#5903267Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:00 PM GMT

Tha Masteh Egg of IKILLYA!!! It runs around really really fast shooting people until someone kills it. Then u pick it up! (the egg yells out stuff like YOU DIE NOW or DEATH or I R DA PWNZOR etc)
#5905025Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:06 PM GMT

Mommy Egg of Lost Children This egg is a bit bigger than the others. To get it, touch it. Then it teleports you to a small baseplate with little rocks, trees, and hills. A message box will pop up and say, "Help, I've lost my children! Please help me find them in this little feild!" And then you search for her children. (Little versions of the egg.) There are 2 hidden spots. They are easy to find though, one is under a rock, and the other is in a bunny hole. The rest of them are either out in the feild, or in a tree, or behind a rock or that sort. Find them all to teleport back to the Mother Egg. A message box pops up and says, "Thank you very much! Now I have all my children!" And then she is added to your inventory. When you wear this egg, she has her children stacked on her. Criminal Egg of Crime This egg is black and wears a Robber Hat on top. Touch it, and it teleports you to a small bank. There the egg is sticking up the bank. It automaticly gives you a punch tool. Punch the egg to stop the robbery and revieve the egg. Picture Egg of Paintings This egg's design is a frame with a picture of Builderman on it. When touched, it generates 3 picutures, and each one is a picture of a mod. They are Clockwork, Telamon, and Builderman. (They are always different, it just picks 3 random mods.) The egg hides behind one and then won't let you look behind the pictures. Click the one it hid behind to recieve it. Cow Egg of Moo This egg's design is black and white spots, like a cow. When touched, it generates 3 farm animals. Sheep, cow, chicken, pig, and rooster. (In that order.) Click the cow to recieve this egg. That's part 5 of my Cool Egg Series, hope you liked it! :D
#5905666Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:30 PM GMT

heres some the builders club egg an the builders club hard hat as an egg only builders club gets it too....the moon egg the moon as an egg.....and last but not least the the void egg the void star as an egg but with the gem and spikes on top
#5906864Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:10 AM GMT

D'oh, my Cow Egg of Moo generates 5 farm animals, not 3. TYPO! XD
#5907527Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:29 AM GMT

i thought of one the golden egg of hid and seek aand it could be solid gold!
#5910525Thursday, February 26, 2009 1:55 AM GMT

mark they already made a gold egg last easter called the golden egg of kings
#5910851Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:04 AM GMT

Da weirdo egg of noobie! It starts saying "IR DA PWNZOR" and ?HAXXXORZZ IZ ME!" and "I BLOXXED YUH" and other nooby things. while it runs off the baseplate. Get it before it falls off!!!
#5911224Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:16 AM GMT

so many ideas... you ppl have great idea minds! :D
#5911283Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:18 AM GMT

I thought of some. The Crazy Egg of Conveyor: Tthis egg is at the end of a complex system of conveyor belts. The Killer Egg of Bloxxing: This egg has a gun and you need to find a way to kill it and you get the egg. NOTE: When you wear this, you have a gun nozzle coming out of the front of the egg. BIG egg of flying: This egg is BIG and you need to destroy a plane with a plane to get it. The Snowy egg of Mountains: You climb Mt.Roblox and at the top you win the egg. The egg of FAR OFF: You need to fly VERY close to the edge of the skybox and you win the egg.
#5921527Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:18 PM GMT

Aggrivational Egg of Fail: Kind Egg of Sharing that has reversed gravity and flies upwards. GAAAH!!!! SO HARD!!! -=-=- No Egg of Nonexistance: Prank Egg. (egg that they make, but it doesn't appear) -=-=- Break the Egg of Armor: Shoot it with an official weapon (Sword, Rocket, Slingshot, etc. Bomb doesn't count(Doesn't shoot)) 5 times and it turns from a reflectance=0.33 grey egg to an armor textured one. -=-=- The Egg: Twice as large than normal egg. It only appears once in any place, and has the same texture as a Chicken Egg of Normal (plain white). Cannot be grabbed, so it's a just for fun egg =) -=-=- Chicken Egg of Normal: Comes out of a chicken, then you grab it. It's just a plain white egg. -=-=- Chicken: A funny meshed chicken that appears like any egg, but you can't collect it. Instead, kick it around (walk on it) and it'll turn redder and redder. When it's completely Vertex Color red, then it turns normal and a Chicken Egg of Normal appears. Then you can kick it more for more eggs. Only 3 can appear in any place at any time. Lolt, that Mommy Egg sounds like a fun idea =) !
#5925085Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:40 PM GMT

Thanks! Music Egg of Boombox This egg's design is black, with a handle and speakers on it's sides. To get it, touch it. Then a message box pops up and says, "What should we do now?" and you have to say, "DANCE!", and it is added to your inventory. I have Egg Creators Block. I can't think. >_<
#5925534Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:01 PM GMT

