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#65246833Saturday, March 31, 2012 1:24 PM GMT

The First Annual Hunger Games. The Country known as the United States has gone through war and the rebels have been terminated, the capitol has risen, and in return, to remind the rebels what happened, they take two tributes from each of the 12 districts and put them in an arena to fight to the death. But we don't know much about the first hunger games, so alliance are allowed to win. ~CS~ N@me: District: @ge:(12 to 18) Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons) Career/non-career: Bio:(Mandatory) Other:(Optional) This arena has a lake in the middle and then an island, on the island is the equipment scattered. In one corner of the Arena there is a dense forest. In another, there is a mountain. In the 3rd corner there is a wheat field. In the last corner there is a freshwater beach. ~CS~ N@me: Matt Lewis District: 3 @ge:(12 to 18) 16 Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons) Bow and Arrows and Sword Career/non-career: Career Bio:(Mandatory) I grew up all my life in the career home, training non stop and barely getting any rest, I am ready for this. I am the first person to score a 12 on the Training scores, due to the fact that I am in the first hunger games. Other:(Optional) I can make homemade shrapnel, exploding, and stun/smoke grenades.
#65253672Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:30 PM GMT

N@me: Lilly Sinc District: 3 @ge:(12 to 18) 12 Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons) Rope, flute/recorder Career/non-career: non career Bio:(Mandatory) I stayed away from the careers, not wanting to be a part of their brutal activities, always moving. I am very very sneaky, so I don't like to be very obvious. I always wear black.... Other:(Optional) Love cats, and pretty much all wildlife, which helps me in the Games. Noone volunteeres for 12 yr olds they don't know.
#65255460Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:56 PM GMT

~CS~ N@me: James Carter District: 5 @ge:(12 to 18) 15 Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons)( Does a shield and sword count as a combination or one weapon?) If so then Shield and sword, if not Throwing knifes with it. Career/non-career: non-career Bio:(Mandatory) Growing in district 5 the district of power he knows a lot of power and conservation of energy.When he was off time working he was reading books on herbs and plants around his district and the capitals.James had four cards in there unexpected that he would get picked. His friends and family cried, his enemy laughed, and the rest didn't care much about him. Other:(Optional) He is great with explosives,and knows a lot about the herbs and plants outside.
#65255771Saturday, March 31, 2012 4:01 PM GMT

Might i just say, that theres another hunger gaes thread. Please don't continue this one, or people will get annoyed with all the Hunger Games threads going around.
#65255882Saturday, March 31, 2012 4:03 PM GMT

Wait, the Rules for the Hunger Games have been exactly the same for all years.
#65260342Saturday, March 31, 2012 5:23 PM GMT

(All accepted and Mistero, it never specifies, and plus it is the First Quarter Quell so therefore it could be Alliances win.)
#65266123Saturday, March 31, 2012 6:53 PM GMT

No, the first QQ was the 25th. ht ENORBIA tp://t GLITTER hehun RUE gergames.wi PRIMROSE kia.co KATNISS m/wiki/Qu GALE arter_Qu PEETA ell
#65267414Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:10 PM GMT

N@me:Dan Rederfy District:7 @ge:(12 to 18) 15 Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons) sword and traps Career/non-career: non Bio:(Mandatory) he has a boring life is district 7 just works goes homes etc untill he was reaped Other:(Optional)
#65267948Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

#65268633Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

List of people so far: District 1 M: District 1 FM: District 2 M: District 2 FM: District 3 M: Jjlmckay District 3 FM: Nightleap District 4 M: District 4 FM: District 5 M:Darksnake289 District 5 FM: District 6 M: District 6 FM: District 7 M:Pikachu1122 District 7 FM: District 8 M: District 8 FM: District 9 M: District 9 FM: District 10 M: District 10 FM: District 11 M: District 11 FM: District 12 M: District 12 FM:
#65268695Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:26 PM GMT

Misterio, stop complaining and trolling and leave or make a CS
#65268833Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:27 PM GMT

sorry what was 7 for again havent read the book in ages
#65283798Saturday, March 31, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

(I'll Join if there's still room. And pikachu, 7 was lumber. 4 is fishing. 3 is technology. and 5 was electrical power ) ~CS~ N@me: Serenity Fisher District: 4 @ge:(12 to 18) 15 Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons) A spear and a fish. (I kno the fish is a lil odd but go with it please...) Career/non-career: Career Bio:(Mandatory) I somehow managed to buy my way into the hunger games, I convinced anyone planning on volunteering to back off this year, either by bribery or papa's men. My cousin in District 2 helped me to deal with potential volunteers. I am more than ready to do this thing. I've trained my entire life. Scoring a 10 on the training scores. Apparently they enjoyed my use of a fish as a weapon. Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Serenity-Fisher-item?id=76268597 Other:(Optional) I am 5 foot 11 and can swim very fast. Im not the prettiest but I can hold my own. I plan on either joining or forming an Alliance. I'm smart enough to avoid taking a bomb. But Im too trusting, My Optimism will most likely be my downfall.
#65290605Sunday, April 01, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

(Accepted, start by RPing on the train. Everyone is on a large train.)
#65290878Sunday, April 01, 2012 12:43 AM GMT

Matt I walk through the train, seeing a girl who looks to be from District 4. "Hello there, I'm Matt Lewis, and you are?"
#65293141Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

(K thx) I turn and face him. "Serenity."
#65293234Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:12 AM GMT

Matt "Career or non-career and what district?" I reply firmly
#65293271Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:12 AM GMT

(This is the appearance of my character http://www.tektek.org/avatar/48782316)
#65293438Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:15 AM GMT

(Not bad) I smile at the now familiar question. "Career and District four... You?"
#65293951Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:22 AM GMT

~CS~ N@me: Alan Vassilev District: 8 @ge:(12 to 18) 14 Weapon(s): (Up to 2 weapons) Knives, but not much else. Career/non-career: Non-Career. Bio:(Mandatory) Alan was born in the southern part of District 8, and frequently helped in the illegal trafficking of crops from 11 up to 8. He was born into a rather well-off family and has never had to apply for tesserae. He was taught to use knives by his mother, who had worked in... illegal areas to get the wealth her family now enjoys. Other:(Optional)
#65294165Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:25 AM GMT

(Oh, dangit. Forgot to describe his appearance: Alan has brownish-blond hair, and hazel eyes. He isn't very bulky, but isn't incredibly thin either. He is short for his age, still looking like a 12-13 year old.)
#65294429Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:28 AM GMT

"Career and District 3, so looks like we are gonna be allied. We might as well tell each other our skills. I can make homemade grenades, and use a Bow and Arrows along with a sword. How 'bout you?" I ask.
#65294497Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:29 AM GMT

#65294611Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

I sit awkwardly in the train, counting on my hands to pass the time.
#65294984Sunday, April 01, 2012 1:36 AM GMT

List of people so far: District 1 M: District 1 FM: District 2 M: District 2 FM: District 3 M: Jjlmckay District 3 FM: Nightleap District 4 M: District 4 FM:19bloom District 5 M:Darksnake289 District 5 FM: District 6 M: District 6 FM: District 7 M:Pikachu1122 District 7 FM: District 8 M:NilPirate District 8 FM: District 9 M: District 9 FM: District 10 M: District 10 FM: District 11 M: District 11 FM: District 12 M: District 12 FM:

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