sheet Name: Class: (frigate, trader, corvette, cruiser, carrier, destroyer, battlecruiser, etc.) Hull/armor: Shields: Size of Crew: Number of Marines aboard: Armaments: Size: Appearance: Other: Theme music: (optional) History: (optional) Crew sheet Number in crew: Number of Marines: Crew talents: Crew standard loadout: (what weapons and armor the crew carries) Marine Loadout: (what weapons, armor, and other gear your marines carry) Other: Captain CS Name: @ge: Species: Appearance: Talents: Bio: (may be short) Gear: Additional Loadout sheet Which group: (crew or marines?) Weapons: Armor: Other Gear: Species sheet Name: Appearance: Talents: Biological weapons: Diet: (omnivore, herbivore, carnivore, photovore, chemovore) Brief History: Other:
#57127399Friday, October 28, 2011 11:22 PM GMT

Oh right, I forgot one CS Faction (this is just you overall group, including crew, ships, and Captains) Name: Moto: (optional) Profession: (pirate, trader, explorer, mercenary, etc.) Brief History: Theme Music: Faction colors: (optional) Leader: (if faction's leader is not a captain just use the Captain CS) Other:
#57127498Friday, October 28, 2011 11:23 PM GMT

Theme music?
#57127678Friday, October 28, 2011 11:25 PM GMT

(completely optional. I put it in because I like to know what people imagine playing in the background when their group is in action.)
#57127799Friday, October 28, 2011 11:27 PM GMT

(Alright, but what about proffesion for the faction sheet?)
#57127891Friday, October 28, 2011 11:28 PM GMT

Looks fun I'll probably join as soon as I find some theme music.
#57127950Friday, October 28, 2011 11:29 PM GMT

(What does your faction do mostly, Pirates go after and pray on other ships taking cargo and hostages, explorers well... explore, mercenary corps are groups of hired guns, privateers and government sponsored ships to attack and sieze enemy vessels and cargo. You can come up with any profession that fits really.)
#57128404Friday, October 28, 2011 11:35 PM GMT

(Can you make you're CSs first so I can have a good idea from how to model mine?)
#57128505Friday, October 28, 2011 11:36 PM GMT

(I wasn't going to make a CS but oh well, I guess I'll make one for my Godmodder hunting faction.) (Give me a while.)
#57130046Friday, October 28, 2011 11:59 PM GMT

Ship sheet Name: Vindicator (note, this ship is about as powerful as ships get, it is highly unlikely you will have one this powerful right now) Class: Supercruiser (note, most players will not have access to one.) Hull/armor: average of 6 foot thick ultralloy plating, thicker over vital areas, thinner in some spots. Black ablative coating over reflective surface to foil energy weapons Shields: extremely heavy energy shielding and projectile shielding Size of Crew: 2,684 Number of Marines aboard: 320 Armaments: 420 180mm cannon turrets, 12 forward mounted cruiser to cruiser rail cannons, 520 dual 25mm vulcan cannon turrets, 240 longbolt missile turrets Size: a half mile long and a quarter mile long (to give an idea of scale, a normal trader ship is usually around 100 ft long) Appearance: It looks roughly like the Hyperion out of starcraft (just google starcraft Hyperion) Other: Theme music: E.S Posthumus - Unstoppable History: the ship is one of the largest in service outside of a military. It has been through three generations of the owning familty Crew sheet Number in crew: 3004 Number of Marines: 320 Crew talents: advanced gunnery, damage response, boarding actions Crew standard loadout: VIC 209 combat armor, Ch42 9mm charge pistol, DRX14 light assault rifle Marine Loadout: GHI 12 powered assault armor, DRX9 Autorifle, DPX92 needler pistol, 3 fragmentation grenades, 2 concussion grenades, 1 pulse grenade Other: Captain CS Name: Marcus Jameson @ge: 47 Species: human Appearance: 6'1", imposing figure, black hair, mustache, vindicator uniform Talents: tactics, strategy, marksmanship, inspiration, negotiation Bio: Marcus is the fifth generation of the Jameson line of Mercenaries and pirate hunters Gear: DRX7 battle rifle, DPX103 autoneedler, custom powered assault armor Additional Loadout sheet Which group: Crew (engineers specifically) Weapons: CM 1102-mod combat shotgun, Ch42 charge pistol Armor: VIC 219 engineer's combat armor (has extra radiation shielding) Other Gear: standard tools. Faction (this is just you overall group, including crew, ships, and Captains) Name: Vindicators Moto: five Generations of veterancy and service Profession: Mercenary/pirate hunter Brief History: Originally founded by Alexander Jameson the mercenary corps has remained in service for 5 generations. Theme Music: Two Steps From Hell - Protectors Of The Earth Faction colors: Red and silver Leader: Marcus Jameson Other:
#57130139Saturday, October 29, 2011 12:00 AM GMT

