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#57475749Friday, November 04, 2011 6:23 PM GMT

(Ohai. Well, I was looking through some old stuff, and I found this.. It could have been successful, but I was busy with stuff. So.. I'mma try again.) You, me, and twenty-two other wimps who cry over a dead fly. This game I play, this horrific, but yet satisfying game. A fight to the death, some might say. Outside, the woods, death traps everywhere. I am the hunter, you are the prey. We will be housed by a huge outdoor arena, somewhere deep in a forest. The perimeter of the arena is just a small barbwire fence. Step over it, and have fun finding two broadswords lodged into both sides of your neck. Before this whole party, I'll invite you to a nice, home-cooked dinner, and let you sleep soundly in one of the cabins I have on my property. Then, early in the mornin', I'll give you a backpack, and you'll be up and runnin' for your life. Shadow, my beloved draft horse who'll squash ya like a bug, and I will be huntin' ya down with our best huntin' gear. Be ready. We're out to get ya. The last person alive will become my apprentice, and someday take over this wonderful business. Oh, by the way, the name's Artemis. Just so you know who's killin' ya when my sword buries itself within your heart. .:Rules:. Admins will earn their powers by being a good roleplayer, following these rules, and obeying me. No trolling, ubering, GModding, etc. etc. Put "Inferni" in the middle of your CS if you read these. PM me for any questions. WAIT to be accepted. I will add more if needed. .::::::::. CS: (Pm me this, and I will fill out the Backpack part, send it back, and you'll post it here.) N.ame: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Backpack: Personality: Short History: Skills: (This is somewhat based off of the Hunger Games.) (To start, at least two people need to be accepted.)
#57476209Friday, November 04, 2011 6:38 PM GMT

(So.. No one?)
#57476237Friday, November 04, 2011 6:39 PM GMT

( Barely anyone is on. :/ Wait for 2 or 3 hours. )
#57479628Friday, November 04, 2011 8:05 PM GMT

(I made a thread quite similar to this some time ago. It had a few other details though. I might join, but I'm having a bit of writers block right now.)
#57480122Friday, November 04, 2011 8:14 PM GMT

(Oh? What was the thread called?)
#57534959Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:01 PM GMT

#57535152Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:04 PM GMT

J'll join, but later.
#57535319Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:07 PM GMT

#57535580Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

I might join after someone else does.
#57536092Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:21 PM GMT

N.ame: Artemis Mackey. A.ge: 29. Gender: Female. Appearance: Artemis has jet-black hair, that reaches the middle of her back. On the right side, there is a large white streak through it. The tips are also white. Her feathered bangs hang over her right eye. Her eyes are a dark, but unusually bright, green. She stands at 6'3". She has pale skin, with many scars and imperfections.. Her lips are slightly pink, with perfect white teeth underneath. She has an hourglass figure, giving her a graceful look. A long, ropey scar runs along her face, from her ear to the corner of her mouth. Artemis wears a tight-fitting black t-shirt, along with dark, bloodied, ripped-up jeans. She has black Vans that are caked with mud, blood, etc. Over everything, she wears a black cloak and cowl, both as black as the midnight sky. She wears no armor/body protection at all. Weapons: A black longbow made of yew wood. 24 black-shafted arrows with gray/black feathers. Three wickedly curved knives, and a broadsword. Personality: A ruthless murderer. She's very quiet, stealthy, mischievous. She's very ill-tempered, and will kill someone without a thought on the matter. Short History: Hm.. TBR. Skills: Archery, swordsmanship, horsemanship, stealth.
#57541474Saturday, November 05, 2011 7:54 PM GMT

N.ame: Nathan Joslet A.ge: 17 Gender: M Appearance: Nathan stands at 5'8 with soft black hair that is dyed lime green on the bangs. On the back of hos head his hair goes to about the middle of his neck. On this sides it covers the top of his ears. He has greenish-blue eyes kind of like the water that washes up as tide on the beach. He has white teeth that are almost perfectly straight. He has more of a round face and a medium sized, boney nose. He is strong but not as strong as he could be. He is skinny but he isn't bone thin. His legs are stonger than others so he can run faster than some people. nathan wears black basketball shoes that, when wet, are very hard to run in. He has on blue jeans and a red T-shirt and over that a gray and black under armor sweat shirt. Backpack: An empty canteen for water, a small knife, a white bandage. Personality: He can be mean but nice if he wants to be (not very often...). He won't kill in cold blood but he will if he has to. He won't listen to peoples pleads for help or excuses. Short History: TBR Skills: Close combat, archery, stealth, throwing knifes

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