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#57728285Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:34 AM GMT

Boom! Crack! Thunder filled the skys as the rain pitter pattered on the ground. The Nords had always had a bad reputation against Swadia, mostly because of Swadia taking the Nords land. But now the Nords wanted revenge. You are Eoin (O-win) General of the Khergit garrison. The Nords are attacking Khergit, the Swadian capital. If this falls, Swadia falls. You have roughly 1,000 men to your disposal. The Nords brought about 1,500. Reinforcement will arrive from the Vaegirs at Sunrise. Thud Thud Thud Thud. The gear of the pursuing Nords clanged and made a dinging sound. The Nordish general, Dunlam, Ordered the frontline to bring the ladders to the gates. The Nordic arhers began to fire upon Khergit's Stone wall. The Swadian archers were no more than peasentry, or children. The archers fired back with all there power. And Thus, a seige began.
#57728365Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:35 AM GMT

Chapter 2 tomorrow!
#57728516Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:37 AM GMT

Also post how you like it.
#57728636Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:38 AM GMT

First to post gets a spot in tomorrows chapter.
#57728734Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

#57729168Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

Chapter: The Death of hope As the archers fired, the Khergit morale was flip-flopping. The will to fight was very low. Until, someone rode over the hillls carrying a banner colored Orange. You look and see that hope is back. Cocacola8 and his band of mercenaries are here to help! The peasent archer were firing steady once more. The ladders had reached the walls and the peasents grabbed anything they could as a weapon - rocks, sticks, planks. As the Nordish infantry climbed the wall a large flaming rock was lunged from behind the nordic army. The nords had catapults! one hit the wall, fortunatley perishing a few of the nordic ingantry, but killing many peasents and leaving a hole in the wall. Cocacola8 and his band of mercenaries defended the gap in the wall, and were doing well until the other catapult fired. The projectile hit the side of the mercenaries, killing roughly 20. The mercenaries will to fight was low, and turned to the nordic banner.
#57737300Wednesday, November 09, 2011 7:18 AM GMT


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