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#61506065Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:06 PM GMT

ok to start roblox use to have those 3 simples tools and a model import now it has the most complicated tools and NO MODEL IMPORT with all the decals and your models and furniture help me raise this post so we can have an option for new and old tools thank you.
#61506237Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:08 PM GMT

It's called Roblox Studio...Go there...click on build game...and find the wrench and hammer in a X and click it........There's your free models and brick you might need to use Simple as that $darktruste3535$
#61506326Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:10 PM GMT

Hello. That was your first post. Congratz. ~~~One day turtles will rule the world~~~ *derp face* DERP
#61508491Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

welcome to S&I, quick helpful suggestion though, asking for attention won't work. you have to go "idea that will change roblox forver..." and then everyone goes to your thread! ^.^ anyway, now to my point. The reason they were removed is because of server take-over buttons that people were using and then exploiting

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