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#68256935Friday, May 18, 2012 10:06 PM GMT

My name is Athena Hill. I'm 18. On my 18th birthday, my mother and little sister were mur.de.red by vampires. Yeah, vampires. Vampires are now the leading ra.ce. Humans are becoming extinct. I am one of the few who has decided to fight back. I was named after the Greek goddess of wise nature and warfare. I will bring the human race back, and we will thrive. But first... I have to find other humans. I have to find them, and teach them how to fight. I need your help... or we all di.e. Our world is ending. ~~ C.S.: Name: A.ge: Gen.der: Ra.c.e (Vampire or Human): Description: Bio: ~~ Name: Athena Hill A.ge: 18 Gen.der: Female Ra.c.e (Vampire or Human): Human Description: 5'7'' and weight unknown. She has black pixie style hair with red tips. With her electric, knowing blue eyes, she's very dangerous. Athena rarely trusts anyone. Bio: Athena's father left when she was little. Athena turned 18 and on that day watched her mother and little sister fall to the floor as a vampire grinned at her and disappeared. She now relives that scene pretty often and wants two things; to survive, and revenge. Name: Faolan Rivera A.ge: 19 Gen.der: Male Ra.c.e (Vampire or Human): Vampire Description: 6'1'' and weight unknown. He has messy, short, dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. The only good vampire that seems to exist. Athena's best friend. Bio: Faolan only remembers being a small child in his own world, and then suddenly being shoved into a house full of humans. He had been forced to ki.ll them all, and he hated it. He just wants to live in peace with his best friend.
#68257644Friday, May 18, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

Name: Schala Tringham A.ge: 19 Gen.der: Female Rac.e: Human description: 5'7, weight 93 lbs. She has long black hair. Icy blue eyes, she is very timid.
#68258033Friday, May 18, 2012 10:25 PM GMT

(Accepted, although if you can put a bio that'd be nice..)
#68436618Monday, May 21, 2012 8:28 PM GMT

(Oh right. Bio: Schala loves to write. She writes everything. She is also timid. Very kind, almost too kind.) (And you might have maybe noticed where I got the name Tringham from XD)
#68436704Monday, May 21, 2012 8:29 PM GMT

(Wait. Biography. Duh. Sorry. Bio: Schala grew up by herself in the forest. She ran away at the age of five due to being ab. used by her parents. She now writes and can communicate easily with animals)
#68436896Monday, May 21, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

(xD) Athena gets up and steps outside of the dark building that was once used for big events. "Haven't seen another human in days." She comments. A dark shape behind her moves in the shadows. "Yes, it is possible the rest have fled or been killed." "We can't afford to think like that, Faolan." The dark shape smiles, showing glittering fangs. "Ah. You're right, Athena. But how will we find the others?"
#68437340Monday, May 21, 2012 8:38 PM GMT

*Schala leans up against a brick wall, watching the bypassers*
#68437583Monday, May 21, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

Athena sighs. "Let's go search again. I'll take the old route, you take the new one, because of all the..." Faolan nods. "I understand. You fear us." "Not you." Athena smiles and then runs off, sticking to the shadows where most vampires won't spot her right away. Faolan heads in the opposite direction. He sees a girl leaning against a wall. "Hey, you." He goes over and stands next to her. "What's a pretty little girl like you doing here, where all these vampires can see you?" He says loudly. Then his voice gets very quiet, almost silent. "Come with me, and you'll be safe. Heard of Athena Hill? She'll help you. I promise I won't hurt you. Your life is in danger."
#68437738Monday, May 21, 2012 8:44 PM GMT

*Schala looks at the boy in front of her. She backs up* No.. No I wont! *She starts to run off.
#68437957Monday, May 21, 2012 8:47 PM GMT

Faolan stands in front of the girl and grabs her arms, pinning them to her sides. "Then I'm sorry I have to force you." Athena crosses her arms. "Ahem. Faolan." Faolan turns. "She'd rather die than let you help her." "You are kind of creepy in this light." Faolan rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes, make your jokes about the thousand year old vampire, because we've never heard this before." Athena laughs, and smiles at the girl. "What's your name? I want to help you." Faolan leans against a post.
#68438478Monday, May 21, 2012 8:54 PM GMT

