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#58071270Wednesday, November 16, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

In the beginning 5 where born. Leben a girl also known as a Angel, Ruin a boy also known as a Demon, Pausenlos a boy also known as Father time, and Mensch a boy with Frau a girl also known as humans. In the beginning they helped each other and had abilities to work together Leben made animals and plants, Ruin took the animals and planets when he deemed the right time, Mensch and Frau invented and built making progress, And Pausenlos made sure that balance was strong. Soon the beings had children with similar but weaker powers Leben, Ruin, Mensch, and Frau had children, but for safety Pausenlos did not have children. Soon the children forgot their powers new animals where created and the planet was covered. The only ones that never forgot were the children of Ruin because they had always lived in Hölle also known as heaven/hell. They couldn't forget. The first 5 beings have started fighting and soon a war might brake out the only problem is almost now one knows what they are. Not only that, but soon a group of Pausenlos children is found, all teens. What will it take to stop the war, what is your destiny? A new group of teens with incredible power has been found, which one are you? Lebens children can: Heal Shift Shape Talk to animals Control plants Ruins children can: Health steal Shift Shape Summon un-dead Control darkness Mensch/Frau children can: Be fast medics (With medicine) Think incredibly fast Build almost anything Control over metal elements (That's like more then halve of the periodic table.) Pausenlos children can: Heal Shift Shape Mind control Read minds Not only that but ever individual had his or her special power ~Stealth ~Speed ~Strength ~Fast thinking ~Great hearing ~Great seeing Maybe something else but It has to pass me. ~Rules All the normal rules What I say goes No controlling Leben, Ruin, Pausenlos, Mensch, and Frau. Unless I say you can ~CS~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Child of?: Special skill: Items: Bio:(At lest 3 sentences.) ~M Y CS~ Name: Nightingale A.ge: 15 G.ender: Female Appearance: http://roleplayers.ucoz.com/_fr/1/5223751.jpg Child of?: Pausenlos Special skill: Stealth Items: Water, food, journal. Bio: She's lived with her mom until a tragic car chrash at a.ge 10. She ran away into the forest and for weeks she was alown, most not nowing what happened thought see two died in the car crash, exept from closes relitives that searched never finding anything. During those few weeks she found a hidden under ground building, huge having everything but food she leard to fend for herself. In the prosses she found out about her powers but has yet to find out about the first 5 and the war... A few yea.rs have passed and she found more like her, some homeless two so she let them live there and train with her. No one had to stay and some still trained but lived else where.
#58073958Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:40 AM GMT

#58075832Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:18 AM GMT

(Well, nor much is going on so I may join.)
#58075870Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:19 AM GMT

Name: Mong Ag.e: 26 Ge.nder: Male Appearance: Very sturdily built. Black hair and pale gray eyes. Child of?: Bop Special skill: Archery Items: Bow and Arrow, small dagger Bio: Not much is known about Mong. His father was Bop, but his mother's name was never recorded. He grew up southeast of the Forbidden Mountains.
#58075892Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:20 AM GMT

[Sorry, my age is 16, not 26.]
#58075974Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:22 AM GMT

(Some questions before joining. One, are the characters BIOLOGICAL children or do they just have powers or are they descendants? Also, mind if my character has a little brother who does not appear much in the RP?)
#58076371Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:34 AM GMT

Name: Sarahfine Evalyn @.ge: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Sarah has dark auburn hair with sun-streaks that falls a little past her mid-back in waves and ringlets, knowing emerald eyes, pale skin, and a black rose tatto on her left wrist. She wears an ash gray blouse, black jeans, combat boots, a crescent moon necklace that her birth mother gave her, and smokey eyeliner with mascara. Child of?: Ruins Special skill: Seeing peoples aura's (Is this okay?) Items: A sketch book and notebook, a water bottle, and a small pocket knife, all of which are in a small backpack that is slung over her shoulder most of the time. Bio: Sarah was taken away from her mother and father becuase they couldn't provide for he, and she was put into a cruel orphanage. She's the oldest one there and has been there for almost 15 years. Sarah is practicly a mother figure towards all of the other girls there, and feels a true mother daughter bond with the smallest one, Lilly, who is 5 years o.ld.
#58077751Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:30 AM GMT

(I'll join when I'll get home)
#58077792Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:32 AM GMT

