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#58247601Sunday, November 20, 2011 12:52 AM GMT

(I don't need people saying,UNMG ABUSED THEME,I like it I don't care.) (Fix the story please, I did this in little time and is a mere rough draft.) (I'll make you admin of the thread of this becomes sucscessful.) Prologue It's been 2 millon years after the Dragon Ball Z saga ended,and the worlds are disordered is coming to an erupted end as we know it of the result of the "Great War" .Shin the very great immortal grandson of Frieza as taken control of earth and other distant planets, humans became extinct but some remain hiding in the shadows of earth.. Icejin's then dominated and used it as their new main homeland as theirs have been destroyed by the great war. Shin ruled for many years as the war continues on,laughing. Many wonder his weakness,and only he knows the answer the truth is...he may be young forever but very vulnerable but not just to anyone,but to a super saiyan but not to just any saiyan.... a "Legendary Super Saiyan". Only he can stop the Great War. But what is the Great War? Well, it's find out. Story Begins here... Part.1 The Cloning of Saiyans During the Time of the Buu Saga, a scientist of the name of Monma who knew Goku,Vegeta was fascinated by the power and the way of the saiyan. During times he secretly gotten samples,as he did he traveled away from earth and went to Kani;An abandoned planet currently that the saiyans rule now; to continue his work. after many years of trying he was successful in creating a "perfect" saiyan model both male and female. As the population of saiyans grew, he saw was proud of his work as he has repoplulated the almost distinct raise that every thought was gone forever. The saiyans never really left their own planet as they started over civilization again,many years go by and they become advance once more. Part.2 Shin 46 years after Frieza's death, Kuriza had a son known as Shin. Shin then became ruler after Kuriza and was always fascinated of the dragon balls,which were still protected and passed on within time.Along the time of searching for them,he learned of the saiyans and what they've done to his grandfather. He found them without endeavoring and gained eternal life,as that he did whatever wanted in life. He then decided to take out the saiyans with vengence and no sympathy. He waited until his empire was perfect,and soon it was. He learned more about the saiyans and learned that the saiyans now a kind race have traveled to earth, as Kani is now dying. Shin then with patients traveled to earth slowly,preparing to assault. Part.3 The "Great" War of Saiyans and Icejins As obvious,the Icejin attacked earth,killing many saiyans and humans. The rest of the imformation is classified. All is known is humans are "extincted" and the saiyans have moved on and colonized somewhere else,ready for anything coming their way. Shin then became an intergalactic ruler, admired as a hero and not the heartless scoundrel he is. The war has continued on for year and years, both now equally matched in fighting,but Shin our glorious leader doesn't seem to care as he knows nothing can stop him,but "that". Heilo now closes his book of the past tired and fascinated of his culture,and falls asleep to earth's moon Luna. Rules No idiots. No trolls. Please know basic knowledge.. Don't be superuber powerful, start out normally like everyone else. I don't care what type of RP style you use. IF this thread even gets people.. (I doubt..) I'll decided in time who's the "Legendary Super Saiyan". Romance- I think you know. Swearing- Obvious,if you need to keep at minimum. Please spell correctly not like this.. >.<: Vegita: "i tn shot teh icejn ot of eath." No godmod. Races Majin Namekian Icejins Humans Saiyans Any other DBZ Race, but I need to approve. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Race: Side?:(Saiyans can be with Shin,etc,etc. Ya know. But explain) Reason?:(If on opposite side.. if not leave it blank.) Inventory: Transformations:(I'll decided/approve..) Biography: Additional: Crits?

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