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#65389265Monday, April 02, 2012 1:22 AM GMT

Bright white walls. A pedestal in the center with eight bright blue buttons. A circle of eight empty door frames surround you. Between the frames stand faceless red figures. Each has their hands up, heads tilting from left to right, left to right, left to right. A cheerful voice comes from all the figures. "Why hello good sir or ma'am! Welcome to our little home out of time!" The voice deepens slightly. "This is The Facility. In each doorway leads to eight realms. In each realm, there are eight tasks across the world you must complete to return here. The tasks are diffrent in each realm. There are sixty four realms, resulting in a total of five hundred and twelve tasks. Should you accomplish each task and your life is not extinguished, you shall be given a vessel in which you and the others completing these tasks may take anywhere and when you please." The voice changes again to a dark, evil demonic voice. It sends pains throughout your body, bringing you to your hands and knees. "You have each been brought here for your crimes against existence. We have deemed you unworthy of life and the Universe! Should you worthless pieces of garbage complete these tasks, which I doubt, you shall have redeemed yourselves. I look forward to tormenting you in your pointless journeys!" The voice returns back to the middle voice. "Press the button in the center of the pedestal with a red face painted on it. You shall ente your personalized information into the pedestal. You will then commence to press the snake button and enter through Gateway One." The original voice speaks. "Before you do this now loves, there are a few rules, but I'm sure there will be no problems! Listen closely now dearies!" Rule One: We recommend not harming the other prisoners, er, I mean...Well ok, you are prisoners, there's no other way to put it, sorry loves! However it is allowed. Rule Two: You MUST complete each task in the realm before you may return here to the Gate room. When you return, there will be beds and the others. You will be able to stay here as long as you like, but when one person enters the next realm, your all going. Sorry dearies, nothing I can do about that! Rule Three: We ask you refrain your best from cursing. Simple as that loves. Rule Four: When speaking about things not involving The Facility, make it clear. (OOC requires parentheses). Rule Five: We ask you do not get, Erm, INVOLVED to much with the others. We don't want you being traumatized by watching your lover killed now! *The voice changes to the demonic voice* Well I wouldn't say that- *voice returns to normal* Rule Six: Please make this as enjoyable as possible ladies and gents! Sadness is the worst feeling for missions! Rule Seven: I still find it odd we need to tell people this, but only we may control the realms. You may only move your own bodies dearies! Good Luck Chaps! You walk to the pedestal, and press down on the detailed face on the middle button. A holographic sheet floats infront of you. Name: Åge: Gender: Assumed Crimes(Bio): Appearance: Ethnic(English, French, etc.): The voices speak simultaneously. "This is The Facility, our home, your prison. Live or die, your stuck here." Thread theme song: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked, by Cage The Elephant.
#65392116Monday, April 02, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

#65396408Monday, April 02, 2012 1:49 AM GMT

(Every time only bout ten. People look at my stuff and then scurry away...Bump)
#65432081Monday, April 02, 2012 9:12 PM GMT

(Feel free to join anytime, don't be shy!)

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