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#57639205Monday, November 07, 2011 3:02 AM GMT

"Dear Reader, We are children, very similar to orphans. Except, we never lost our parents. Rather than them leaving us, we left them. We ran away. My parents had gotten under my skin. I was distressed! So I ran. I ran for days. I slept in garbage cans, under bridges, and by rivers. Nothing seemed to prick my interest- Then I met him. Yes, I met Gabe- Except, he prefers to be called 'Agnar'. He's given us all nicknames, for instance- There's Teresa, whose nickname is Lora. And there's also Matthew, whose nickname is Ospar. Then there's me, Jasper, whose nickname is Guster. You will most likely receive a nickname, aswell. Hope for the best! I'm sending you this letter to invite you to come live with us- That is, if you can no longer stand your parents. They can get really annoying, right? Anyways, we're a miniature family. There's several of us. We care for eachother. To find us, come to the abandoned theater on Hemsburg Avenue. You'll find Tret and Freg guarding the doors. Just tell them you wanna talk with Agnar- Trust me, they'll accept. We steal. Our modo is 'Hunt for the best, leave the rest', meaning, we only take the good stuff. Yep. Sometimes we'll take some rather dull and random items, if we've got the time and if we're in the mood. We are sneaky. We are crafty. We are devious. Reader, we are thieves. The Thief Artists. Sincerely, Guster the Gut Buster. Hope to see you soon!~" ___________________________________________________________________________ You've received this letter. What will your next move be? Will you pack up and leave, or will you toss the letter away? Toss it away, and they won't accept you into the group. If you intend on joining, you'll need to show them the letter. Once you make a choice, there's no changing it. No, if you choose to leave, you can't go back. I wish you luck- ...Oh, by the way. If you leave, you'll need to be rather crafty and sneaky around town. An investigator is searching for you. If you're not careful, you may get caught. Trust me, once you're caught, it won't blow over that easily. Stay concealed in the crowds, the shadows- Anything! Just don't get caught. Good luck, and stay safe! ___________________________________________________________________________ ~Rules~ -No godmodding -No trolling/flaming/critisizing [Care to insult my RP? PM me.] -Be respectful, please -Story mode only! [Ex: I stealthily creeped around the building.] -PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME IN EVERY POST! [Ex: Bob I stealthily creeped around the building.] -Include 'The Thief Artist' in your CS -If you KNOW you're not going to be engaged in this RP, please don't join. -GRAMMAR PLEASE. Thanks. :3 -The RP will freeze whenever I leave -Obey any admins [If I choose any] -Admins [If Any]: You may kick, accept, or decline. But I can reconsider your choices. -You will start out living your average life. -You may ONLY have 1 NPC [I don't mind mothers/fathers. They won't be mentioned much. But I'm referring to brothers/sisters who come with you.] -I am in control of the following: ● Investigator Clarke ● Gabe/Agnar [Leader of the Thief Artists] ● Teresa/Lora [Thief Artist] ● Matthew/Ospar [Thief Artist] ● Luther/Freg [Guard/Thief Artist] ● Martin/Tret [Guard/Thief Artist] ● Jasper/Guster [Messager/Thief Artist] __________________________________________________________________________ -Character Sheet- Name: [Nicknames will be given out during the RP] A.ge: [10-15] Gender: Personality: Appearance: Why did you leave?: [This is basically your biography. All I care about is why you left. You don't have to mention anything else, if you don't want to.] Relationships: [Truthfully, this is only to extend the CS, because I felt that the CS was too short. :P This is also optional.] Other:
#57639524Monday, November 07, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

#57639878Monday, November 07, 2011 3:14 AM GMT

Blah. Every RP I join has this rule: -If you KNOW you're not going to be engaged in this RP, please don't join I can't rolplay 7 hours from Monday-Friday. SOOOOO
#57639969Monday, November 07, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

(Well, I don't mean every minute of every day. Some people will drop out within the first five pages, which irritates me terribly, because if they were important in the RP, the RP is disrupted in their absence and will eventually die.)
#57640353Monday, November 07, 2011 3:23 AM GMT

(Erp, ok.)
#57641450Monday, November 07, 2011 3:42 AM GMT

Name: Michelle Obama @ge: Male Bio: Once had a b0n3r Personality: Plays an hour a day Appearance: Black Race(Human, Dragon, Vampire, Werewolf, Etc.): Dolphin Special abilities(Powers:Ice,Water, Telepathic, Etc.) Playing an hour a day and eating healthy
#57641692Monday, November 07, 2011 3:47 AM GMT

