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#58076176Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:28 AM GMT

===Introduction=== In a distant galaxy, far from our own, exists a world much like Earth, called Tekrata. This world is inhabited by a myriad of different intelligence species, and is ravaged by conflict. Each race seeks to dominate the others. Some will do this through military might, others through manipulation of economics, and some through weapons of mass destruction. The choice is yours. Will you reign supreme, or will you be crushed like an insect? ===The planet Tekrata=== Tekrata is a large planet, approximately twice the size of Earth. It orbits a Red Dwarf star, and its climate is greatly varied. There are deserts, tundras, rainforests, plains, mountains, etc. =Continents= -Tokara: A large continent near the north pole. Most of it is barren tundra, and few species exist here. Frequent blizzards make it very hard to traverse for someone ill-equipped. -West Cetas: The western half of the Cetas continent. It is temperate, except for a desert near the ocean which separates West Cetas and East Cetas. -East Cetas: The eastern half of the Cetas continent. It is smaller than West Cetas, and most of it is a desert with little water, vegetation, or life. -Avarra: A small continent located to the south of West Cetas, in the middle of the Koravik Ocean. It is a mountainous region with tropical forests near the shores. -Lokorat: A small island near the south pole. It is mountainous and icy, with no life, although it is very rich in minerals. There is a massive volcano in the center, and the area around it is a barren lava field. [You cannot start here] -Korvakar: A large continent connected to East Cetas by a thin bridge of land. Its mostly a savannah, and like East Cetas is located near the planet's equator. A large river winds through the center. -Torvos: A small island just north of West Cetas. Mostly a temperate forest. =Oceans= -Koravik Ocean: A large ocean covering most of the planet. Many tropical islands dotted throughout it. -Tokaran Ocean: This ocean forms a perimeter around the Tokara continent. It is very icy, and there are no islands to be found, except for some small clusters of rocks. -Cetasian Sea: A small ocean which splits East and West Cetas. -Lokor Ocean: An ocean near Tekrata's south pole. Icy, and with some small volcanic islands dotted around it. =Moons= Tekrata has five moons, Zirus, Sekonis, Akaral, Sevona, and Kressis. -Zirus: No atmosphere, and is covered in craters. There appears to be a chunk of the Northern Hemisphere missing. It was blasted into space by a huge impact millions of years ago, which formed Tekrata's rings. It is about the same size as Earth's moon. -Sekonis: A very thin atmosphere, slightly larger than Zirus. There are also many craters. -Akaral: Twice the size of Zirus. The surface is covered in craters and volcanos. There is a thin, poisonus atmosphere. -Sevona: Similar in size to Akaral. Breathable atmosphere. Its a large desert, with a few volcanos and almost no water. -Kressis: Similar in size to Sevona. Much of the planet is temperate, and is habitable. There is a small ocean near the north pole. ===The Tekratis Star System=== The Tekratis Star system has seven planets, of which Tekrata is the second. The three inner planets are rocky, while the outer ones are gas giants. =Planets= -Tovarra: The first planet. Very close to the sun, and has no atmosphere. It is to hot for life to exist. The planet is tidally locked, so one side is cool enough for someone to actually step foot on, provided they have a space suit. No moons. -Tekrata: See above section. -Veeris: This planet has a thick atmosphere made up of poisonous gasses. Lava flows across its surface like water, and volcanoes almost constantly erupt. Earthquakes are frequent due to its high tectonic activity. Nothing can survive on its surface, not without specially designed equipment. One moon. -Okoriss: About the size of Neptune. It is reddish-orange in color, with dark bands and swirling storms. Ten moons. -Lekrotor: A bit bigger than jupiter. Bluish-green in color. Fairly bland. A large ring system. Forty three moons. -Akos: Smaller than Okoriss. Orange and black in color. It has rings, although they are barely visible. Thirty moons. -Krotol: Similar in size to Akos. Twenty four moons. ===Rules=== -All races start out with WWI-era technology. More advanced technology can be researched. Ask an admin how many posts it will take to research a particular technology before you research it. -No godmodding, ubering, etc. -Three strikes, and your out. -No controlling other people's characters without their permission. You cannot be a member of someone's race without their permission, either. -Use proper grammar. "meh tankz advans on teh enemee" and such is unacceptable. -Use Story Mode when RPing. If you want to talk OOC, you can put Ooc; before the text, or put the OOC text in brackets. -"Its not in the rules" is no excuse. -Obey admins. -If you have a complaint about a certain member of the thread, PM an admin or something. DON'T start a flamewar in the thread. =Admins= -supercommander -ConMan35 -destroyer384 And anyone else I deem worthy. ===Sheets=== [Items surrounded by { } are optional] [Remove anything surrounded by [ ]s please] =Character Sheet= Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Race: Items: Weapons: {Role/Rank}: Bio: {Other}: =Race Sheet= Name: Appearance: Average Lifespan: [Maximum is 300 years. No immortality] Intelligence: [Are they people or animals?] {History}: {Other}: =Nation Sheet= Name: Government System: [Democracy, monarchy, etc] Capital: [Name of city] Current Leader: Leading Race(s): Location: [Continent] {History}: {Other}:
#58076332Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:33 AM GMT

