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#62623384Thursday, February 09, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

Hello, I'm remaking a game you may recall, Pirates of the Caribbean Online. This game will be much like the original, but a ROBLOX version. I'd like to ask if anyone would like to support/help my team? Me and my team could currently do it by ourselves, but with your help it'll be easier. This is a building thread and not spam. Please do not flame/say "No." or "Get off." none of that crap will be tollerated. If you have nothing good to say, FRICKIN KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Thanks, JustinJoseph
#62625503Thursday, February 09, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

I would be honored to help, From what I played of the game; I can texture stuff (roughly) I can build models; houses; boats. I can build terrain to an extent of detail (Err. on a honest scale 7.5/10 for terrain) I can script ever so little. But still; I would love to help. If it helps; I have played this game before, and I am somewhat familiar with it and its setting; weapons; and coinage system.
#62629526Friday, February 10, 2012 12:51 AM GMT

You dont need a team of builders and scripters to do the stuff you cant do. Use this: The WIKI,
#62632881Friday, February 10, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

above, I SAID I DIDN'T NEED PEOPLE. IT'D BE EASIER WITH HELP. Read before u post, idiot 2 above, Great your in! I'd be happy to see you working with us :)
#62646822Friday, February 10, 2012 12:19 PM GMT

What help are you asking for?
#62671698Saturday, February 11, 2012 1:34 AM GMT

General help to make the game finish faster. Things like, scripts, ships, Advanced GUI's, etc. I could make these, but it'd be easier with anyones help. :)

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