(lol, it happened again! Anyways, Hold on let me make my C.S.)
#57642357Monday, November 07, 2011 4:00 AM GMT

Name: Vlad A.ge: 15 Gender:Male Personality: All over the place. Appearance: a 6'8" pale skin man of Siberian Decent, he has blue eyes with a scar over the left one as well as a soul patch beard and short brown hair. He has a medium build and some muscles. Often seen wearing a White t-shirt, sunglasses,camo pants and boots; Now adays he wears a black cloak as well to cover up his apperance. Why did you leave?: Left because his parrents didn't care much about him anymore and since he studied Russian things, they called him a "Commie" ever day atleast once, so he got fed up and left. Relationships: N/A Other: the theif artist
#57642485Monday, November 07, 2011 4:02 AM GMT

A.ge: [10-15] 13 Gender:Male Personality:Is rather rebellious. Hates to be givin' orders. Is rather nice when he wants to be. Is easy to irritate. Hates anyone who has a big ego. Is rather hard to read emotions. Appearance: Is rather short, and quite skinny. Actual height is about 5'5 and a half. Has pony tail with have of my hair two inches past my neck the rest, 4 inches past my neck. My hair is is light blond. Is pale white, and wears complete black to help my get away. I wear a black jacket, over a black t-shirt. The jacket is zipped up and the envolope is in my right pocket of my jacket. The hood on my jacket is up. My jeans are black and my shoes were normally blue but know, thanks to a sharpie. is jet black. Why did you leave?: I always had problems with my parents, but the biggest problem was when my parents got so angry with me that I didn't cut my hair, so after one big argument, my dad held my down as my began cutting my hair, I head bunted my father, and then, using this window of escape, went straight up stares put my shoes on, planning to leave earlier, but using my plan now, I jump out of my window onto a tree. And then, I continued on my escape.. (Gotta ask my character if you want to know this and more though.) Relationships: Has no real friends do to my personality. Hates my parents, and I hate more people I meet too. Other: I carry a small swiss army knife. It has a few offers, due to the fact it is the cheapest of all you can buy. The swiss army knife is red and the paint is chipped slightly, revealing some rusted metal. N@me:Jackie Ronald Smith
#57642530Monday, November 07, 2011 4:03 AM GMT

Forgot to add this: Theif Artist(s)
#57642779Monday, November 07, 2011 4:08 AM GMT

('Nother, great thread. Joining.)
#57643588Monday, November 07, 2011 4:26 AM GMT

-Character Sheet- Name: Ceron (Seer-ron) Balsan (Bowl-san) A.ge: [10-15] 12 Gender: M Personality: Ceron is kind of that risk taker, always inquisitive on the most outrageous decisions, Ceron, was, however, raised under his expectant parents, who usually scowls at him for not achieving the top grade, which drove him into depression, and so he rarely interacts with anyone BUT his parents, taking his social skills down. However, if someone does appear to be Ceron's friend, he will be a friendly, loyal companion. Appearance: Ceron has unnaturally messy hair, as though he just finished wrestling himself, his hair expands out to just pass his ears and it reaches down to about his nose. His eyes are baby-like, fitting his curious manner. His skin has the tone as if he rarely entered out, resulting into a pale manner. He wears a long-sleeved, sky blue shirt with the print of a raccoon on it. Above it, he wears a sand golden jacket with thin strips of white going everywhere on his jacket. He has dark, navy blue trackpants reaching his ankle. He wears white, plain socks with a pair of white and blue trainers. Why did you leave?: Ceron was brutally treated by his parents, who refuse to help him more than feed him and give him a room. The only reason his father and mother kept him because he was hard working at his job at this father's factory as a assistant, guiding those who wish to buy products or speaking about the factory. Ceron eventually gave up at life, until he received his letter. Relationships: [Truthfully, this is only to extend the CS, because I felt that the CS was too short. :P This is also optional.] Other: 'The Thief Artist.'
#57660101Monday, November 07, 2011 8:55 PM GMT

(Both accepted. :3)
#57663851Monday, November 07, 2011 10:04 PM GMT

(so um... when can we start/how many people do we still need?)
#57664069Monday, November 07, 2011 10:07 PM GMT

( I quit because I had trouble with home-school. .-. Can I copy & Paste my old CS? :D )
#57664521Monday, November 07, 2011 10:15 PM GMT

Ceron My father's howling anger from his favourite team's loss of soccer rang from the living room, I was sitting cross legged on my flat bed, attempting to shut out all the noise. A letter laid in my hand, describing a brotherhood. I smiled, but I did not know if this is a true letter or a kidnapping exercise.
#57664599Monday, November 07, 2011 10:17 PM GMT

