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#61624137Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:12 AM GMT

The man hours is the employees doing their job to earn money.
#61624704Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:24 AM GMT

"And no ubuntu isn't superior to mac or PC they all have their problems." Ubuntu is way superior to Mac or Windows. For many reasons, one being that it's open-sourced." Open source does not mean better, For one open source lets the world know of all of its vulnerabilities, Making it much easier to code a virus for. Ubuntu doesn't have that many viruses because it isn't used as much. Its got advantages such as, low memory usage. No registry, Fast boot up. Disadvantages are obviously lack of software, And the fact it just flat out doesn't work on alot of machines. My laptop included as it just WON'T work with the network card, so no web Access. Also, The crashes, and other problems such as slowing down over time on a windows, can be stopped with proper care of your computer. A port probably wouldn't be worth it, Macs have grown in popularity with the mass amounts of macbooks purchased, So that would warrant a port. Also linux isn't widely used by consumers. Yes it is very popular in business to run servers! But lets not forget that many of those servers can't even render a flash game, lets not forget many of them are very old machines. And the fact that the business probably wouldn't allow people to play roblox on it. So that rules out most linux users as potential roblox users, And lets also add those computers use computer architecture that just isn't used by consumers anymore, Further increasing issues of porting, Do you want roblox to hunt down all kinds of chips by cray, IBM, Commodore, ETC. to make them work? And yes they say linux users are growing, But again a large amount are located in business. And roblox porting it isn't a matter of it being a better OS. Its a matter of business and whether its profitable. And I don't even know if roblox uses OpenGL or DirectX.
#61624895Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:28 AM GMT

Bah, I'm stupid.. Your right drgn. Still, It don't matter that much if this is "copied" a thread about porting roblox to linux is a roblox linux thread. and the link you posted is at least a day older than this one, the poster of this one might not have seen it.
#61624897Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:28 AM GMT

Tons of people use Ubuntu. Really easy to program with it too (gotta love apt-get). Over 20 million people use it. "Death to lazy builders. Remove the CFrame tools. Command bar all the way." ~pauljkl
#61624904Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:28 AM GMT

@Rensus I would run it with WINE but they don't even let you download it. The only way to do that would be to get it from a 3rd party. Join my forums! - StudioInfinitiv(DOT)net
#61624945Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:30 AM GMT

Also because its on Mac's it wouldn't be hard to port to Linux. Join my forums! - StudioInfinitiv(DOT)net
#61624961Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:30 AM GMT

I have a netbook...with windows works fine.
#61625018Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:31 AM GMT

20 million users use ubuntu. Now, where is the information from, How is it measured. Are they all active users? Are they all joe consumer that would play roblox? How many are just servers tucked in a company basement?
#61625207Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:35 AM GMT

Looking around, The numbers are very very scarce and spread out. I found 12 million, 20 million, 400 million 200 million users for ubuntu. Most windows numbers range from 900000-15000000 users. And macs I just couldn't find anything that related.
#61625686Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:45 AM GMT

@godsmain Ubuntu has a special server edition. So your looking at just plain Ubuntu. In 2007 it was rated at 8 million. Join my forums! - StudioInfinitiv(DOT)net
#61626069Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:52 AM GMT

I'm a Linux user, and I can download ROBLOX.
#61626479Wednesday, January 18, 2012 4:00 AM GMT

So could i. I Could play it too. Albeit not too well.
#67032246Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:30 PM GMT

i sometimes use ubuntu running computers an i want badly to play roblox
#67034516Friday, April 27, 2012 12:03 AM GMT

I support, but the thing is, it's already planned, until ROBLOX mac Beta is done and working normally, they will start to create ROBLOX for Ubuntu. Title fix, it's too long.
#67137268Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

"Open source does not mean better, For one open source lets the world know of all of its vulnerabilities, Making it much easier to code a virus for. Ubuntu doesn't have that many viruses because it isn't used as much." Wong, there isn't many viruses for Ubuntu, because it's so hard to execute files on Ubuntu. Unlike Windows, a file that is downloaded cannot run by itself. You have to give it permission before a file can execute. If you don't have root access, the virus will simply die, anyways. "The reason that we have not seen a real Linux virus epidemic in the wild is simply that none of the existing Linux viruses can thrive in the hostile environment that Linux provides. The Linux viruses that exist today are nothing more than technical curiosities; the reality is that there is no viable Linux virus." More reasons: "Programs are run as normal user, not Root User More eyeballs on the code, nowhere for malware to hide Vast diversity makes it difficult to reproduce flaws in a system All software and drivers are frequently updated by Package Managers Software is generally installed from vast Repositories not from unfamiliar websites Developers/programmers are recognised as Rock Gods rather than treated with contempt" The myth: "Some people say that linux suffers less from malware because it has less than 1% of the desktop market compared to Windows 90% & suggest that if linux ever increases in popularity then it will suffer just as badly. This argument is deeply flawed & not just by the spurious statistics. Linux dominates server markets. Why struggle to write a virus that might knock out a few thousand desktops when knocking out a few thousand servers could knock out a continent? Yet it is the desktop machines that are commonly exploited. " The reason open-source is better is, because people can learn many things from it. Especially from an operating system. Since an operating system is one of the hardest things to code in the programming world. ~Ohne dich bin ich nichts~
#69121911Saturday, June 02, 2012 6:54 PM GMT

They should, they even said on the Roblox Studio 2.0 that it would be esier to port since it is open source, so it would be even esier than mac.
#69122235Saturday, June 02, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

Open source means COMPLETELY better, it destroys restrictions and allows your computer to be free and rule itself.
#69122291Saturday, June 02, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

1% of ROBLOX uses Linux
#70011799Friday, June 15, 2012 2:03 PM GMT

COMEON ROBLOX!!!! Roblox for Ubuntu will be awesome... More people can play + u people that made roblox can earn more money because they'll be buying dollars and buildders club. It's a great idea!
#70012970Friday, June 15, 2012 2:40 PM GMT

Almost a year ago Builderman responded to a message I sent kinda like this. So he told me to post this in the forums and that ROBLOX was working on this. It's been a year Builderman! I used to have Linux but then I fired up Windows. I wish they would do this.
#70013745Friday, June 15, 2012 2:56 PM GMT

Well, not a lot of kids know how to even put ubunta on a desktop or laptop anyways, most probably will know how to use them.
#74657622Sunday, August 05, 2012 9:57 PM GMT


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