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#57514397Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:05 AM GMT

You and a handfull of people have been dropped off at some random location, givin' maps, and told how long you have. To show you actually read this, say The Truth. The breifing will contuie. You are in a cargo train going away from your destination. Your in America, your destination is Augusta Maine, and you are currently 15 miles from L.A. You have to get to the destination in under 48 hours, or you will be killed. Certain traps are set up too, for example, the next train in the destination, could blow up. I wish you all best of luck. Remeber, you make it, you survive, you don't your killed. Does it sound fair? Good, then, it BEGINS! CS: N@me: @ge: Personallity: Apperance: Other: Bio: Items:(You can only have 1 item, and be realistic about it, not some super lazer or something stupid like that.) Rules --------- No "I found a way to beat the system" you get there, or die. There is a third opion, but, you have to be wise enough to know when to grab it. Romance at ur own risk((Eh, not like you will anyways, but that's if you want to.)) There is an age range, 16-50 You can kill fellow RPer's but, no one shot kills/impossible to fight backs on the first hit. I will decide Admins, they get special INFO, who doesn't want that? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break any of these rules, you get a strike, break any of them again, you get another strike and I will give you a warning, third one, your out of here, I don't wanna see you in my post again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#57514924Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:28 AM GMT

N@me:Jackie Ronald Johnson @ge:27 Personallity:Is a little kind,makes rude comments without thinking about what Jackie says. Could be considered a scoundrel by some, is shady about anything that could reveal his past. Apperance:Blond hair tied in a pony tail and the tip of his hair is just below his neck. He has Albino white skin, peircing baby blue eyes, is about 5'11 and weighs about 169 pounds, is rather on the skinny side with a few muscles on his body. Wears a pair of long, black jeans. Wears black nike shoes. Wears a black t-shirt witha few sizes too big brown trench coat that streches down to my knees. I have a tatoo on my face this says, "Belive" Other:Carries around a gold ring, for his wife, who di-ed of a strange disease. Bio:Jackie has a shady past, he was a modern day assassin. That's we he says. He would "Disspatch anyone he needed to, without remorse, or hesitation. Jackie came to be in this after messing with a powerful man who wants revenge on Jackie, and wants him to see everyone else die, then him, just so he can see every last one of those faces and be reminded, it was him who did this. Items:Jacky only carries his de@d wive's ring

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