(Class is starting soon - I'm at school Don't bother waiting for me if I drop out.)
#57664661Monday, November 07, 2011 10:18 PM GMT

(Yes, you may begin... Let me go dig out the other CS. <.< @Scuba, Alright. :P)
#57664708Monday, November 07, 2011 10:19 PM GMT

#57664793Monday, November 07, 2011 10:21 PM GMT

(Bell just rang, bye =/)
#57664852Monday, November 07, 2011 10:22 PM GMT

( Found it. o3o Sorry it's so short compared to what I make now, that was when I was still terrible and fr00by. ) Name: Cyrus. A.ge: 12 Gender:M Personality: He is terribly shy, and very skiddish. He will jump at his own shadow. Appearance: Cyrus is around 5'5 - 5'7, his hair is a sleek white. The young child has a torn black tee shirt, and beige cargo shorts. He is very tan, and Cyrus' eyes are a cat-like green. Why did you leave?: His dad only thought of his brothers'. All his art, and writing rewards were nothing to his dad. Cyrus' mom passed away, and his 2 brothers and father gave no sympathy. He simply ran away, because of his hatrid of his family. Other : He brought a picture of his mom with him. .-.
#57664952Monday, November 07, 2011 10:24 PM GMT

(Accepted. ;P) Name: Jasper C. Correst [Nickname- Guster {I'm already a part of the Thief Artists :P}] A.ge: 14 Gender: Male Personality: Jasper is a rather crafty, and sneaky boy. He's very assiduous, mindful, and wary. He's learned to restrain from living with an adult, and show them no respect. He will steal from them without hesitation. He is only thoughtful of his family- The Thief Artists. He is sure to care for the younger ones, and respect his leader Agnas. He is also very deceitful and cunning towards adults. Appearance: Jasper has thick, jet black hair that hangs straight, cut around the ears and cut above the neck. He has fairly dark skin. He stands at a height of 5' 4". He has soft, green eyes that comfort the younger Thief Artists. He usually wears a thick, crimson red jacket and jeans he took with him when running from home. He also wears the same muddy, torn sneakers he stole from a shoe store several years back. His eyebrows are thin, matching his hair color. He's not very buff. Why did you leave?: Jasper left because of his parents' break up. He lived with his careless, stuck-up father who never bothered feeding him any decent meals, or throwing him any birthday parties. As for his mother, she refused to take in Jasper; she was afraid he'd wind up like his father. He was irritated at his mother's lack of common sense and maturity, so he left. Only his mother noticed his dissapearance, and put effort into searching for him by hiring Investigator Clarke. (Let's just hope this RP doesn't blow up like the last one. >.<)
#57665177Monday, November 07, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

Jackie I look at the opened letter in my hands, I know what I'm going to do, I'm gonna go, tonight. This is too good to be true. But hey, it's that, or here. I would take whatever this road has for me any day of the week. I begin packing up for it all, putting the letter into my jacket pocket, I put on my jacket, zip it. I go down stairs to go grab some food, I had a really bad argument with my parents earlier about getting my hair cut, they almost did it, I had locked my door, this time, they weren't kidding.
#57665303Monday, November 07, 2011 10:30 PM GMT

●тнιєƒ αятιѕтѕ● A.ge: 14 Gender:Female Personality:Emo/Gothic. She likes scary movies. Although she looks evil, she isnt a bit mean or horrible. Appearance:Black hair in a small behive or flowing down past her waist with red highlights. Wears short-ish leather skirts but when with The Theif Artists she wears skinny denim jeans with pink or white tops. (Unusual for a goth) She wears sneakers or trainers in white, pink or blue. Why did you leave?:Her mom, Riannan, kept nagging at her about "that slap on her face" because she wears loads of makeup. She wants to get away from her mum and change her appearance a little bit. Relationships:No relationships. She didnt like the boys at high school.
#57665329Monday, November 07, 2011 10:31 PM GMT

Name: Johnathan Flint (Can my nickname just be Flint?) A.ge: 14 Gender: Male Personality: I'd rather say To Be Revealed, but eh. Johnathan is sly and cunning, but kindly and mischievious. Appearance: Give me a second with this, I can find a decal. Why did you leave?: Johnathan came from a family of five kids. He is the youngest, and was bullied by his siblings. His parents rarely acknowledged his existence, he hasn't figured out why. He ran away on his fourteenth birthday. (Which no one celebrated, by the way) Relationships: Ummm. If you mean lurv, nothing yet. If you mean friends and family, I'll list some. Other: The Thief Artists.

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