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#64262486Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:15 PM GMT

I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A PARTNERSHIP WITH A POWERFULL CREATOR WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN GAMES. I WANT TO PARTNER WITH A EXPERT SCRIPTER(Among The Most Advanced) A POPULAR CREATOR (Please Have Knowledge Of How To make A Mutiple People War tycoon Creator with a Finished war tycoon (A 2 or 3 player tycoon If not Its fine) A Scripter WHo Can Make a 4 player and even more players war tycoon A Expert Builder Who Can Make a 4 player and even more players war tycoon Why You ASk Do I want to partner? SO I CAN GET A TASTE OF HOW TO MAKE A GAME SUCCESSFULL. SO IF I EVER DO GET ON THE FRONT PAGE, IM NOT MAKING A RANDOM TITLE EVERY FEW SECONDS THAT DOSE NOT CORRESPOND TO TEH GAME! AND So I Can Make My Dream Game Because Roblox Studio Apparently Dosent Like My COmputer, So It Errors, And Dosent Save, And Lags so bad my computer freezes up for 5 minutes( I cant even Get[Ctrl + Alt + Delete]Untill its unfrozen) I canT Not Pay You IT IS AGAINST THE RULES! If you are really kind and understand me I Hope You Work For free! PLEASE PM ME INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: What You can Do {I Put it Below This To Show You Again} EXPERT SCRIPTER(Among The Most Advanced) A POPULAR CREATOR (Please Have Knowledge Of How To make A Mutiple People War tycoon) Creator with a Finished war tycoon (A 2 or 3 player tycoon If not Its fine) A Scripter WHo Can Make a 4 player and even more players war tycoon A Expert Builder Who Can Make a 4 player and even more players war tycoon IN The SUBJECT PUT Applying For A Job! I WANT TO MAKE MY DREAM GAME! A 4 AND EVEN MORE PLAYER WAR TYCOON! I WILL GIVE MYSELF 4% CREDIT ALL MY OTHERS WILL GET THE REST OF CREDIT! WE WILL MAKE A STATUE AT THE LAST BASE UPGRADE WITH EACH OF THE PEOPLE WHO HELPED ME EACH GET A STATUE ON EACH OF THE TYCOON! PM ME NOW!
#64262802Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:29 PM GMT

Let me translate the whole post for others. This BC kid wants to find the best scripters in building helpers, he wants the best of the best, he will not pay you because its "against the rules" and the limit of his dreams is 4 players war tycoon. Anyone in?
#64265766Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:32 PM GMT

Thanks for translating, 3lex33. I couldn't really understand him. Also, if you want Scripters, GO TO THE FRIGGIN' SCRIPTING HELPERS SECTION!!
#64272088Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:21 PM GMT

Personally, I don't think anyone with apply without pay. You have to give some sort of reward.
#64272620Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:31 PM GMT

Hehe so basically he wants a few people to: 1) make him a really good game (front page status) 2) expect no pay 3) ... is there a 3?
#64328331Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:58 PM GMT

Sorry for not being able to script, but luckily if you want help with buildings like a spawn area or a garage, you're in luck! I'll take nothing in return. Just think about it.

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