*Schala backs up again* Schala, and no, I dont need any help!
#68438987Monday, May 21, 2012 9:01 PM GMT

"They'll kill you if you stay our here, Schala. Look around. They're already starting to notice you." Athena motions to the thousands of vampires looking down on the two humans. "Just come with us. We can talk in a safe place, and then you can decide to die or live. Okay?" Faolan grabs Schala and Athena and in a second they're at the old building. "Sit. Now." Faolan stares at Schala with deep green eyes. "Please." His voice is soothing, like a lullaby. Athena closes her eyes, unbeliving she's letting her friend manipulate another person into doing what he wants.
#68439885Monday, May 21, 2012 9:13 PM GMT

*Schala closes her eyes tightly, trying to fight off the sensation of letting Faolan tell her what to do* No.. *She fails and sits*
#68440165Monday, May 21, 2012 9:17 PM GMT

"Good." Faolan smiles and steps back. "Sorry, Ath. I know how much you hate that." Athena shrugs. "Whatever helps us fight." Faolan's smile disappears. "Yeah. Whatever helps." He echos, sadness creeping into his voice. Athena's eyes flash but other than that she shows no signs of having heard him at all. She turns to Schala. "Now. Do you value your life at all?"
#68442622Monday, May 21, 2012 9:50 PM GMT

*Schala cowers* Yes, but I dont have much to live for! Leave me alone!
#68442808Monday, May 21, 2012 9:53 PM GMT

"You have so much to live for." Athena murmurs. "You'll see that when you're trained." Faolan flashes a smile at Schala, his fangs shining. "Yeah. You'll like it here." "What's your story, Schala?" Athena asks.
#68488626Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:57 PM GMT

*Schala growls* Like you need to know.
#68488810Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:00 PM GMT

"I'm just trying to be nice. Do you want us to let you go so you can die? Because that's what will happen if we let you walk out of here." Athena sighs. Faolan kneels down in front of Schala and puts one hand gently against her cheek. "You should tell us, Schala." He murmurs. "Please." He smiles, his eyes tempting. Athena stands back quietly, letting Faolan work.
#68489279Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:08 PM GMT

*Schala whimpers, but obeys* I ran away from my parents. They ab. used me. I've been living in the forest since then. I can communicate easily with the forest animals. I also know a lot about computers, and can hack into any computer you want.
#68489510Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:11 PM GMT

Faolan smiles and stands up. "Thanks, Schala." "Tell her your story, Faolan. I'm sure she'd love to hear a good vampire's story." Athena says from her makeshift bed in a corner of the building. "Ah.. I doubt she'd like to hear. It's not like it's a good story with a happy ending." "No stories have a happy ending anymore." Athena reminds him. "Would you like to hear, Schala?" Faolan asks.
#68489871Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:17 PM GMT

*Schala nods, afraid to say anything otherwise*
#68490199Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:21 PM GMT

Athena lays down on her bed and ignores the story she's heard so many times. "Well." Faolan sits down in front on Schala, on the floor. "When I was a fledgling, I was thrown into a house with five humans. Two adults, a teenager, and three children." He sighs and closes his eyes. "I was told to k.ill them. So I did. When I was older, about your age, I realized I wouldn't age anymore physically, because my heart had stopped beating. My poison had taken over by then." Athena closes her eyes. "I roamed the streets like every other vampire, only I didn't kill. I tried to help as many humans as I could. And then I met a girl.. a human girl." He takes in a breath. "Should I continue?"
#68490305Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:23 PM GMT

*Schala nods, now interested* What happened?
#68490606Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:27 PM GMT

"I fell in love with her." Faolan smiles, his eyes still closed, his fangs poking his bottom lip. "I protected her as well as I could. She fell for me, too. But.. decided she cared more for the humans than she did for me. She pretended like she had never loved me, and never would." He opens his eyes, filled with sadness, sorrow, and regret. "I let her go. She now helps every human she can, and keeps me in the background. But I can't blame her. If she wanted to love me, then I'd have to bite her, and she wouldn't live, unless my love for her was strong enough to bring her back." He sighs. "She was too scared to try." Athena gets up, glares at the other two, and leaves the building.
#68589229Thursday, May 24, 2012 8:48 PM GMT

*Schala sits there, speechless* I'm sorry..

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