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#66370459Sunday, April 15, 2012 4:20 PM GMT

In the "let's make a deal" forum, reesemcblox states to "Wait for the official ROBLOX trading system. When it comes out you will be able to trade your hats directly with another player in a safe way, where they can't scam you." In this qoute, she mentions that there may be an official trading system in the near future, so we can trade models, places, and other stuff for money. I like this idea, but that forum post was made a long time ago, and they haven't made a trading system yet. They should put that as a higher priority.
#66370927Sunday, April 15, 2012 4:26 PM GMT

They're looking into it. They have a lot of things on their mind currently, and they are trying the best they can.
#66371584Sunday, April 15, 2012 4:34 PM GMT

You have to remeber that they have to develop this, then test this,and then make sure hackers/exploiters can't steal money and items from different people,etc.

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