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#64254846Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:03 AM GMT

Most of you Americans hate Obama. He is doing a pretty bad job, but what ever, thats not the problem. Question: If you hate him because of the health care reform and every thing else, why did you vote for him? He had all the plans laid out, even the health care reform, and pretty much everything else, and you said you wanted that and now your calling him stupid for giving you most of the things he promised.
#64255241Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:14 AM GMT

>Most Americans hate Obama Haha, you are hilarious. I'm American and I do like Obama and I absolutely think that he isn't doing a bad job but I am a bit disappointed with him. Where did you get this false information from, pinheadsoccer?
#64255771Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:28 AM GMT

Im American & think hes the worst president ever. This is an article named " All of Nation's Resources Dumped into 50 Children Who are Actually Our Future" caution, this is guaranteed to subtract your ego by 200: WASHINGTON—Stating it is time to rethink how the nation lays a foundation for a better tomorrow, President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that all of the federal government's resources will now be directed exclusively toward the 50 children who actually represent the country's future. "Ensuring the continued prosperity of our great nation is my number-one priority as president," Obama said during a press conference, standing alongside Cabinet members and several of the nation's few dozen legitimately promising minors. "And there is no use squandering any more of our valuable time and money on the myth that every child is capable of attaining success and one day changing the world. That simply isn't true." "It is absolutely essential that we cut our losses now and focus only on those talented young Americans who will in fact usher in a brighter, better America. Namely, Malik Roberts, the Zelenev twins of Maryland, and 5-year-old Ella May here," Obama continued. "These particular children are our future." According to Obama, under the bipartisan-backed initiative known as America's 50 Stars, the handful of future medical pioneers, technology innovators, and titans of industry will henceforth receive the roughly $1 trillion previously spent each year on the 76 million American youths who the president said are, "quite frankly, not our country's next, best hope." Noting the vast majority of American children are not even capable of leading the United States into "a decent era, much less a bold new one," officials confirmed the nation has already begun to shutter schools and universities nationwide; wind down programs such as Head Start, Federal Student Aid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program; and end all other government spending on the 99.9 percent of children determined by experts to certifiably not be our nation's most valuable natural resource. "In challenging times such as these, there is really no use in pretending all of our children represent the best we have to offer, because in every conceivable sense, that just isn't the case," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan, adding that operating under this delusion had cost the nation untold trillions of dollars. "We want our country to remain strong and competitive, obviously, and for the next generation to make a better world than the one we left for them. Therefore—and trust me on this—we must put everything we have into these 50 kids, and only these 50 kids, because their less meritorious peers are, by comparison, outright dullards." "Honestly, whether we implement this program or not, the entire nation will eventually be reliant on these 50 remarkable children for jobs and societal advancement—all we're doing is ensuring they are as prepared as possible and cutting out the wasteful spending on everyone else," said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), explaining that the "sooner Americans accept this fact, the smoother things will go." "My advice to the rest of the nation's kids is to sit down, be quiet, and await your orders from our future leaders." ... This is one reason why I despise him..
#64255851Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:31 AM GMT

@tax: *Looks above, looks at about 90% of all the other posts about obama, sees an idiot calling him a communist*. A majority hate him.
#64256097Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:38 AM GMT

I hate him to the deepest chambers of hell -.-
#64256189Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:41 AM GMT

He is a freakin' communist. Read the book called Animal Farm. It's small, but true. Refer to the pigs as 'the U.S government & the fifty 'future leaders', and the other animals as the rest of America.
#64256290Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:44 AM GMT

If the future of us Americans turns into becoming slaves to those fifty (darling) children, then I'm moving to New Zealand >:(
#64256332Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:45 AM GMT

>Wants to move away from a "hellhole" >Decides to move to New Zealand That's just running back into the problem.
#64256540Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:50 AM GMT

We hate him because we was unable to do many of things he wanted to do.
#64256585Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:51 AM GMT

I'm not gunna become a slave in New Zealand am I? :(
#64256992Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:02 AM GMT

Obama, needless to say, is not the worst president in American history. That award goes to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who introduced the New Progressive era to the U.S. Had this not occurred, I guarantee that America would neither be in this economic situation nor have this much of a difference between parties, who, before FDR, both strove for small government and minimal federal power. I do dislike Obama. It's simply idiotic to blame this all on him though. FDR was the virus, so to speak. Obama is just a severely infected cell. And the disease is spreading. I dislike Obama because of his new liberal/progressive/socialist ideology and his attempts to force them on the American people.
#64257009Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:02 AM GMT

Yeah, by Sauron.
#64257083Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:05 AM GMT

You know no matter who it is you can't know exactly who they are or whether or not they'll chagnge their minds when they get into office. People lie deal with it.
#64257106Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:05 AM GMT

http://maps.goog le.com/maps ?q=FDR&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_p w.r_cp.r_qf. ,cf. osb&ix=sea&ion=1&bi w=1920&bih=993&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=etVeT6_qHtGXtweIz-CVBw&sa=X&oi=mod e_link&ct=mo de&cd=3&ved=0CCgQ_AUoAg
#64257248Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:10 AM GMT

Are you freaking crazy? Obama isn't ANYWHERE NEAR BEING A COMMUNIST. LOL
#64257281Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:12 AM GMT

Americans think everyprson ho tries to help the poor are commies. I heard something about sesame street being communist because it tuaght poor kids how to spell.
#64257680Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:29 AM GMT

America runs on stupidity, remember that tax.
#64257732Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:31 AM GMT

No, don't live in America sorry.
#64260176Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:49 AM GMT

Obama isn't liberal. Or communist. Or socialist. He is a right of center Conservative. The majority of his decesions are Right wing, up. And this is coming from an ACTUAL socialist.
#64260696Tuesday, March 13, 2012 12:00 PM GMT

He isn't communist, he just does NOTHING good in office! this siggy is useless
#64262493Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:15 PM GMT

He's fascist, which is a form of socialism.
#64262816Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:29 PM GMT

"Hes fascist"... I'm sorry but what kind of rock is your brain made of? I won't even bother explaining fasism to you, because you're really the only one that dosn't know what it is.
#64263720Tuesday, March 13, 2012 3:12 PM GMT

@Rog HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're so dumb, especially since that is an TheOnion article HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Top 100 Poster
#64263741Tuesday, March 13, 2012 3:13 PM GMT

That article was the stupidest thing i ever read. Oh pfft lets not try and get out this economic crisis lets blow all our money on 50 kids who will never do anything important. I love the last bit to, "My advice to the rest of the nation's kids is to sit down, be quiet, and await your orders from our future leaders." But really is this something he really said? If so I am glad not to be an american
#64264308Tuesday, March 13, 2012 3:37 PM GMT

@Mage This is a theonion article you sound stupid for taking it seriously

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