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#65205537Friday, March 30, 2012 8:24 PM GMT

A roleplay for any Hetalia fans out there. If you want to roleplay a canon character from the show, send me - JadenFire - a snippit of you roleplaying that character through a PM. If not, fill out the below form-thingy: Location: (The area you're going to roleplay. It doesn't have to be a country; it can be a state, province, territory, etc.) N@me: (The human n@me of your OC. If your character has a twin, then they'll have two n@mes. For example, the Italy brothers have two - Veneziano and Feliciano, Romano and Lovino.) Appearance: (You can link a decal here if you want. If not, describe what your OC looks like.) Quirks: (Can your character perform magic, like England? Can they read the mood or not? Do they have a dark secret no one knows? Tell meeee!) If you submit a form for an area that's already taken, I'll ask the person roleplaying that area if they want to change, but if they don't, then sorry, you don't get to roleplay that person. Too bad, so sad. And I'm sad to say this but - NO pairings, please! Even if it is JoKir... or SuFin... Or GerIta... /siiiigh/
#65205740Friday, March 30, 2012 8:28 PM GMT

Location: Lower Michigan N@me: Alica Michigan (Human - Veronica Deadlocke) Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Lower-Michigan-item?id=74846685 Quirks: Due to the many, MANY ghost stories in Michigan, Alica has the abillity to perform minor magic. Pull on one of her curls and she'll run for the nearest butcher's knife.
#65211458Friday, March 30, 2012 9:58 PM GMT

(Can I join? 8D)
#65222801Saturday, March 31, 2012 1:04 AM GMT

(Sure! Just gotta post a bio. ^^)
#65224055Saturday, March 31, 2012 1:23 AM GMT

Location: Antartica N@me: Nikki Kalia (OMG 5-MIN MADE UP NAME FTW 8D) Appearance: She has long, silvery hair that goes down to her back, and has blue eyes....Wears a whitish-bluish hoodie and jeans, with random shoes that match the snow. Carries around a snow bunny. Quirks: Uhhhh...well, shes good at drawing/crafts? o-o (OH YEEAAAAH FILLED THIS OUT IN 5-10 MINS >:D)
#65249728Saturday, March 31, 2012 2:21 PM GMT

(That'll work! ^^) Alica's eyes fluttered open and she groaned. The alarm clock beside her buzzed loudly and obnoxiously. She reached over grogilly and slammed her hand on the top of it, canceling the noise. Alica sat up, throwing off the green covers of her bed. She turned and hopped off the mattress, heading over to the closet to obtain her clothing. After she dressed, Alica headed downstairs for a cup of coffee. Her cat, Michikitty, was sound asleep in her cat bed. She scratched the animal behind her ear and proceeded to the kitchen to retrieve her drink. Alica sat on the couch with Michikitty in her lap, flipping through television stations to the news.
#65265976Saturday, March 31, 2012 6:50 PM GMT

Antartica rolled over on the top bunk of her bunk bed. She rolled off and hit the carpet. 'Well...Adleast im not dead...' She thought. At her closet, Antartica picked out her usual jeans, T-Shirt, and pulled her socks on. She slid across the hardwood floors and into the kitchen, where Mirical the Snow Bunny was. Her name was Mirical because out of 5 bunnies, she was the only one who survived. Antartica (Somehow) managed to cook a egg without setting her house on fire.
#65272844Saturday, March 31, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

Alica's stomach grumbled. Coffee wasn't really a breakfast. She gently set Michikitty aside and stood, heading back to the kitchen once more. She pulled out a knife and cut a loaf of bread in half. She wedged tomatoes, cheese, and roast beef between the two slices and stuck it in the oven. Alica set a timer. She headed back to the living room, watching the current news report. She waited until the sandwhich was done cooking, watching the reports. Murders, robbings, politics. All the common things. The timer rang eventually and Alica retrieved the sandwhich, cutting it up once more into 5 pieces. She set 4 in plastic bags and put them in the fridge, taking the remaining sandwhich with her back to the living room to eat.
#65274561Saturday, March 31, 2012 8:46 PM GMT

After nomming on a egg that somehow didnt set her house on fire, she got out her drawing book and started to doodle a girl laying in a tree. When she was done, she colored it in nicely with colored pencils.
#65276875Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:15 PM GMT

Location: Chalace California N@me: Willow Grayson Jones Appearance: Blonde, hip length hair usually up in a ponytail slung over her shoulder. Blue eyes with a darker blue bordering it. Has italy curl. Quirks: Pulls Michigan's curl on purpose every once in a while. If you pull her own curl, run, and run now. Dark secret: She once went on a killing spree through washington and killed about 30 people. she felt awful afterwards.
#65277595Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:24 PM GMT

