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#64031782Friday, March 09, 2012 3:57 AM GMT

LINK TO CHARACTER SHEETS AND WHERE YOU POST YOURS: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=64031724 Honeysuckle Island is a beautful island surrounded by bright blue water that has been discovered about 342 years ago by ancients. The ancients are way past us now so the "now" people have taken over. The historical island is the ideal place for a vacation, or even a home! There is so much to do here, including all the fun-in-the-sun activities included in Hawaii. In the summer, many tourists come to explore the island and have a great time. The residents of Honeysuckle Island enjoy having tourists, and jobs to show them around. The central square of the island includes many restaurants, including the loved Honeysuckle Island Cafe! You can go to the park, or maybe even to the boutiques and stores filled with many styles of clothing to choose from. The roads here are so small, that many people use golf carts and their own two legs to get around. Something that you WILL find in Honeysuckle Island, is honeysuckles. Name tells all. YOU are a tourist, or maybe even a resident. Whatever happens to you, is your choice. Have fun, and thank you for visiting... Honeysuckle Island. ~RULES~ 1. No killing or hurting without permission from person you do that to. 2. I or and admin MUST accept you before you start to RP on Honeysuckle Island 3. NO GODMODDING! 4. Use grammar, AKA story mode. WRONG: Dan: *gets onto jetski* lets go noa 5. DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT HEADING! 6. Don't be a noob 7. Try to be creative 8. I can change any rule when I want to. 9. If you had read EVERYTHING, put "Rainbow LolliPOOP" down on your CS. 10. This is more of a life RP, don't go around town being a vampire. Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Gender: Tourist/Resident: Job: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Other: First Post(RP Sample):
#64034138Friday, March 09, 2012 4:52 AM GMT

Don't put the character sheet on this thread, put it on here: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=64031724
#64054811Friday, March 09, 2012 10:31 PM GMT

Jessica Doyle I laid in my bed, staring at the dim light coming from the bottom crack in my bedroom door. Dad was still up, working on his website I supposed. My eyes refused to shut an help me doze off into dream land. I was too excited for my first day of work the upcoming day. I had always wanted to have a job, ever since I was young. Now that I had a Summer job, I wouldn't have to worry about the monthly $20 I got from chores. I had always spent that money quickly. With an actual job at the cafe, I would shop more, and have money left to save. The orange light of my digital alarm clock formed the time - 11:29 p.m.- I desperately needed to sleep, but the flabbergasting idea of me with a job wouldn't disappear from my thoughts. I decided to do what I could, count to 1000. I was sleeping at 8.
#64055257Friday, March 09, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

Am I accepted???
#64055582Friday, March 09, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

Hayden I sit boredly and await the next tourist who litters everywhee and doesn't give a care about the 'NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY!' sign
#64071490Saturday, March 10, 2012 2:55 AM GMT

Jessica Doyle The sunlight streamed in from my open window. Mom. She had probably came in and opened it to wake me up. That was a very excellent plan of hers, because the light had confirmed my awareness of the morning. With a flick of my hands and a kick of my leg, I had my clothes laid out on my bed before me. I changed out of my pj's and into my work uniform: A yellow polo type shirt labled Honeysuckle Island Cafe in white, beige khakis, and white flats. I grabbed my skateboard, messenger bag, and a donut for breakfast as I sprinted out the front door. I jogged for a bit while eating my donut, but when I was finished, I threw my skateboard on the ground and rode it the rest fo the way to work. I was greeted with a warm smile and then showed around the cafe. I easily learned my job, for I was a fast learner.
#64071622Saturday, March 10, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

Hayden I look up as a girl in a cafe uniform walks in. "Hey." I say boredly. I take a sip of the water sitting next to the register.
#64072603Saturday, March 10, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

Jessica Doyle I gave a slight nod and a tiny wave to a younger looking guy behind the counter after he greeted me. He picked up a cup of water and took a sip. I took the order of a man at about 30 and gave it to the cooks. After it was made, I delivered it and received a $5 tip. I smiled and greatfully thanked the man.
#64076504Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:17 AM GMT