(Note you won't see the vindicators used unless someone godmods. There are multiple ships in their fleet, I was just giving an example in their flagship.)
#57133749Saturday, October 29, 2011 12:48 AM GMT

#57135399Saturday, October 29, 2011 1:13 AM GMT

(What's the smallest ship with combat potential?)
#57136694Saturday, October 29, 2011 1:30 AM GMT

(Combat and interstellar would be a corvette.)
#57139059Saturday, October 29, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

Ship sheet Name: Heart of Midlothian Class: Destroyer Hull/armor: 5 ft Thick Titanium-A Battle Plating. Shields: Heavy Energy Shielding Size of Crew:1,544 Number of Marines aboard: 413 Armaments:White Light Cannon. 50 Starboard Archer Missile Pods, 50 Port Archer Missile Pods, 15 Nuclear Warheads, 100 Turbo-Laser Batteries. Size:half mile long, quarter mile wide in some places Appearance:http://download.halowaypoint.com/content/waypoint/assets/images/2cfdf415438344228f34f71c3494e566/1771555-gallery.png Other: N/A Theme music:Headstrong-Trapt History: N/A Crew sheet Number in crew:1,544 Number of Marines:413 Crew talents:Boarding, Navigation, Conventional Tactics Crew standard loadout: PH-4n "Phantom" Battle Armor, .45 Caliber "Steamer" SMG Marine standard loadout: GH-0S "Ghost" Power Armor, RP-2c CQC Autorifle, .55 Caliber RR-4 Pistol Other: N/A Captain CS Name: Kurt Jackson @ge: 32 Species: Human Appearance: Short messy black hair, greyish stubble, 5'9, lean build, grey eyes. Talents: Tactics, Stealth Bio: A man that was forced directly into the Korran Academy, Kurt quickly became famous as ruthless tactician. Gear: Custom GH-0S "Ghost" Power Armor Additional Loadout sheet Which group: Marines Weapons: GO-4 "Goliath" Grenade Launcher, "Steamer" SMG Armor: GH-0SH Heavy Power Armor Other Gear: Personal Shield Generator Additional Loadout sheet Which group: Marines Weapons: .38 Caliber WSD "Whisper" SMG, RR-4SD Pistol Armor: SG332 Stealth Armor Other Gear: Stealth Generator Belt Species sheet Name: Korran Appearance: Humanoid. All have grey eyes and are around 6 feet. Talents: Stealth Biological weapons: N/A Diet: Omnivore Brief History: A group of former slaves that escaped their masters and slaughtered all the slavers. They found their own star and claimed one of the planets as their homeworld. Other:N/A Faction (this is just you overall group, including crew, ships, and Captains) Name: Korran Liberators Moto: For Valour, For Honor, For Freedom Profession: Mercenaries Brief History: (Mentioned in Species) Theme Music: Headstrong-Trapt Faction colors: Black and Red Leader: Kurt Jackson Other: N/A
#57139608Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:04 AM GMT

#57139729Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

(Can't wait.)
#57140204Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:10 AM GMT

(Yeah, I intend to wait for a few more people to join though. i'll be on some in the coming days.)
#57140688Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:16 AM GMT

#57141284Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:24 AM GMT

(I'm a rogue. No factions for me :3) Ship sheet Name: UMA Ignis Class: Light Frigate Hull/armor: MAR-1 Stelton Anti-Blast Armour, MAA-1 Argos Anti-Pulse Armour Shields: SARN-2 Aquos Ray-Shielding Size of Crew: 40 Crewmen, 10 Engineers, 10 Officers. Number of Marines aboard: 20 Marines Armaments: 2 ALS-2 Rocketpods, WAM-X Anti-Missle Battery, 10 ASTT-1 Laser Batteries Size: Not good with this. Think a UNSC Frigate from Halo. Appearance: Will post a decal in a second. Crew sheet Number in crew: 60 people Number of Marines: 20 people Crew talents: Good engineers, allowing the ship to be repaired faster. Crew standard loadout: Regular crew : A-X2 Laser Pistol, Officers : R-G1 Automatic Laser Pistol, AM-XAR Personal Shield Prototype Marine Loadout: ARM-9 Laser Rifle, A-X2 Laser Pistol, 2 G-1 Incindiery Grenades Captain CS Name: Garen Aldinn @ge: 34 Species: Human Appearance: Will post a decal in a second Talents: Is a veteran ship commander, giving him experience with spacecraft. Bio: Garen Aldinn was born on the planet Vatonin Prime. At 18 he joined the Vatonin Solar Acadamy. He graduated at 20, and was given command of his first ship at 28. He recently turned rogue after an incident where he accidentally ordered his crew to fire on a friendly ship. Gear: R-G1 Automatic Laser Pistol, AM-C7 Advanced Personal Shield
#57141486Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:26 AM GMT

