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#68736145Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:34 AM GMT

[Item Deletion] 1. Make the ROBLOX deleting system a bit less time consuming. It takes a long time to clear out your unused t-shirts / shirts and other things by deleting them one by one. Maybe make a seperate deleting page where you can delete your un-wanted items with ease? The normal deleting system requires visiting the page of the un-wanted item and doing this constantly to get rid of large numbers of items takes a long time. [Responding to a thread] 2. "Re;" not counting as a character when replying to a thread - why? Well let's say a user makes a thread with 59/60 characters. 60 characters being the max you can put in a title. When you go to reply, you have to delete part of the title to post, where in this update (if it ever occurs), "Re;" can be a LOCKED character, so it is un-able to edit making it non abusable, and will not count as a character. [Advertising a Group you don't own] 3. Sharing Advertisments for Groups. Let's say a user with the ability to advertise a group wants to advertise it. This requires making a whole new AD for that particular person. Well, if you don't know how to make one, then basically it's too-bad for you. With this update, you can share your AD's with other group members. The group owner can make an AD, and when a user clicks "Advertise Group", they can run the SAME AD the group owner made. Also, a user can go to upload an AD for the group, the moderaters and the group owner have to approve it. (I do realize you can send the link to the group owner via PM, but it's not allowed for some reason.) To avoid abuse- The group owner can put a minimal amount a user can run it for (example, 300 tix). This way members of the group won't abuse by running it for 1 ticket, and making it un-runnable once again for a full 24 hours. Also, to stop abuse - ONLY the group owner can delete the AD, so users don't delete it by mistake or on purpose. [Group Relations] 4. Let's say you own a group that isn't a war group and "Allies", "Enemy's" arn't necessary. There would be a "Related" option. Basically this means you arn't going to war or anything with the other group, your just basically related in a way to a different group. High-pathetically speaking, let's say you owned a Dominus Empyreus, and your group was named "Dominus Empyreus Owners". You could put the "Dominus Frigidus Owners" as your "Related" group, meaning you both are "Dominus" owners. This would be an addition to the tab that shows "Allies" and "Enemys". This is a repost of my other thread, but I added and tweaked some things based on feedback. Number 4 is a new idea I had.
#68736791Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:20 AM GMT

#68736888Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:26 AM GMT

#68737011Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:33 AM GMT

What one(s), or all of it?
#68737084Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:37 AM GMT

Support For All Of Them. Blackwater Said.
#68737352Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:50 AM GMT

#68770969Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:16 PM GMT

#68771171Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:20 PM GMT

1. Sure 2. Sure 3. This already exsist, doesn't it? 4. If a group is related, they'll probally be categorized as "Allies" and you wouldn't have enemies.
#68771391Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:25 PM GMT

Sharing ADs with group members does not exist, and having "Allies" when your group isn't about war is pointless and isn't rightly categorized.
#68772577Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:48 PM GMT

#68773730Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:08 PM GMT

> [Item Deletion] 1. Make the ROBLOX deleting system a bit less time consuming. It takes a long time to clear out your unused t-shirts / shirts and other things by deleting them one by one. Maybe make a seperate deleting page where you can delete your un-wanted items with ease? The normal deleting system requires visiting the page of the un-wanted item and doing this constantly to get rid of large numbers of items takes a long time. Whatever you put on the internet will stay on the internet forever.
#68773833Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

You didn't read past the first sentance, did you? I'm talking about deleting your unwanted hats, shirts, gear, pants etc. Next time read the whole thing before you start criticizing.
#68774682Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:24 PM GMT

#68774953Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:29 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#68775164Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:32 PM GMT

I happen to disagree on that part. Replying to a thread with a bad title should be bannable. When you reply to one you are unintentionally enforcing the bad message displayed, by bringing it up back to the top of the page for other users to see instead of reporting it and letting it die.
#68775284Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:34 PM GMT

i have an idea: lower bc price to a reasonable amount.:P
#68775322Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:35 PM GMT

5 dollars a month is reasonable.
#68776211Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:50 PM GMT

Bump :D
#68778085Sunday, May 27, 2012 11:21 PM GMT

Feedback is appreciated. :D
#68779051Sunday, May 27, 2012 11:35 PM GMT

#68780376Sunday, May 27, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

#68780831Monday, May 28, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

For number 1, how about for the friends list? My brother had 2,000 friends, deleted some, and then he had 185. Why? He wanted to be friends with actual friends, not random people. What I'm saying is that we need to be able to delete friends quicker too. That took him a long amount of hours.
#68782603Monday, May 28, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

Alright, both sounds fine.
#68782952Monday, May 28, 2012 12:35 AM GMT

[Item Deletion] 1. Make the ROBLOX deleting system a bit less time consuming. It takes a long time to clear out your unused t-shirts / shirts and other things by deleting them one by one. Maybe make a seperate deleting page where you can delete your un-wanted items with ease? The normal deleting system requires visiting the page of the un-wanted item and doing this constantly to get rid of large numbers of items takes a long time. ------------------------------------------------------------ Sure, why not? It's something that needs to be done for many users. [Responding to a thread] 2. "Re;" not counting as a character when replying to a thread - why? Well let's say a user makes a thread with 59/60 characters. 60 characters being the max you can put in a title. When you go to reply, you have to delete part of the title to post, where in this update (if it ever occurs), "Re;" can be a LOCKED character, so it is un-able to edit making it non abusable, and will not count as a character. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Re: on the front and it's the regular length again, hooray! [Advertising a Group you don't own] 3. Sharing Advertisments for Groups. Let's say a user with the ability to advertise a group wants to advertise it. This requires making a whole new AD for that particular person. Well, if you don't know how to make one, then basically it's too-bad for you. With this update, you can share your AD's with other group members. The group owner can make an AD, and when a user clicks "Advertise Group", they can run the SAME AD the group owner made. Also, a user can go to upload an AD for the group, the moderaters and the group owner have to approve it. (I do realize you can send the link to the group owner via PM, but it's not allowed for some reason.) To avoid abuse- The group owner can put a minimal amount a user can run it for (example, 300 tix). This way members of the group won't abuse by running it for 1 ticket, and making it un-runnable once again for a full 24 hours. Also, to stop abuse - ONLY the group owner can delete the AD, so users don't delete it by mistake or on purpose. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Copy group's ad 2. Reupload group's ad 3. Run that ad yourself 4. ??? 5. Profit, or something [Group Relations] 4. Let's say you own a group that isn't a war group and "Allies", "Enemy's" arn't necessary. There would be a "Related" option. Basically this means you arn't going to war or anything with the other group, your just basically related in a way to a different group. High-pathetically speaking, let's say you owned a Dominus Empyreus, and your group was named "Dominus Empyreus Owners". You could put the "Dominus Frigidus Owners" as your "Related" group, meaning you both are "Dominus" owners. This would be an addition to the tab that shows "Allies" and "Enemys". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's stupid. Ally can and IS used in this way. You're just so narrow-minded with a clan mentality that you think this is exclusive to clans. It wasn't created for clans. So don't use it ONLY for clans. Be a little more flexible, bud.
#68783110Monday, May 28, 2012 12:38 AM GMT

Agree to all. 'Nuff said.

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