Mani- I was at the local library their was a closed sign out front, "Really, its time for lunch and the libraries closed." I checked to see if the door was unlocked it was, I gave a slight jerk and it opened up. The room was dark and I reached my hand out feeling for a light switch when I found it i flipped it on, "I hope no one catches me in here." Their were rows up on rows of books stalked upon each other, everything was marked by genre, As if it were a natural feeling I went to the romance section, I sat down in front of the shelf grabbed a couple of books, I put them on the ground and opened my backpack and took out my lunch a ham sandwich and a can of coke and began to read. I read on and on not knowing that the libraries door was wide open.
#64076565Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:19 AM GMT

Hayden I perk up when a woman gives me a $15 tip. I shake her hand and thank her. I wave to the two kids hiding behind her. "Why did she tip me?" I think aloud. Then I realized I didn't give her the right meal. I gave her too many meals. The next guy was super mad because I made him wait.
#64077086Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:27 AM GMT

Mani- After i was finished reading I packed up took a few books and walked out, outside I got odd looks from some oldmen across the street as they say me carrying a romance novel. My stomach growled not being satisfied from my homemade lunch. I started to jog towards the cafe and reached thier in a couple of minutes, I entered and was greeted by a chime. I took a seat at the back of the cafe were no one would see me read my book, I sat down placed my bag beside me and my romance novel on the table and looked at the menu.
#64077281Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:31 AM GMT

Hayden I watch a boy walk in. After a minute, I walk up with my notepad and say, "Hey, can I take your order?
#64077408Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:33 AM GMT

Mani- I look up at him studying his features, "Erm..ham sandwich, fries and, can of coke please." I said in a low voice making him barely hear half my order.
#64077552Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:36 AM GMT

Hayden I couldn't make out what this guy said. "I beg your pardon?" I ask with my eyebrows formed in a slight frown.
#64077669Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:38 AM GMT

I looked up at him again, 'I'll just go." I said again in a low voice I quickly picked up my bag and went outside to one of the benches to read,I quickly looked threw the window behind me realizing I forgot my book.
#64077913Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:42 AM GMT

Hayden I watch him leave. I think, "Wierdo..." I notice a novel called Secrets Are Key. My uncle wrote this book. I take it and put it in my bag and go back to my spot at the counter.
#64078090Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:45 AM GMT

Mani- I saw him pick up the book and go, "Dammit,I was close to finishing that." My stomach growled even louder this time, I sighed knowing that I had to go back in. I collected my things entered again and took a seat on the front counter and waited for someone to take my order.
#64078225Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:47 AM GMT

Hayden "Your back..." I say casually. I wasn't going to mention my uncles book because it held a Memory of him before... The accident...
#64078376Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:50 AM GMT

"Yea i'm back, just get me some fries and give me my book back..please." I said much louder
#64078489Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:52 AM GMT

Hayden I yell at the girl saying, "Give this guy a fry and a coke!" I turn back to the boy and say, "What book?"
#64078558Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:52 AM GMT

"Dont even try to lie with me, I saw you take it threw the window or should I go call the manager..."
#64078799Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:56 AM GMT

Hayden I unnoticeably take the book out of my bag and slip it in my shirt. "I don't care. He'll search my bag and find nothing." I laugh. I push the boys shoulder playfully and say, "What's your name anyways?"
#64078885Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:58 AM GMT

"You play it tough dude, preety common anyways my names..well people just call me Mani back home.
#64079196Saturday, March 10, 2012 5:04 AM GMT

Hayden "Nice to meet ya... Look, Mani... I do have you're book. It's by my Uncle and I don't have a copy... I just wanted a memory... And please don't tell my manager... I have three younger sisters to take care of and I need enough money to get to a better neighborhood... If you tell him he'll fire Me..."
#64079311Saturday, March 10, 2012 5:06 AM GMT

"Think of better exscuses but I wont tell the manager....but if you have three younger sisters to support how can you even afford to come here...? Anyways those fries are taking quite some time."

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