Ship sheet Name: Yverth Class: Corvette. Hull/armor: Light steel reinforcement plates. Shields: Weak energy field. Size of Crew: 107. Number of Marines aboard: 45. Armaments: Light piercing rounds in side-mounted turrets, four on each side. Size: Small. Appearance: Long and slim, with mounted turrets and balancing extra 'limbs.' Other: Theme music: (optional) History: (optional) Crew sheet Number in crew: 107. Number of Marines: 45. Crew talents: Basic (but bad) combat skills, Above-average repair and salvaging skills. Crew standard loadout: Light armaments with light protection. Marine Loadout: Slightly large armaments, and heavy protective armor with cargo-carrying apparati on the back. Other: Captain CS Name: Tierith Verathel @ge: 26 Species: Human. Appearance: Average height (Around 5' 9") usually wearing a soldier's armor with an undershirt and brown pants underneath. She has a metallic leg with visible wiring. Her hair is brown and goes down to about her shoulders, tied back in a ponytail. She has very pale skin. Talents: Ship maneuvering, basic combat skills. Bio: A former soldier in the cause against piracy, she herself is now a pirate, and the leader of a small faction, the Nerith blades. In one battle, her leg was wounded to the extent that it had to be removed, and as a result it now has been replaced by a robotic equivilent. Gear: Basic mercenary gear, with cheap gun. No gear for extra weight carrying. Faction (this is just you overall group, including crew, ships, and Captains) Name: Nerith blades Moto: N/A Profession: Pirate Brief History: Founded recently, mainly consisting the former prisoners of an abandoned prisoner transport deserted due to bombarment from an opposing faction's battleship. Mostly performs small raids on less defended trading vessels. Theme Music: Faction colors: (optional) Leader: (if faction's leader is not a captain just use the Captain CS) Other:
#57141961Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:33 AM GMT

(Mah ship http://www.roblox.com/ship2-item?id=60864411) (Can't find a good picture on google for the captain, so just google "halo captain keyes".)
#57142501Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

(Faction may be confined to a single ship, it basically means what the organization you're playing is.)
#57142629Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:42 AM GMT

(Both accepted anyhow)
#57143338Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

Ship sheet Name: The Butterstick Class: Trader Hull/Armor: 1 foot of standard ship-armor quality steel Shields: Low-Powered Hexagonal Shielding, with an orange hue Size of Crew: 20 Number of Militia aboard: 30 Armaments: Forward-Facing Chimera-2 Turret, Backward-Facing Nomad-7 Turret Size: Rather small, with cramped quarters, and lots of cargo space. Appearance: True to its name, it's shaped like a rectangular box, much like a stick of butter. It is ugly, and has two thrusters at the back end, with the pilot's area visible at the front. It's painted a dull grey color. Theme music: See Faction History: The Butterstick is the only ship in the Davison and Company faction, and serves as the only source of revenue for the company. They often transport cheap goods. Crew sheet Number of Crew: 20 Number of Militia: 30 Crew Talents: Anti-Boarding Tactics Crew Loadout: Barrilus Inc. Bulldog Rifle Militia Loadout: Starr Corp. Personal Protection Vest, Barrilus Inc. Frag Rifle Other: The Militia are more combat-centered than the Crew, but operate the ship as well. Faction Name: Davison and Company Motto: None. We're not famous enough for that. Profession: Trader Brief History: Davison and Company is a rather new player to the hustle and bustle of the space-trading life. They currently ferry cheap goods from station to station for a modest price, considering the amount of armed men they have on the ship. They often travel in a large convoy of minor traders for safety. Theme Music: Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots - Rockets Faction colors: Orange Leader: Davison, who resides on different places according to business deals.

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