#86932480Monday, January 14, 2013 4:28 AM GMT

/Silver\ I jump a little when he touches my shoulder, I knew it was him but I wasn't used to being around people at all. I force a fake laugh. "Let's just stand a moment, let your eyes adjust."
#86932537Monday, January 14, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#86932705Monday, January 14, 2013 4:32 AM GMT

Link Her laugh sounded a bit odd, but I agreed with what she said. I let my eyes slowly adjust. I could make out a few boxes and stuff, but it was still a bit hard to see. "This room's a lot bigger than I had first thought," I say.
#86933031Monday, January 14, 2013 4:39 AM GMT

/Silver\ "You're not in the dark often are you? The dark makes it appear bigger." I pause, "I guess this room is about the size of the warehouse. Unless it's sectioned off." The words came out weird, I wasn't used to so much talking. After being down here a few minutes I could see generally well. But only as good as I usually am as soon as I walk into a dark room.
#86933380Monday, January 14, 2013 4:47 AM GMT

Link I shake my head. "Correct, I'm usually in the light," I duck under a beam that had broken down and was in the way. "See any boxes that are maybe small enough to break open. There has to be something cool since there's so many of 'em."
#86933536Monday, January 14, 2013 4:50 AM GMT

/Silver\ "They are probably empty. No one would just leave them lying around." I pause, thinking about the broken window. If there was anything good in here it would have probably been taken. "Plus some people broke in remember. If there was anything good. It would be gone now."
#86933770Monday, January 14, 2013 4:55 AM GMT

Link "Alright well we sho-" I'm interrupted when I hear footsteps and talking on the upper floor. My eyebrows raise and I gesture for Silver to come over. I could hear their footsteps coming towards the stairs. "We need a hiding spot," I tell her.
#86933953Monday, January 14, 2013 5:00 AM GMT

/Silver\ I come over to him, and kneel down. This was a really bad idea.
#86934494Monday, January 14, 2013 5:15 AM GMT

Link I try to slow my breathing, but it seemed to just speed it up. I slide under the wooden stairs, hoping Silver would follow. I could hear the men take their first step.
#86934801Monday, January 14, 2013 5:26 AM GMT

/Silver\ My breathing slowed to almost nothing. Sometimes in my room I forced myself to recagnize zero sound. Being a bit mental, and having plenty if time... Well stuff happens. I followed him again, but once we stopped I placed my hand over his mouth. His nose would be slightly quieter. But I have to say that was the most awkward thing I had ever done.
#86934942Monday, January 14, 2013 5:31 AM GMT

Link I jumped for a second before I realized it was just Silver. I realized she was trying to quiet me. The two men walked downstairs. They were giants. They had huge muscles and were some of the tallest people I had seen in a long time. In short, I did not want to mess with them. One of them pulled out a lantern and lit it. They walked to the back of the room and leaned down to pick up a box. He beckoned his friend to help him lift the box. I knew once they started walking back the lantern would reveal us. I slid out of our hiding spot and towards the stairs. I waited for Silver.
#86935070Monday, January 14, 2013 5:35 AM GMT

/Silver\ Following Link, AGAIN. Well at lest this time with some reason. The men that came down, seeing them didn't frighten me as much as it should had. I should have been scared witless. But no I felt more solem, and serious. Don't get me wrong though, there was a bitter bit of fear in there. But only a taste... I don't know like an after taste? Hard to explain.
#86935145Monday, January 14, 2013 5:37 AM GMT

Link When we reach the top of the staircase, I whisper, "Now how do we get out?" I could hear them pick the box up. We needed a solution, quick, or these guys were going to find us. (Sorry, I have to go to sleep. BAAAII)
#86935401Monday, January 14, 2013 5:44 AM GMT

(Bye!!) /Silver\ I did the only thing I could think of and grab him by the wrist and pull him to another place to hid. When the guys came out the would take the boxes to their truck or whatever and go back down. We would see the exit and quickly escape. I would explain my plan to him, but we needed to be quiet. (BTY Silver always looks emotionless, no mater what. It is impossible for her to convey emotions physically. >:) That is all)
#86942406Monday, January 14, 2013 12:52 PM GMT

Casimir- "If I were to imdimidate you, your hair might be white. I was looking into you. I was figuring out who you were." My eyes glow again. "This is the second time today. I'll search more into you tomorrow." I pause. "You have a relationship with some sort of beast." I grin. Lucas- "I will hurt you if you don't get me out." My eyes glow like the moon. "get me out now."
#86942492Monday, January 14, 2013 12:57 PM GMT

( If you don't remember, Casimir can read people's thoughts twice a day)
#86945377Monday, January 14, 2013 3:14 PM GMT

Link I followed her behind some boxes. The men walked out carryling a large crate. In the light I could see there were fat, and they looked very sweaty. They walked up to the corner and opened a door that blended in almost completely wiht the wall. I looked at Silver and nodded.
#86945888Monday, January 14, 2013 3:39 PM GMT

/Silver\ "Wait until they come back," I whispered.
#86962253Monday, January 14, 2013 10:21 PM GMT

Nana held her child close."Don't be rude, child. We were going to save you but you had to be mean to my children. I wonder dear Lidia is..."She looked towards the door, waiting. Peter pulled her face from her and pointed to Lucas."You meanie!"He shouted, showing his loss for his werewolf fangs. Penelope looked up."We're gonna die because of you..."Her small, little girl cuteness would've made anyone sad. The white dress, the curly blonde hair, the cute blue eyes. They all gave her the traits of goodness and loving. Her teary eyes stared at him for a moment before she continued weeping to herself quietly. (Mentally, a person with powers can shut their mind off from those people. :P) Mrs. Fire glared back."How would you like it if I said I don't want you in my school?" Zoey's patience grew very, very thin."Come on, someone else could be hurt in there..."
#86962601Monday, January 14, 2013 10:26 PM GMT

Ben grinded his teeth waiting for Extem, obviously mad. Travis looked at the window.
#86962608Monday, January 14, 2013 10:26 PM GMT

Casimir- "I would be dissapointed because then I would have no family, no home, and no education." Lucas- "your going to die beacause you came here. Your not going to die because of me."
#86965619Monday, January 14, 2013 11:03 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#86966767Monday, January 14, 2013 11:17 PM GMT

Mrs. Fire frowned deeper, her black hair shining with the fire of the fireplace."Child, why is it that your father would test on you? With that heart of ice, you'll break under the pressure. What if you clean little heart breaks from your cousin's death? And aunt and uncle? Why haven't you ever grown fond of them? Why was it those two? Riley and Jack, I mean. What business do they have with you?"These questions flowed slowly, as if to give him time. She grabbed her tea, her chilly eyes boring into him just like ice... Nana looked away."You've done enough, child. But what I wonder is are you one of us? You know, a, uh, werewolf? The queen would love a newcomer but I'm not sure she deserves to be treated as you treat everyone else. I wonder if the princess is alright.."She continued to murmur questions, not speaking to anyone in particular. Zoey sighed."Sorry. Jeez. Can we go now?" Anna sighed and shrugged."I guess.."
#86966910Monday, January 14, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

Raine fell asleep as Kate woke up. She turned as the door opened, waking the other two up again."IT'S PEOPLE!"
#86966962Monday, January 14, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

Lucas- "I don't serve unless forced to." I growl at them. "And yes, I am a werewolf." Casimir- "How?"