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#64747719Wednesday, March 21, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

True, they are a tradition, but the majority of ROBLOX is made up of brats; the forums are ALWAYS under spam for days straight, stupid kids complain about not getting eggs they want, kids begging for more time, kids abusing the egg hunts and making sorters, and kids that complain and insult the admins 24/7. Frankly, that probably annoys me more than it does the admins. There are too many ungrateful brats on here; they outweigh everyone else. By a lot. At least we have one less holiday to worry about as formers. I'm fine with others, but Easter is the worst for some reason.
#64747848Wednesday, March 21, 2012 11:22 PM GMT

The RT always gets spammed about some subject when something happens. Removing the Easter Egg Drops won't help much.
#64747931Wednesday, March 21, 2012 11:23 PM GMT

@Garrus Really? Because it is usually flooded by this day with egg hunt posts.

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