#86980693Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:43 AM GMT

Link I shake my head. "Ah, I've never got any ideas," I walk outside. "I think I heard some commotion going on with Mrs. Fire at her house. We could check that out," I venture.
#86981041Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:46 AM GMT

/Silver\ "More comotion?" Sounds like a bad idea...
#86981256Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:48 AM GMT

Link "Yup, more commotion. This probably won't be very dangerous. If it is, well, we've escaped from enough dangerous situation, this one would be a piece of cake, right?" I ask hopefully.
#86981658Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:52 AM GMT

/Silver\ "I guess... Why not?"
#86981901Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:55 AM GMT

Link I nod. I started making my way back to Mrs. Fire's house. (sorry for short post, have to go eat)
#86982841Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

(I'm going to eat dinner soon too. I think we're on the same timezone.) /Silver\ I trout behind Link, I was in an unusually happy today. I guess being with Link was good, even though I barely knew him... But I guess you can't control how you feel. Still it was strange, and I almost didn't like it. The strangeness aspect of it all. (Still an emotionless face though.)
#86983851Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:15 AM GMT

Link We arrived in front of Mrs. Fire's house. "Back to this old place again. It seems boring now," I say. "Ah, well," I open the door and walk inside.
#86984288Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:20 AM GMT

/Silver\ I walked in behind him. I guess it was boring, but it was safe after all.
#86985571Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:36 AM GMT

Link "Alright, well we're here," I say, looking around. "Let's look for Mrs. Fire,"
#86987067Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:55 AM GMT

(Sorry, was eating dinner) /Silver\ "Well don't bug her if she's busy..."
#86987467Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:01 AM GMT

Mrs. Fire looked up. Children entering HER house without knocking?"Excuse me! What are you doing?" She got up, rushing forward as her icy eyes grew fiery with anger.
#86987592Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:02 AM GMT

Link I reared back. "Oh, sorry," I say. "We, were just, er, entering?" I say, hoping it was the right thing to say in this situation.
#86988305Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:11 AM GMT

Mrs. Fire shook her head, angry."Into a stranger's home? You can't barge! You knock, child!"She sighed, hands on her hips."But you may enter. I am Mrs. Fire. I am a witch so I WILL use magic if I want to. Or my children. Go upstairs to the library. Stay there. I'll call you down individually. You may stay there for as long as you please but knock before entering the living room. If you know how to. Very sorry for my behavior, I am just... annoyed. Go on-" The sound of running came from upstairs."I NEED TO SOMETHING TO DO!!!!" Mrs. Fire sighed."That is my daughter, Kate. there should be Angel, a red-head, and Raine, a smarty-pants-ed witch with brown hair. Go upstairs to the library now. Both of you."
#86988574Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:15 AM GMT

Link I nod. "Alright," I say timidly. As I'm walking upstairs I mutter, "Mrs. Strict," I make it to the top of the stairs and enter the library.
#86988962Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:20 AM GMT

Raine and Angel looked up then back down, looking disappointed. Then Raine pointed a finger at him."You mad my mother angry. Do I have to hurt you?" Angel waved her hand, not moving her chin from her pillow."Raine, calm down. It's not like he's a criminal. Which reminds me, KATE!"Angel got up, not as tired, and walked up to her hopping up and down sister."CALM DOWN!" Kate started to run around again before she hid behind a bookshelf."HE'S SCAARRYYY..."She sat on the ground behind it, pointing to the guy. Angel hugged her, patting her head."Calm down. This creature is called PERSON." In her liking for amusement, her cat ears popped up."Crap..." Raine laughed, holding her stomach."YOU'RE A KITTY CAT!" Angel hissed, claws up."ARE NOT!"
#86989323Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:23 AM GMT

Link Overwhelmed by all the action in the library, I stayed silent. I tentatively stepped over to a chair. I had no idea who all of these people are. "Sorry, I suppose," I say, knowing it most likely won't help. "Name's Link," I mention.
#86989552Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:26 AM GMT

/Silver\ The events that happened glazed over into nothing. I wasn't sure what happened besides I was in the library again, and I think Ms. Fire was mad... Or something.
#86990025Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:31 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#86990259Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:34 AM GMT

Kate ran away behind more shelves."GET AWAY FROM ME!" Angel hissed, her tail lashing from side to side. Jake seemed to be asleep in one chair before he woke up and glanced around. Lord. Kate then started to chase Jack around again, scaring the living crap out of him. Riley tried to get her away and Raine teased and ran from Angel. Jake got up and simply walked towards the other lost boy. "Sorry. My sisters are all idiots. Those two are random and my sister Kate is scaring that little boy as his sister is trying to stop them. Angel is half-cat and a little vampire including the Princess of Darkness. Kate is vampire and some witch. I am the same but it's called wizard, I don't like it though. Raine is a full witch, very simple. And those two I don't know. Explain a lot?"He stared at him as his siters stopped."I'm special. Meow!"Angel said, smiling. Raine laughed."Sure...." Kate bounced up and down."Jakie is boring~!" Jack and Riley moved away, kind of afraid.
#86990555Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:38 AM GMT

/Silver\ I sat down where I was earlier and noticed my notebook. Luckily no one took it, so I grabbed it and started writing nonsensical things.
#86991484Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:49 AM GMT

Link I nodded. "It at least helps. It's definitely a little crazier up here than I expected," I looked at the cat-vampire person. 'Weird,' I thought to myself.
#86991968Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:54 AM GMT

Angel stuck her tongue out to the person, her cats ears flattening. Her tail lashed back and forth, giving her sassy angry look. Jake smiled a little."I'm Jake, not Jakie... What's your's and her?"He pointed towards the notebook girl, or at least that's what they call her.
#86992508Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

Link "I'm Link," I say holding out my hand. "That's Silver," I say, pointing at her. "Is she easily angered?" I inquire, referring to Angel.
#86992512Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

/Silver\ I ignored everything around me, because the sound was irritating. Then started thinking about my Mom's weird notes. She hasn't talked to me much lately. Then she had weird notes...
#87004146Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:01 PM GMT

Casimir- This is weird. I want to back away but I can't or I won't be able to glo to school. "My father never ment to hurt me! He only wanted the best for me!"