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#62178620Monday, January 30, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

We all know how much we want to trade items. But some poeple want to trade Vmoney (fyi Vmoney = vertual money) and items. Say like someone wants to trade his tix and a realy rare item to his friend(s); the friend(s) want the realy rare item; but the friend(s) has to put a crtain amount of tix/robux for the trade to succeed or it meets the satifaction for the seller. Also, some people just want to trade their tix to be traded for a certain amount of robux. ~example: You-268 tix / want 28 robux ~problem: currency wont allow this, when you trade that ammount there is a high chance that the trade ammount will be about 4 robux less. ~resolution:Put up a new currency page that allows people to choose who they want to trade their Vmoney to. ~problem for this: VERY HIGH chance that roblox will not change their currency page to a trade accepting catalog. Trades can also be sent through messaging (like steam) but they buyer has the choice to accept or not accept (I highly think that people will spam trade messages). I'm also thinking that there can be a group trade/Bc trade olny/ and multi friends trade. ~Multi-friend trade allows you to add friends to eather help or suggest items you can buy. (helping calls for you and your friend(s) pass the trade or put some Vmoney in your side of the page) ~Group-trade allows you AND your group trade with other groups or support 1 person with a trade. As in the admin posts an announcment that there will be a trade with bleh co. group. so you get a massage saying if you want to support the admin with this trade or just pass it and wait for a different trade. ~BC-trade; i think you know where this is going; allows YOU the BC member to trade with other BC members. If you want, BC memebers can choose to trade with BC memebers or regular players. I apretiate you reading this. Will post more info if needed.
#62179490Monday, January 30, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

Also* You can trade any items of your choosing. You trade - you put the price!

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