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#67030963Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:10 PM GMT

"Er, a bridge...that streches over hundreds of miles of Ocean..." I just stay silent for a minute then ask, "How long will this take us? I really just want to figure all this out."
#67032291Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:30 PM GMT

I stare at the tentacle, then realize that I am probably hallucinating. That idea has made me a lot braver, and I wave at it, giggling furiously. "Hello." my voice sounds raspy and gravelly to my ears, as if I hadn't talked in a while. I kick up some sand, and realize that it's an odd gray colour. I don't think that's normal. Wait, how can I know something is normal and not normal, and ask myself how I know that, when I don't even know who I am? No one wins a butter eating contest.
#67034450Friday, April 27, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

[][]Nman[][] "There's a tram system that's pretty quick." She responds. The bridge, a large, mechanical thing, is appearing in the near distance. [][]TAYtayisGR8[][] More tentacles pop out of the water. Each with an eye in them. They seem strangely like something called 'octopus tentacles', although you do not know where you got that from. > How to confuse a calculator = 0/0 ▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖
#67041644Friday, April 27, 2012 1:29 AM GMT

I look at all the tentascles, staring into the eyes, growing progressively more and more afraid. I slowly back off, away from those maddeningly frightening eyes, and hopefully towards dry land, where no tentascles can reach me. No one wins a butter eating contest.
#67041765Friday, April 27, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

" is life after a hundred years of my absence on Earth? And...what is this "Time Capsule" thing all about..."
#67041866Friday, April 27, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

[][]TAYtayisGR8[][] A huge mass of flesh bursts out of the water. Huge bumps covers its torso, and it has many huge tentacles, with eyes in them. It is a huge, brown octopus. Deep in your mind, you hear a whisper in your mind: a tale of legend. 'The Kraken'. It states, as a large wave flies at you. > How to confuse a calculator = 0/0 ▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖
#67071105Friday, April 27, 2012 8:46 PM GMT

[][]Nman[][] "Life is tough," She responds somberly. "and as for the Time Capsules..." The woman quickly glanced over her shoulder. "We'll talk about it when we are on the tram, and so out of risk of dinosaurs and dire wolves." > How to confuse a calculator = 0/0 ▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖
#67118666Saturday, April 28, 2012 2:12 PM GMT

(Bump.) > How to confuse a calculator = 0/0 ▬ Xžε⌐¡z○╖

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