I just came up with another egg, the musical egg of rickroll. It falls from the sky and plays rickroll music and then when it drops to the ground a red button and a blue button appears. You gotta press the correct button that will stop the rickroll music, and if you do, you get the egg.If you press the wrong button, the rickroll music will stop but the egg will explode.
#5925555Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:02 PM GMT

Eh, I got nothing lemme think. The colorful egg of paintball It would be raining them at Ultimate Paintball.
#5925676Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:07 PM GMT

ya. the one you find at the top of mt. roblox is also good.
#5926199Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:28 PM GMT

Uh....Hm....Uh...Grrrrr..... Letter Egg of Learning This egg's design is a bunch of letters. To get it, touch it. A message box appears. It says a random letter, A-Y. When it says a letter, say the letter that comes after it in the alphabet. If it says Y, say Z. So on. Secret Egg of FBI This egg wears sunglasses, a tuxedo, and an earpeice. To get it, touch it and say, "The president needs you in my inventory." and you recieve him. Space Egg of Starships This egg is green and wears the antenae. A large green egg flies over the base plate, a bunch of these fall, and it flies away. They are peaceful, and ask you one question when touched. Question: Is ROBLOX awesome? Your answer: Yes. Then you recieve the egg. Um.....uh.....Hm.....Aw man.... CRUD! CAN'T! THIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK!
#5926444Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:37 PM GMT

The Magic Egg of Genies- The egg simply floats on a magic carpet until you can get it that is.
#5926606Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:43 PM GMT

Lion Egg of The Wild- This egg has a Lion's mane and is bright yellow. When touched, it creates a jungle. Dodge the monkey's black bricks ( Guess what it is...), jump over the bottomless pits, and Bloxx the Egg itself with only a sword to get it. Elecronic Egg of Computer- Is a grey egg with a picture of a computer on it. When touched, you go in a 2D game against 3 CPU- Controled Robloxians. You have Rocket Launcher, Sword, Bomb, Slingshot, Superball, and Trowel. Bloxx all 3 others to win! If you get Bloxxed, you have a choice to quit or try again. Beat all 3 to get the Egg! P.S, all the bricks are anchored, so you won't be able to bomb the place down.
#5946026Friday, February 27, 2009 8:08 PM GMT

The obby egg of ima noob! If the egg is touched, it spawns a generic obby course. Once you get through it, it spawnkills you until you say "IM GONNA REPORT YOU EGG" And then it stops. Nowpick it up! Like it??? ;=)
#5946116Friday, February 27, 2009 8:13 PM GMT

wierd idea there dragnite
#5946631Friday, February 27, 2009 8:36 PM GMT

Wierd indeed. :D Hmmm.....STILL have Egg Creators Block. >.<
#5948088Friday, February 27, 2009 9:34 PM GMT

Factory Egg of Brick Making- This Egg has an appearance of bricks all over it with a wrench. When touched, it makes a big factory. A converyor belt goes all around the factory. Tons of Eggs are on it, but only ONE is the Factory Egg of Brick Making. Click it while it's on the conveyor belt to get it. Masked Egg of Fall- This Egg has a picture of a Jack-O-Lantern on it. Touch it and it creates a graveyard and you get a shotgun. 15 Zombies appear, and you must kill them all to get the egg. They 1-hit KO you, and you 3-hit KO them. If you die, you can try again or quit. When they are all beaten, the egg says, " NOOO! MY MINIONS! Wait- Hrrmph. I could use your power." Then he goes in your inventory. Snowy Egg of Winter- This egg has a Raindeer and a Hannakuh candle-holder thingy on it. When touched, it creates a snowy maze WITH A ROOF. Then, 5 snowballs appear inside the maze. Collect all 5 snowballs, and an exit appears. Go through the exit to find the egg. Once you touch it at the exit, it says, "Yay! You found me! I could use a scavenger like you." Then goes in your inventory. Flowery Egg of Spring- This egg has a flower and a Valentines Day heart on it. When touched, it creates 5 hearts. THen, a question appears. There are 5 answers. If you go through the heart with the wrong answer, you die and have to try the whole quiz again or quit. There are 3 questions, each randomly picked. Get through all the questions and the egg will be at the back. If you touch it at the back, it will say, " Wow! You're REALLY good at quizzes! I could use a genuis like you!" Then goes in your inventory. Sunny Egg of Summer- This egg has the Sun on it. When touched, it creates a beach. The sun is so hot, if you stay in it too long you lose health! Go under the beach umbrellas to regain health. The Sunny Egg of Summer is somewhere on the beach. Try to get it! IF you touch it at the baeach, it would say, " Wow! You're really stealthy! I could use a Ninja like you." THen goes in your inventory.
#5948981Friday, February 27, 2009 10:06 PM GMT

So many ideas...theres gonna be a LOT of easter eggs on ROBLOX this year.
#5949074Friday, February 27, 2009 10:09 PM GMT

#5953148Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:05 AM GMT

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#5953156Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:05 AM GMT

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