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#59086070Sunday, December 04, 2011 4:27 PM GMT

den teh forums continuwd normalee wiv teh ocasional owtbraik ov bronee vursis antee bronee batuls but nao it wud git wurse dere wus anuter forum caled rt and ot wus liek rt sux lets fite dem and a war broke owt rt vursis ot and eet was never solvd den dese ppl caled mods got envolved den sudunlee a taibul caim owt uv no ware and heet teh mods but teh mods got up and wur liek wut did u jst do 2 us and teh oters wur liek wee didunt do anyfink it wus teh rters and teh mods wur liek u lie and teh oters wur liek well ur stoopid and den teh mods startid hiteeng ppl wiv hamurs wich dey caled ban hamurs and dere wus dis plaic caled ban land but dats fur anoter storee teh war ees stil goeeng on nao TEH ENDZ!

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