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#58247699Sunday, November 20, 2011 12:53 AM GMT

In an alternate dimension much like out own, a united government took over Earth, and this government was called the United Earth Empire. The UEE soon colonized the Moon, Mars, and some of the Jovian moons around Jupiter. The Shaw-Fujikawa translight drive was made on the same year as our dimension. The UEE broke out of the confines of the Solar system soon after. They expanded faster than the UNSC. By 2525, the UEE had 650 colonies along with 400 automated mining colonies. The UEE had legions of soldiers and hundreds of star ships under their control. On a colony that was ironically called Harvest the covenant attacked. The attack was meet with brute force and completely destroyed by supirior (in quantity, not tech) human forces. The human military was quite larger in this universe than ours. The humans created a massive counter attack on the aliens. You are one of the human troopers that are taking part in the attack. Or one of the covenant defenders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ human CS: Name: a.ge: ge.nder: appearnce: rank: class: (marine, ODST, etc.) weapons: bio: (optional) Covenant CS: Name: a.ge: ge.nder: species: appearnce: rank: (minor, major, etc) weapons: bio: (optional)

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