~CS~ Name: Sachiko Ag.e: 11 Ge.nder: Fe.male Appearance: Sachiko is very small; she is only four feet high and very skinny and pale with the exception of her rosy cheeks. She weighs 85 lb.s. Her chin is pointed and she has deep blue eyes and black hair. She has spiky bangs, curling inward and her hair flows to her knees, tied into a ponytail by a large bright green ribbon. In front if her ears, she lets a bit of hair stay in front. She wears tattered blue jeans and a smooth black turtleneck with black slip-on sneakers. When cold outside, Sachiko wears a double-brea.sted coat which is a deep red with a large pocket on each side of the two rows of gold-colored buttons. She wears a bright green messenger bag and a thick black string around her neck with an opal on the end. Child of?: Leben Special skill: Stealth Items: In her messenger bag, she carries a small marble Kitsune statue with crystal eyes. It sits on a block of marble with the symbol: きつね on it. (Kitsune). She also has a set of pencils, drawing pad, and a white laptop (if that is alright). Bio:(At lest 3 sentences.) Sachiko was b.orn in October at night. She grew up in a small neighborhood and received acceptable grades throughout school. When she was four, she received an opal necklace for her bi.rthday since opal is the birthstone for October. Also, her little brother Haruki was born. She also figured out she was an amazingly drawer, specializing in animes-style. When she was five, she went to a restaurant and tried Sushi. She loved Hamachi, especially when soaked in soy sauce! She also had Miso Soup which she liked. Those are her favorite foods. Her favorite drink is root b.e.e.r. When she was six, she took an interest in Japan. She loved its food, art, anime, clothes (kimonos really), mythology, architecture, even the language and writing! She began learning Japanese and by nine, she was fluent. Also during that time, she discovered her favorite mythical creature: a Kitsune. A Kitsune is a mythical fox from Japanese folklore that can transform, possess, shoot lightning, fire, illusions, etc. Every 100 y.ears they live, they grow another tail. Oh -yes. When she was five, she discovered she had powers. How she had them she did not know, bit she decided not to tell ANYONE. Well, except her brother but that was all. When she was six, she received a bright green messenger bag for her birthday. She keeps items Ikr a drawing pad in there. She also bought a Kitsune statue with Birthday money. It was totally marble with crystal eyes. She keeps it in her bag for good luck. When she was ten, she received a white mobile laptop which she keeps in her bag. Her favorite movies are probably the Hayoa Miyazaki films and her favorite color is silver or bright green. Her favorite season is autumn because of the colors, weather, etc. Her brother is Haruki and the two sometimes argue but usually get along extremely well. He too, learned about Japan and drawing from his sister. Sachiko is very open-minded and tries to help people. She does not like being made fun of and can get mad when somebody insults her or one of her friends. Sachiko, although she is polite and nice to people, is kind of a nerd. She likes to memorize things and knows a lot about anime. She takes life seriously and although she despises millipedes to no end, she will respect them and spare them. She keeps her powers a secret and practices them in secret. She is a skilled liar and is able to keep a straight face. Please Accept! ^_^
#58078112Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:48 AM GMT

(Wow, that's alot of writing! ^-^)
#58078566Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:15 AM GMT

#58079066Wednesday, November 16, 2011 7:04 AM GMT

N@me: Avril Knight A.ge: 13 Gender: F Appearance: She's 4' 9", a bit short for her age, and weighs 92lbs. She has straight, chin-length brown hair that gets shorter in the back, with a strip of shoulder-length hair on both sides of her head hanging down. She also has low bangs that sometimes fall into her eyes. She has very slightly tanned skin with rosy cheeks. She wears a white t-shirt and a light blue jean vest, light blue jean shorts, and brown boots (NOT high heels). Child of?: Pausenlos Special skill: Stealth Items: She has a small dagger that has a silver blade and a white hilt decorated with carvings of golden vines. She keeps the dagger in her left boot. She also carries a drawing book and two pencils with her in her brown messenger bag. Bio: She and her mom and dad lived together until she was 8, when her parents got into a HUGE fight and filed for divorce. Now Avril spends most of her time with her mother, though she gets to see her dad every other Christmas. One night a few weeks ago, there was a fire at Avril's house. She tried to get her mom out, but ended up hitting her head. She managed to get outside, and then she fainted. When she woke up, she found herself in the woods, not able to remember anything except her name.
#58079832Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:52 AM GMT

my name is barney and im a dinosaur and i eat kids roar
#58080645Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:42 AM GMT

Name: Mark Hawkhaven A.ge: 16 G.ender: Male Appearance: Mark stands at 5"11, brown shaggy hair, green eyes, black shirt, black&white checkered jacket, and grey converse with blue jeans Child of?: Leben Special skill: Archery Items: Bow and arrow, throwing knifes Bio: Mark was born in his house he used to live in on a November night. He went to school and everything was fine. Until there was a gun man group shot so many students and staff members in the school, luckily he survived and ran. He fainted in the woods then forgot everything from what such noise those guns make.
#58083424Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

(You can be a direct desend or two generations down, more and your powers are way less. )
#58083567Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:11 PM GMT

(Can't decide whoose descendant to be :/)
#58083643Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:17 PM GMT

(Ok, she is two generations. Am I accepted?)
#58083702Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:23 PM GMT

(You started over with the thread again? I might join again later...)
#58083773Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:29 PM GMT

(all accepted exept overman1.)
#58083802Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:31 PM GMT

(May we start?)
#58083885Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:37 PM GMT

(Yes, I'm going to wait 'till I get on a computer. You can start though. )
#58083917Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:39 PM GMT

(Can I use my old CS?)
#58083984Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:44 PM GMT

(Yea, but can you repost it?)
#58083993Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:45 PM GMT

Sachiko woke up in her bedroom. Her bed was in a small alcove with a window overlooking the town. A few feet away was a round table with two chairs and a hamster cage. (Forgot to mention, she has a hamster named Ebony). Sachiko looked out of the window and down at the town. The paved streets were empty and mostly shadowed by neighboring houses. A breeze rippled the tree branches, causing an array of colorful leaves to flutter into the sky which was a faded blue with wisps of clouds hanging in it. Sachiko groggily rolled out pf bed and thudded onto the floorboards. She went to her closet next to the alcove and pulled out her usual outfit. She made her bed and had breakfast and got ready for the day. Bb score going out for her morning walk, Sachiko sprinkled some birdseed into Ebony's ceramic dish. She walked outside.
#58083997Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:45 PM GMT

(Not to hate on this thread or anyting, but why can't anyone spell Beginning? Even kids in my Advanced LA class do that, I don't get it.)

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