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#62049350Friday, January 27, 2012 7:47 PM GMT

Morning guys! Or evening, or afternoon, depends where you are. :/. Well, sort of master fourm gamer frozengaia is here, again, with another awesome game. Until the end, as it's complex, is why I'm going to add a link to a full rulebook. Read all the primary parts, or until you understand the basics. Secondary stuff is more complex and not necessary for awesomeness, but if you do… http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=62049257 For absolute basics, pick on an option. the most voted wins. In a deadlock situation, I vote for what I think is best. So, let's enjoy! Just for the infomation, something that has ) can't be selected. C does nothing, neither does E. EA and CA use dotleaf and lifeslash, respectively. -BATTLE ONE.- The first enemy in this session approaches. This is your life. This was your life since as far as you remember. Someone who cheers a crowd. Someone who never dies. A fighter forever. A gladiator. Seeking an infinite hunting ground as heaven, you will slay. The dazing light that has concealed your opponent and yourself from you, finally dissipates. With an axe, he will be an easy target. Swords will always beat axes! BATTLE ONE, RAGEING AXE MAN. Raging axe man's HP: 300. Silverdrake's HP: 100. Silverdrake's Stamina: 100. Silverdrake's EE: 100. Equipped: Definition blade (30), definition helmet (10), definition Plate (15), definition gauntlets (10), definition Kickers (10) Items: Dotleaf (5) Battle cycle: Silverdrake>raging axe man>repeat. A) strike the enemy. B) punch the enemy. C) use Millitary Art: CA) Lifeslash: Deals 50% damage, healing the user for 10% of the damage dealt. (30) ) use Elemental Manipulation: E) use item: EA)Dotleaf: Heals for 5% of the user's health. (5) F) Scan the room.
#62049611Friday, January 27, 2012 7:55 PM GMT

#62050416Friday, January 27, 2012 8:20 PM GMT

#62050665Friday, January 27, 2012 8:27 PM GMT

#62164428Sunday, January 29, 2012 9:45 PM GMT

#62196013Monday, January 30, 2012 5:42 PM GMT

And B wins. Using a punch, you deal 30 points of damage! Raging axe man slashes with his axe! 40 points of damage! weapon triangle reduces in half! 20 damage! armour negates damage! Raging axe man's HP: 270. Silverdrake's HP: 100. Silverdrake's Stamina: 100. Silverdrake's EE: 100. Equipped: Definition blade (30), definition helmet (10), definition Plate (15), definition gauntlets (10), definition Kickers (10) Items: Dotleaf (5) Battle cycle: Silverdrake>raging axe man>repeat. A) strike the enemy. B) punch the enemy. C) use Millitary Art: CA) Lifeslash: Deals 50% damage, healing the user for 10% of the damage dealt. (30) ) use Elemental Manipulation: E) use item: EA)Dotleaf: Heals for 5% of the user's health. (5) F) Scan the room.
#62196899Monday, January 30, 2012 6:13 PM GMT

#62199418Monday, January 30, 2012 7:49 PM GMT

#62200449Monday, January 30, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

#62216757Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:22 AM GMT

#62232977Tuesday, January 31, 2012 2:46 PM GMT

F wins. Scanning the room, you notice that a manager is about to throw a massive lightning bolt into the arena. Hope to evade that, no? And B wins. Using a punch, you deal 30 points of damage! Raging axe man slashes with his axe! 40 points of damage! weapon triangle reduces in half! 20 damage! armour negates damage! Raging axe man's HP: 270. Silverdrake's HP: 100. Silverdrake's Stamina: 100. Silverdrake's EE: 100. Equipped: Definition blade (30), definition helmet (10), definition Plate (15), definition gauntlets (10), definition Kickers (10) Items: Dotleaf (5) Battle cycle: Silverdrake>raging axe man>repeat. A) strike the enemy. B) punch the enemy. C) use Millitary Art: CA) Lifeslash: Deals 50% damage, healing the user for 10% of the damage dealt. (30) ) use Elemental Manipulation: E) use item: EA)Dotleaf: Heals for 5% of the user's health. (5) F) RUN.
#62233615Tuesday, January 31, 2012 3:41 PM GMT