Name: Mong A.ge: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Dark black hair with pale gray eyes Race: Human Items: Compass, dark robes, large map Weapons: Berretta M93R, small dagger {Role/Rank}: Rogue Warrior Bio: Mong is a rogue warrior. He chooses no side except when he needs support. =Race Sheet= Name: Human Appearance: Human Appearance Average Lifespan: Around 80 (?) Intelligence: Humanoids
#58076373Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:34 AM GMT

[I'd like to change my weapon to a Colt 1911. The Berretta M93R (as far as my knowledge recalls) did not exist in the WWI era.]
#58076478Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:38 AM GMT

(No humans. Forgot to mention that. This is a different planet. Also, you can make up your own weapons. Just no lasers or anything really advanced.)
#58076713Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:47 AM GMT

[Alright. I decided not to join, actually. I'm in the middle of like 5 different roleplays currently. Sorry :P]
#58077221Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:08 AM GMT

(I'll join, might take some time though.)
#58083309Wednesday, November 16, 2011 2:54 PM GMT

=Character Sheet= Name: Korvol Takra A.ge: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: Race: Items: Weapons: {Role/Rank}: Bio: {Other}: =Race Sheet= Name: Trakon Appearance: The Trakon are usually around 8 feet tall. They have white, insulating fur on their bodies, which protects them in cold environments. They have spines along their backs, which flip upwards when they are agitated. The tips of the spines are luminescent, which allows the Trakon to locate eachother in blizzards or at night. They have long claws on their hands, which they often use for digging. They have four long fingers on each hand. They have four toes on their feet, which end in long claws. They have six compound eyes, and large fangs jutting out from their mouths, similar to those of a saber-tooth tiger. They have two rows of sharp teeth. Their saliva can paralyze small prey. Their nostrils are located just below their eyes, and are sunken into their head. They have a forked tongue. They have long tails, which can be used as whips. Average Lifespan: 90 years Intelligence: People {History}: Their ancestors dug huge underground chambers to escape from the cold of the surface. Eventually, they built large cities here. But they were divided, and soon civil war broke out, between the Travol and the Tenkora. This lead to the Great Collapse, which destroyed most of their civilization when their tunnel network collapsed. There were survivors from both sides, and they ended up working together to rebuild. At first, the Alliance was shaky, and it didn't seem like it would last long. But eventually, they became less and less hostile to each other. They formed the Trakon Union, and thrived. {Other}: They live in huge underground cities to escape the harsh climate of the Tokara continent. They can survive on the surface, but not forever. =Nation Sheet= Name: Trakon Union Government System: Monarchy Capital: Tokris City Current Leader: King Korvath IV Leading Race(s): Trakon Location: Southern Tokara {History}: See race history. {Other}: They possess a rather small military, and prefer diplomacy over war, mainly due to the Great Collapse.
#58083406Wednesday, November 16, 2011 2:59 PM GMT

(Well, thats embarrassing. Ignore the character sheet please. I'll finish it later.)
#58084499Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:12 PM GMT

=Character Sheet= Name: General Levenov A.ge: 24 Gender: M Appearance: He looks like most Necretons but is a little taller., he keeps his weapons of the belt of his sickening- purple armor. Race: Necretons Items: Maps, canteen, Flares. Weapons: Rage Rifle( short range, high fire rate, and large ammo capacity) and ceremonial blade. {Role/Rank}: Commander of the 32nd Land Legion Bio:He was an orphan would was taken in by one of the Draconis council(see below). He soon rose threw the ranks and took command of his own legion. {Other}: =Race Sheet= Name:Necretons Appearance: Necretons have squid-like faces and are 7 feet tall. Males have A sickening purple color of skin, while females have a light but eerie gray. They have long, thin fingers. They also have weird black cat like claws, wich they can retract into the fingers, warriors sometimes use theese claws in close combat. Not to mention there cold, white, eyes that wou;ld actually remind you of a fish's eyes. Average Lifespan: [Maximum is 300 years. No immortality]120 Intelligence: [Are they people or animals?]People {History}:They were once nomadic people, who wonder there home lands, but as other races advanced, they settled down and formed different clans, theese clans war with each, using their primitive weapons, until near extinction. Finaly, clan Ark-An vanquished the other clans and decided to step out of what they call the "Isolation Era", and become a great empire. {Other}: =Nation Sheet= Name: Ark-An Government System: [Democracy, monarchy, etc] Monarchy, they have a council of 24r nobles and generals. Capital: [Name of city] Layon Current Leader: Draconis council.(named for the great leader of drove their clan to glory.) Leading Race(s): Necretons Location: [Continent] {History}: After the Isolation Era, Draconis began establishing his clan supremecy {Other}:They are trying to create a good navy for the next period in their history, the Era of Bloodshed.
#58085979Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:27 PM GMT

