#71952028Monday, July 09, 2012 9:27 PM GMT

( ima tune down the OP on the swords. Ill give em weaknesses. wich will be revealed sooner or later... )
#71964251Monday, July 09, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

(no, ss, what's OP is that you've given yourself 4 weapons. That's what has been the problem.)
#71964858Monday, July 09, 2012 11:57 PM GMT

(The least you could have done was check Conner, ss. I mean, I admit that I've done some crazy things, and I have even crazier things planned, but I always check with Conner. You just kind of jumped in with two characters, which mind you, no one else on this whole thread has done, and are getting this extremely powerful swords and would be going around killing everything and everyone you come across with one sentence if we didn't tell you to stop. And, really, your primary group doesn't help lowering suspicion. Also, it would be really nice if you could actually use grammar, because at times it is extremely hard to understand what you're doing, especially seeing that you are, again, controlling two characters. Oh, excuse me, is the count up to three now? I'm not even sure. TL;DR: Check with Conner, and then me ranting.)
#71965472Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

(I have to agree with Hint, I'm not kicking you out, Mythrans no! It's just that, well, your being slightly suspicious)
#71968786Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:47 AM GMT

Myself and Hint continued to wander the halls until we found ourselves in a rather large and long room, in the center is a long clothed dinner table running the length and on the other end of the room was a massive, if not daunting, brass and wood Pipe Organ. "The Ballroom" I say cautiously
#71969788Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:00 AM GMT

Right after Conner says this, Hint hurriedly uses his gun to teleport to the organ and plays the infamous, "dun dun dun duuuun." When he gets a look from Conner, he shrugs and says, "Sorry, I couldn't resist. Especially with the overly dramatic way you presented this room."
#71969911Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:01 AM GMT

(Also, 2/4. Yeah, that seems fair.)
#71969990Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:02 AM GMT

Despite my constant heat, I shiver. "Impossible...There's more than one weapon that I sense." I stop moving. "....And some idiot has brought them together!" I feel the aura of the weapon in the next corridor. I abandon formalities and blow the door down. "Nobody move," I command. "I, you, and this entire Bog are in incredible danger. Separate the weapon from itself right now."
#71970249Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:05 AM GMT

"Hiiiiiint!!" I whisper loudly, "You're gonna get us noticed! Ever heard of the 'Element of Surprise'?" I whisper to him "Su-prise..."A voice called from behind me as I jump (Quite literally) ten feet into the air and all the way over to Hint, and there she was: The Gypsy woman who turned me to stone "Chrysalis!"
#71972658Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:33 AM GMT

"Oh, dear. Okay, first and foremost, sorry about that, Conner. Secondly, seeing that you've spent the most time with her, any suggestions on he to defeat her? A tip or something would be very helpful right about now," Hint whispers.
#71974101Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:50 AM GMT

I lean in close to Hint, "Princess and the Frog. She reminds me of Dr. Faclier, so possibly, we should try and destroy her source of power: AKA That Staff she has" "Oh, goodie, a fight, let's have some fun" Chrysalis says before she whips her staff and the table flies over to the side of the room, and a ghost appears in front of the Organ and starts playing
#71976472Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:14 AM GMT

( ohhhhh so thats the OP problem. important using the other swords as keys. while only using 2 of em. hint, that accedental paragraph i posted was an accedent. i was gonna go back and edit all the stupidity out of it. but noo my comp had to lag at that time exactly. meaning when i thought i clicked the text box i acctully clicked post. it was accadent. and correct i kinda neglected reading some of you guys posts. oh and conner how was i acting suspicious? ) M.M " tk shut up..." m.m said " i was thinking out loud." TK said "uh... where he hell is the armory!" " right there- WHAT THE HELL ITS A GHOST!!!" the armory was being ramsacked. we went closer and saw some one inside.
#71978290Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:31 AM GMT

"That's right, come out where I can see you!" I shout to the two intruders. "There's a snowpocalypse going on, and I don't need people goofing off with weapons of divine power."
#72036586Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:18 PM GMT

TK " ITS A GHOST!!! " "AND IT HAS THE VENOMSHANK!" M.M left Tk and got closer to the voice. " who are you! Answer me!"
#72042784Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:35 PM GMT

"You're going to come in here with those weapons where I can see them or I'll have to do it myself. What's it going to be?" I'm starting to get angry now.
#72045185Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:59 PM GMT

"if he means the darkheart and the illumina...?" I stabbed TK ending his life once in for all and took the illumina. " uhhh.... you want theese? " M.M said mistaking murph for someone else. M.M threw the Illumina and ice dagger on the ground."you can have those 2 but the DH is mine!" " i doubt you can use any of them... "
#72045613Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:03 PM GMT

(First legit death of the RP.) (...Party?)
#72049958Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:49 PM GMT

( Hey someone gonna change the subject name now? the same subject for too long gets boring... )
#72050295Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:53 PM GMT

(We're still on Chapter 3, and to my knowledge, this chapter will continue until Chrysy is taken care of. Me and Hint have that covered)
#72050522Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

( oh i see i guess i havent read that... )
#72055958Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:52 PM GMT

"Use? Using them? You really have no clue what you're dealing with. The Illumina and the Darkheart are the same sword! Its dual nature causes it to take up two spaces at the same time. One sword is imbued with darkness and the other is filled with light. Keeping them together is incredibly dangerous. And you've been hauling around an ice dagger as well. Just how stupid are you?"
#72058541Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:23 AM GMT

M.M sighed " ok ill talk. the divine blades are the keys to the world of redemption. witch is in total chaos and i was tasked to save it..." happy? so why wont you tell me why your here?"
#72068376Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:28 AM GMT

"Gee, "Chosen one", sorry for offending your holiness. May I grovel at your feet and kiss your shoes in a pitiful attempt to apologize?" I sneer. "Give me a break. If you haven't noticed, this world is in total chaos as well, and if you feel that some hippy-dippy fairy land is more important to save than your own home then you clearly have no right to even know about those blades, let alone wield them. Such power was hidden away from Robloxians for a reason, fool. Why am I here? To bash up Chrysalis, a tiki, and a dragon, and the Frost Queen eventually. I suggest that you leave the weapons and go to your drunken little redemption land, never to bother us again. Did you manage to understand any of that? Weapons BAD. No use weapons. They big and scary."
#72068538Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

(Hippy-Dippy, Now there's an insult I haven't heard in years....what was that from again?)
#72069291Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:38 AM GMT

( Woah there calm down murph... ) M.M " Uhhhh....? Are you ok sir? Y'know... i can help you know, how about i lend a hand?"