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#60937119Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:16 PM GMT

allow a brick to be split, as in: the parts ger a new bolean value (bool to you idiots) it would be under cancollide like: Anchored [ ] CanCollide [ ] Destructable[ ] Locked [ ] when destructable is marked as true Destructable[*] the brick can be destroyed, whether on touch or exploded or watevs it would be split into a few parts like one 2X4 brick could be destroyed into two 2X2 bricks or eight 1X1 bricks or a random combination. This would be good for games like brickbattles where you want people to break a hole into the wall or such. ~~The Pwnda has spoken~~
#60937436Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:29 PM GMT

It's scriptable...
#60937465Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:30 PM GMT

looks hard support.
#60937972Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:51 PM GMT

The Pwnda is a lie! xD
#60939154Wednesday, January 04, 2012 4:32 PM GMT

I support this idea. ~Shoop da whoop PBNJ sandwiches can fire lazors!~
#60939215Wednesday, January 04, 2012 4:33 PM GMT

This is scriptable. No support.
#60940113Wednesday, January 04, 2012 5:05 PM GMT

@ScaryZombie First, It IS scriptable, But it is rather hard for people who are new to script. I bet you cant even script it., Second, to be able to put any script into a feature, to make it easier on all those builders out there, like me, Would be an amazing feature, Be it something super useful like cframing, or not as useful, like light and fire (I know fire has been aready implemented, Dont tell me it has). I support times 10.
#60957450Wednesday, January 04, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

Yea, its scriptable AND you can even unanchor bricks too to make them able to change their original position. But making htem destructable would make it easier and less complicated than adding scripts and unanchoring. Support.
#61009680Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

#61011989Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:49 PM GMT

It is script able but not everyone can script. Support.
#61012311Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:53 PM GMT

I think it's better if the bricks are the same size and collide and explode.. But i don't think we need bricks exploding into 2x4 blocks or 2x2 because it can cause lag and this is roblox it's not supposed to be super fancy. This is my opinion by the way. no support
#61017405Friday, January 06, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

I luv this Idea Derpy
#61017925Friday, January 06, 2012 12:11 AM GMT

It's possible without scripting. -.- ~Ohne dich bin ich nichts~
#61020097Friday, January 06, 2012 12:39 AM GMT

It would be cooler if the entire brick "exploded" into tiny 0.5x0.5x0.5's, and then the 0.5's fell through the baseplate. -Campbell06, cheescurl lover-
#61020410Friday, January 06, 2012 12:43 AM GMT

I like cambell's idea it sounds cool but just the destructable ability would be ok.
#61021050Friday, January 06, 2012 12:51 AM GMT

If you can script it, there is a VERY SMALL chance of it becoming an update. The only exception I know is ray-casting. ~Read Between The Squiggles~
#61022641Friday, January 06, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

#61022746Friday, January 06, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

It's quite easy with scripting to be honest. You could even take a piece from "disappearing stairs" in free models, then change up a few numbers. -Virtualdarks
#61025343Friday, January 06, 2012 1:40 AM GMT

None of you can script this, so dont say 'It is scriptable' If you cant even figure out the first part. @Campell This requires like 20 0.5x0.5x0.5 welds put together plus a script that I can only make the first line and a half of! (like a childs thing)(" = tab) local t = game.Workspace "t.Brick1. I think its some kind of vector brick movement... I didnt do the rest because it is really tough and I am not sure... :P ~~~One day turtles will rule the world~~~ *derp face* DERP
#61045298Friday, January 06, 2012 2:31 PM GMT

I know its scriptable, but the scripts themselves cause lag, to generate new parts and weld them to another brick would be UBER lag, Galleons has it, Armoured patrol, games by wingman1 all have it, sure its scriptable, I would script it myself, but it would be an amazing feature to have, especailly for brickbattles, instead of building it brick for brick, have one large brick (Reduced lag) and it would be destructable so you can regen it without lag instead of having many parts. ~~The Pwnda has spoken~~
#61048493Friday, January 06, 2012 5:05 PM GMT

#61050761Friday, January 06, 2012 6:34 PM GMT

I don't care how many people have already said it, it is scriptable. Also, to clear out all the false things that you guys have been saying about it: -It does not lag to instance a few parts in the place an old part unless you make them small (Roblox could not make it any less laggy themselves). -It is incredibly easy to do this (Three for loops would be the simplest way to do this). -If you can't script, then maybe you should learn so you can know how to do cool things like this and better.
#61052421Friday, January 06, 2012 7:30 PM GMT

@Shobob99, It DOES lag, to create new parts and weld them while breaking others away (LAG!!!!!!!) Roblox could easily make this less laggy by using C++ or another language becuase other languages are much stronger than LUA. If its so easy, lets see you do it? I can script and i can EASILY make this, but it would be a better feature to have then putting a script into every single brick or model you wish to break. ~~The Pwnda has spoken~~Care to argue?~~
#61052923Friday, January 06, 2012 7:46 PM GMT

Why would you have to weld the parts? That makes no sense at all. From what I have read in this idea all it is is breaking a big part into smaller parts which ALL break away. Of course it would lag to break a large part into tiny parts but Roblox cannot do it better because it is not the instancing that lags it is the parts themselves. Also, if you think that to do this you need to put a script into every single brick then you need to learn more about scripting before you can make those statements.
#61055934Friday, January 06, 2012 8:59 PM GMT

If it is scriptable, explain to me how it is scriptable shobobo. -_- He welds it so it doesnt randomly doesnt fall and he wont have to anchor. ~~~One day turtles will rule the world~~~ *derp face* DERP

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