#65590805Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:39 PM GMT

Echo Famous last words. I grasp Yomin's sword in-between my claw, and attempt to crush it. I use my other hand, and I swing at Yomin's head.
#65591303Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:44 PM GMT

Yomin I mimic-ed her claw and blocked her's. this sword wouldn't break easily,I forged this in the center of the earth out of pure titanium compressed into a fine blade, it has been with me through thick-and-thin through every evil in my path.I am the samurai, now taste your blood!
#65591391Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

Fuego: I close my eyes for a moment, trying to word this correctly. "There was... this thing. In the valley I used to live in. He was older, terrifying. Everyone, even the adults, steered clear of him. He just didn't like anyone, and was very jealous of angels. Always talking about how they had it the easy way, they had luxuries we could only dream of..." I stop, hearing him in my mind. One of the rants he went off on that we HAD to listen to. If you tried to leave or get away from him he'd find you after and hurt you. I swallow and continue. "He used to pick on me alot. Claiming I must've had it real good, being a Reject Angel. He called me that alot, along with other names. Used me as an example of who to hate to the other kids. Burn and cut me on the way home from school. He came into my dreams to chase after me, and torture me there. He tried to kill me multiple times." I stop and say no more, shaking a bit. "He tried to kill me alot. With fire, chop of my head, poison, anything. He stalked me. No one said anything to them since they were too afraid." I thought back to a friend I'd had, a boy with brown hair. Smiled alot. "Murdered my friend. Didn't like him either. He didn't hate me all because I was from an angel family. He just hated people. Me for some reason." "Short story short, he was a murderous stalker who chose me as a target." I shudder.
#65591651Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:47 PM GMT

(Hell yeah, samauri rock! Lol. They're something awesome.)
#65591683Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:47 PM GMT

Wraith- I think about all this, and store it away in memory. "Does he still live?" I ask finally. This was the last thing I needed to know about him.
#65591961Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

Echo Letting out all my rage, I generate a sound wave, attempt to blast Yomin back. (keep in mind, her sound waves are extremely powerful.)
#65593042Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

Andrew I stop for a moment... I mean, I just... Wow. I can see why she would be tortcherd by this. And the resemblance between Echo and the person she described... just.... " I... understand..." I turn to her. " I mean, I understand your situation. I know I proboly don't understand what it was like...but I know I can come close."
#65593304Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

Fuego: I'm moved back a bit from Echo's soundwave. I regen my balance and look at Wraith. "Yes."
#65593449Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:06 AM GMT

Yomin I cratered into the ground,got up and spit out some blood,I rolled into a ball,"MY NEWEST FINISHING MOVE!!!! GORO!!!!"I started to spin,it was creating high-static around me,"GORO!!!! RAI!!!!" I sparked up rolling and jumped at her. On the inside my body was struggling to keep intact.....
#65593522Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

(That was meant to be before you posted again.)
#65593656Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:09 AM GMT

Fuego: I find it hard to imagine anyone else being stalked, tormented, and tortured by someone, but somehow he must know. I'm not sure how to respond, so I give a small smile and turn to watch them fight.
#65593760Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:10 AM GMT

Echo I dived straight into Yomin, creating a sound wave with all my might, and slash down with my claw.
#65594081Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

Fuego: I re-adjust myself once more and keep watching.
#65594106Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

Andrew I turn to Fuego. "Well, ad close as I can come. It's just mainly mentally tourmented. Echo ca-" I get knocked back from the second blast.
#65594308Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:16 AM GMT

Andrew I get back up. "Geese.... she's really going all out...."
#65594588Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:19 AM GMT

Yomin When we collided it made a LOT of energy,like, DBZ energy!:D A crater formed under us and wind was flying everywhere!"GGRRRR!!!!!!"
#65594976Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:24 AM GMT

Andrew I put arm up over my face. " This is...incredible!"
#65595060Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:25 AM GMT

Fuego: "This is pretty fierce."
#65595177Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:26 AM GMT

Echo I see my chance. I trust one of the spikes on my arm at Yomin.
#65595762Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

Yomin I got cut, dang me and my openings! I spin her off and went down to the ground and held it, I readied my katana to throw it,it was sparking extremely.
#65595782Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:33 AM GMT

Tori I walk in and sit down. My neck hurts where the shock collar was shocking me. I try not to speak then I look over and see Echo and Yomin fighting. "Why ar- ow." It hurts to talk with the pain on my neck. I grab my neck and just don't talk.
#65596324Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:39 AM GMT

Echo I stoped in mid fall with wings, then seeing his katana in s vuntanle position, I generate the strongest sound I possibly can, then I spin with my claw out-stretched, flying toured him.
#65597586Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:52 AM GMT

Yomin I tossed it straight at her,"LIGHTNING SPEAR!"I'm making these up as I go>_<...
#65597728Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

Echo The sound wave hits the sword, knocking it out of the air. I still speed at Yomin.
#65597906Thursday, April 05, 2012 12:55 AM GMT

Yomin "You've done it now!"I started twirling, the sword was a better deal then this new one!"Tornado blade!"