#62242777Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:51 PM GMT

#62346421Friday, February 03, 2012 4:10 PM GMT

Raging axe man's HP: 270. Silverdrake's HP: 100. CA wins. Lifestrike used! Deals 15 damage, heals for 1.5! Silverdrake's HP: 100. Silverdrake's Stamina: 70. BHP: Raging axe man slashes you! 30 damage, critical! 90 damage! reduces by 45, 45 damage! Silverdrake's HP: 55. Silverdrake's EE: 100. Equipped: Definition blade (30), definition helmet (10), definition Plate (15), definition gauntlets (10), definition Kickers (10) Items: Dotleaf (5) Battle cycle: Silverdrake>raging axe man>repeat. A) strike the enemy. B) punch the enemy. C) use Millitary Art: CA) Lifeslash: Deals 50% damage, healing the user for 10% of the damage dealt. (30) ) use Elemental Manipulation: E) use item: EA)Dotleaf: Heals for 5% of the user's health. (5) F) RUN.
#62346883Friday, February 03, 2012 4:39 PM GMT

#62351262Friday, February 03, 2012 8:04 PM GMT

C Code 85 Most elements have an oppisite, if the same elements are used against each other, they deal no damage. Where's my 500 gold and 1 exp. point?
#62351472Friday, February 03, 2012 8:10 PM GMT

#62459897Sunday, February 05, 2012 7:00 PM GMT

Ah well, I'll have to count that. And I acidentally forgot something on the first attack. Fixed. Lifestrike used! Deals 30 damage, heals for 3! Silverdrake's Stamina: 70. BHP: 210. Silverdrake's HP: 58. Raging axe man uses ROAR! next attack's damage increased by 400%! (Tip: Myself, I'd use F or A. CA's not doing a lot of damage. A can deal a good 180 if it criticals, and F might just save your life.) Silverdrake's EE: 100. Equipped: Definition blade (30), definition helmet (10), definition Plate (15), definition gauntlets (10), definition Kickers (10) Items: Dotleaf (5), Exp: 1/2. (Silverdrake), Gold: 1500. Battle cycle: Silverdrake>raging axe man>repeat. A) strike the enemy. B) punch the enemy. C) use Millitary Art: CA) Lifeslash: Deals 50% damage, healing the user for 10% of the damage dealt. (30) ) use Elemental Manipulation: E) use item: EA)Dotleaf: Heals for 5% of the user's health. (5) F) RUN.
#62460095Sunday, February 05, 2012 7:04 PM GMT

#62466362Sunday, February 05, 2012 8:44 PM GMT

#62489329Monday, February 06, 2012 4:02 AM GMT

#62505146Monday, February 06, 2012 9:17 PM GMT

Running, the thunder bolt finally hits the battlefield, directly hitting the vital organs of the enemy. dazed for three turns, 120 damage! BHP: 90. Silverdrake's Stamina: 70. Silverdrake's HP: 58. Silverdrake's EE: 100. Equipped: Definition blade (30), definition helmet (10), definition Plate (15), definition gauntlets (10), definition Kickers (10) Items: Dotleaf (5), Exp: 1/2. (Silverdrake), Gold: 500. C$: 1000. Battle cycle: Silverdrake>raging axe man>repeat. A) strike the enemy. B) punch the enemy. C) use Millitary Art: CA) Lifeslash: Deals 50% damage, healing the user for 10% of the damage dealt. (30) ) use Elemental Manipulation: E) use item: EA)Dotleaf: Heals for 5% of the user's health. (5) Bear in mind the enemy is dazed, so you can take three attacks in quick sucession. Well, in this senario.
#62505199Monday, February 06, 2012 9:18 PM GMT

#62506302Monday, February 06, 2012 9:42 PM GMT

#62509334Monday, February 06, 2012 10:34 PM GMT


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