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#63950456Wednesday, March 07, 2012 4:24 AM GMT

(this was posted in RT as well) [VOTE]UserVoice: http://roblox.uservoice.com/forums/4658-roblox/suggestions/2659738-a-stance-against-roblox-place-stealing-fraud-a-pr#comments Summary: >> players that steal others' material … end up generating income, popularity, and credit for themselves. >>This Place/Model fraud is crude, blatant robbery ... injustice to the creative place-building, game-making, and Lua-tinkering minds on ROBLOX. >> a call for better place security, and action must taken against those who use stolen copies … for their own profit or benefit. This has been a serious issue ... has not been properly addressed >>Bring back a Producer-Friendly Front Page Dear ROBLOX Community + Administration Team: I think I speak for everyone when I say that that place & model stealing/exploitation/fraud is a major issue that has not been properly addressed. The content-producing builders, scripters, and creative thinkers of ROBLOX deserve better protection for their creations and ideas. This general concept of “ROBLOX Fraud” needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later, and many of us think that 5+ years of dealing with it is long enough. I. Content Fraud II. Result of Fraud III. Current Situation of Fraud IV. How to Prevent Fraud >>I. What is Content Fraud? Content Fraud is a very serious issue on ROBLOX seen in illegitimately obtained places, models, and in other user-created content. This Place/Model fraud is crude, blatant robbery and an injustice to the creative place-building, game-making, and Lua-tinkering minds on ROBLOX. This Fraud is whenever some one's place, model, or other creation is obtained by a 3rd party through means illegitimate or without the consent of the original owner of the content. Be it through exploitation, pass-guessing, scamming, or any other means, it’s robbery, plain and simple. It’s robbery of some one’s hard work and ideas. >>II. Result of Fraud An excellent example of the effects of Content Fraud is a parasitical relationship. Imagine the person who created the content as the host, and the person who is using the stolen content as the parasite. The parasite feeds directly off of the host for its own good. This is the same in ROBLOX. In over a majority of cases involving stolen content that is applied to a front-page game, the “parasite,” or user of the stolen content, will reap the benefits of the original owner’s efforts and work put into the content. Another spot-on example is of someone whose places are always seen on the Front Page, and all of their places are stolen. You know who I am referring to. That individual demonstrates just how easy it is to get your hands on someone else’s work and use it for your own advantage. The owner of the content is used as a source for someone else’s success, profit, and popularity. >>III. Current Situation of Fraud Currently, content stealing and exploitation is happening all the time. It’s easy for people to get a copy of whatever they want through illegitimate methods. Look on the Front Page, and scroll through the other pages of popular games and places. In many instances, you will see the same place, but maybe with a bit of icing on top to mask it from where it was originally derived. A decal here, a tweak there, and suddenly you have a winner. It’s extremely upsetting how often this happens to good scripters and builders and other content-producers alike, and is getting worse. Currently, there is no evident signs of moderators or the ROBLOX administrators making efforts to prevent Content Fraud. It seems that it is condoned by them in a manner that shows lows levels of concern for the players’ creations. No action is being taken against players with direct evidence of fraudulent content usage for their own reward. Again, you all know what I am talking about. The seemingly lack of concern for this issue by the ROBLOX Team is an injustice to the content-producing players of ROBLOX. >>IV. How to Prevent Fraud There are many methods that can be taken to reduce Content Fraud, and they aren’t all too hard to put into action. One method brought up by one of my colleagues is through compiling places. By giving people the ability to turn place data, the Lua, into binary, it becomes a lot harder to steal. More security measures in the ROBLOX Studio framework and ROBLOX Game should be taken overall. Exploits are reported all the time; they are out there and even though they are being dealt with, it’s not enough. Furthermore, I cannot stress how important it is to take acts against people who are committing Content Fraud. When there is a punishment involved for doing so, it will stop a lot of users from even thinking about using stolen content. >>>In conclusion: ROBLOX’s standards for protecting user content are not high enough, and this lack of protection directly affects the community and content producers in a very negative manner. It needs to be addressed. [VOTE]UserVoice: http://roblox.uservoice.com/forums/4658-roblox/suggestions/2659738-a-stance-against-roblox-place-stealing-fraud-a-pr#comments
#63974197Wednesday, March 07, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

SUPPORT This was well worth reading.

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