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#57478140Friday, November 04, 2011 7:29 PM GMT

The date you when you have your birthday will determine the first word The date you joined roblox will be the second word 1=Sna 2=Blo 3=Ki 4=Pa 5=Vo 6=Du 7=Slo 8=No 9=Flo 10=Snu 11=Bla 12=Ko 13=Tro 14=He 15=Chi 16=Gro 17=Re 18=Pa 19=Stra 20=Cho 21=Me 22=Mu 23=Demo 24=Ja 25=Wi 26=Vo 27=Uni 28=Flu 29=Ma 30=Jo 31=Vi January = ck February = nny March = ll April = ral May = zil June = nk July = tage August = kid Spetember = man October = nim November = mp December = ban Renim Chomp is my random name Paban Wiman is my brothers name
#57478578Friday, November 04, 2011 7:38 PM GMT

Chill Duck Mutage Flutage Lol. I found them.
#57478673Friday, November 04, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

Muck Duck lol

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