(You're good to go, kit. And I lol'd at the first quirk.) After Alica finished eating, she headed upstairs and checked the calendar to see what she was supposed to do today; Friday. 'Monday: Engineering' 'Tuesday: Tend to peach garden' 'Wednsday: Engineering again' 'Thursday: Free day' 'Friday: World meeting, 9:30' Alica nearly had a panic attack. She had completley forgotten about the world meeting! She ran across the room, jumped over her bed, and opened the closet door. She threw on a white button-up undershirt, black suit, black dresspants, black shoes, and her old half-blue-half-red necktie. She usually wore either a blue or a red one, but she had misplaced them and this one was the only one left. She headed out the door and hopped into her grey Ford Taurus and drove off towards the World Summit (which I sure hope is actually reachable by car if not TOO BAD).
#65277673Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:26 PM GMT

Location: Frederick California N@me: Sebastian Johnson Jones Appearance: Blonde hair that ends right under his ears and eyes just like his sisters, blue with darker blue bordering it. Always wears sun glasses. Quirks: Picks on his sister constantly, once had to stop her from killing Washington.
#65277904Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:29 PM GMT

(That one will work too. :B)
#65278822Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:42 PM GMT

Antartica pulled on her hoodie and shoes. After grabbing Miracle, she hopped on her bike and sped to the meeting place.
#65279074Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:46 PM GMT

Location: Nevada N@me: Ebony Smith Jones Appearance: Tanned with light brown hair. Chocolate brown eyes. Has italy curl. Quirks: Tends to pick on California a lot. ~~ Location: Alaska N@me: Antalia Ivanov Jones Appearance: Grayish Blonde hair like russia's and belarus's, and violet eyes. Has italy curl. Quirks: She once flicked belarus in the back of the head and woke up in Russia's room, (who was randomly on vacation). ~~ Location: New york N@me: James Allen Jones Appearance: Dirty blonde hair reaching to about his mouth, green eyes with brown flecks. Quirks: Dark secret: He loves Buffalo Wings.
#65279409Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:51 PM GMT

California woke up and headed to her dresser, quickly putting on a dark blue skirt, reaching about 3 inches above her knees, with white leggings, she put on a white tank top and dark blue flats. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and threw it over her shoulder. She searched for her keys before remembering her Motorcycle was at the shop. She groaned and pulled out her cellphone, typing in 3, Alica's speed dial number, and clicking call. She pressed the phone to her ear and waited for Alica to answer it.
#65279545Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:53 PM GMT

(Also approved. Make sure to roleplay ALL of them, though!) Alica pulled over, answering her phone. She checked the time on the dashboard: 6:27.
#65279645Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:55 PM GMT

"Michigan, can I have a ride to the meeting, I kind of crashed my motorcycle yesterday..." she answered, embarassed, "I'm still a way better driver then you though," she added.
#65279929Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:59 PM GMT

"And by that, you mean I'M a better driver than you." Alica teased. "Sure, I'll pick you up. But you owe me." She hung up and put the phone away, moving the stick shift back to drive and out of park. She took a left towards the Californias' house. About 30 minutes later, she arrived at the house. She unlocked the doors. "Hop in the back. We gotta hurry to the World Summit."
#65280321Saturday, March 31, 2012 10:05 PM GMT

"Hey Seb," California called, "Michi's here, hurry up!" she called. She finished stuffing the bag and ran out, Sebastian behind her. She jumped, "Thanks Michi!" she said. She nudged Seb not so gently. He looked up quickly, "huh?" Oh, yah, thanks," he said.
#65280563Saturday, March 31, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

Alica gave a brief nod of acknowledgement and then sped out of the driveway. She drove down the interstate towards the Summit once more. She checked the time; 7:03. Two hours passed and the car pulled up to the Summit. Alica unlocked the doors and put the car into park. "We're here," she said and clambered out.
#65283327Saturday, March 31, 2012 10:51 PM GMT

Antartica waited for a train to pass with a TT_TT face. She checked her phone. 9:03. "Im gonna be late...Unless...." She said, thinking out loud. She grabbed her bike qand jumped onto the train and jumped off, everything she had still with her. "...THAT ACTULLY WORKED. I AM SURPRISED." She yelled, then jumped back onto her bike with only scratches and bruises all over her arms from hitting the train. About a minute untill the meeting started, she ran into the room, huffing. (...WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN- SHE JUST JUMPED A TRAIN. See, thats how far my imagination goes when im bored. 8D)
#65303215Sunday, April 01, 2012 3:35 AM GMT

Alica checked her watch. 9:03. She ran towards the World Summit, throwing open the doors and running to her seat at the table. The countries were there, the meeting was just apparently at a late start. She sighed in relief and put her head down on the desk.
#65304582Sunday, April 01, 2012 3:54 AM GMT

'Sup guys, thought you'd like the name. Anyways, not gonna participate so... deuces.
#65307142Sunday, April 01, 2012 4:29 AM GMT

(Can I join?)

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