(Accepted. You need to specify what continent your nation is located on, though.)
#58086489Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:53 PM GMT

(Northern Avvara.)
#58087796Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:54 PM GMT

(it seemed like the best place to start an empire.)
#58089440Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:02 PM GMT

(Alright, accepted then. You may start.)
#58089985Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:20 PM GMT

I watch the construction of our new navy, witch we would use to explore and conquer the world.
#58092978Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:32 PM GMT

(yay we area going to your door step once we have our cruisers done.) We research amphibous vehichles(done at the end of the page.)
#58099096Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:22 PM GMT

#58100145Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:42 PM GMT

=Character Sheet= Name:Vrexen Gijl A.ge:29 Gender:M Appearance:Humanoid, bluish-green skin, yellow eyes, green lips, Vrexen is 4 ft. 3" Race:Heytiou Items:Bottle of water, Pencil, Paper, Binoculars Weapons:2 Dagger, Colt. M1911 Role/Rank:2nd In Command of Heytiou's Royal Guard Bio:N/A(Sorry, I don't really like bios.) Other:N/A =Race Sheet= Name:Heytiou Appearance:Humanoid, bluish-green skin, can have yellow/black eyes, most is under 4 and a half feet tall Average Lifespan:0-95 Years Intelligence: Humanoid People History:The Heytiouian's ancestors almost conquered their continent, West Cetas, but their rival's won the final battle. Other:Still plan to overthrow West Cetas. =Nation Sheet= Name:Teghak Government System: Capital: Gertig(Home to Heytiou's Leader) Current Leader:Griuop Gegna Leading Race(s):Heytiou Location: West Cetas History:Teghak was once the rulers of West Cetas, until a rival nation overthrew the Heytiou Race, leaving the Teghak rulers to surrender, Heytiou being their leading race. Other:N/A
#58100237Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:43 PM GMT

(Oh, change my Location to Southern Tokara)
#58100306Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:45 PM GMT

(My goverment is Monarchy.)
#58101017Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:57 PM GMT

=Character Sheet= Name:basilei (no last names) A.ge:50 Gender:Male Appearance:(look at the race description) because he is royalty the robe is decorated with purple Race:minum Items: a staff(not magic) to show royalty and a crown obviously Weapons:knives(minums dont use guns. they have themn but they are only for emergencies.) {Role/Rank}:King Bio:Raised in the royal family but secondborn. After the nation was attacked and he helped using his brilliant ideas and inventions. =Race Sheet= Name:minum Appearance:Humanoid but with light blue skin and completely white hair they always where black robes. usually 6-7 feet tall. have 6 fingers on ewach hand (including 2 thumbs each). human everything else except they have completely black eyes that give off a white glow in the dark. Average Lifespan:140 Intelligence:Very smart people (for their time i am not saying they are advanced) =Nation Sheet= Name:nelli et pacis Government System:Monarch but with an elected parlement but the king is still completely in charge. parlement helps the king ,make decisions Capital:ferrum Current Leader:basilei Leading Race(s):minum Location:Korvakar {History}:started as a small group of people that moved to korvakar for better living enviroments. slowly conquered all of korvakar and now if the dominent nation.
#58101092Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:58 PM GMT

(so can we start?)
#58101378Thursday, November 17, 2011 12:02 AM GMT

(oh and you said ww2 so does that mean pre-atomic bomb or post-atomic bomb)
#58101512Thursday, November 17, 2011 12:04 AM GMT

(Accepted, Sgt. halfdragonking, accepted, but you cannot control the entire Korvakar continent.)
#58101614Thursday, November 17, 2011 12:05 AM GMT

(I said WWI. So no nukes, at least not until you can get the technology to make them. However, this does not mean you can nuke everyone else into oblivion if you get nukes.)
#58106943Thursday, November 17, 2011 1:28 AM GMT

(Besides, a atomis bomb would take a while.)

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