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#69308621Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:10 PM GMT

IF you have ever been to Iron Cafe, me and you both know that there are(not an exaggeration) a MILLION hackers on there. They got all these features. Like: Free Admin Able to Block a Person's Screen Weapons that aren't even MADE by ROBLOX {Feature Not Put for It's Un-Kid Friendly Action) Where do they come from? PLUGINS. There is one called Hung999 exploit. I haven't used it( I tried) but I've seen in action. As I have said Iron Cafe is the biggest target of all places. So I say find SOMEWAY to check each plugin entered. Even if you have to delete every single one, still. You don't wanna see a little kid on roblox seeing the feature I was talking about do you? (By the way, the feature shows a man's and girl's private parts in action...) ~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69308848Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:22 PM GMT

They should just remove plugins default. They aren't beneficial. Either way, support.
#69309162Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:37 PM GMT

Bump ~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69309512Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:48 PM GMT

I agree with frozen, plugins aren't beneficial - they bring bad rather than good. However, why don't they just make it so, you cannot execute a plugin unless you are in Studio. They may have fixed that in Studio 2.0, but would it be fixed in-game or just gametest.roblox? I fully support this. ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69309602Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:51 PM GMT

@Lego Problem is, Studio IS where they insert plugins. So deleting plugins all in all means easier to catch exploiters. ~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69309665Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:54 PM GMT

Or at least, when the user connects to a game, it pings something to studio and plugins will not execute if it can find that ping. Example: Studio, plugin toolbar: Clicky plugin ugm in-game plugin Going to play a game to h4x0r it: connection pings to studio ugm plugin just explod3d ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69309840Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:01 PM GMT

@Lego Good idea, but that may take weeks or months before. Im not saying its a bad idea, that's a good idea in general. Im just saying that plugins be taken away. Unless plugins are beneficial at one point, aka FPS plugin, then your idea would most likely work. ~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69309896Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:03 PM GMT

While they work on this update, they could temporarily remove plugins. However, there's a new hack going around. It's a DLL injection, using Cheat Engine. This kind of thing can't be patched 100%, as it is injecting a DLL into the client. The good point is, they are working on a way that you cannot copy game script's through this method, by making the script server-side only. But again, it's going to take them some time to do all this. ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69309913Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:04 PM GMT

why do people do that like what you did saying that sky is blue your a life saver giraffe yay why do people do that
#69309964Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:05 PM GMT

See, I wish I knew about plugins and the like. But, since I don't, I'm just going to trust that you know what you're talking about. I'll support, because another game I play has too many hackers, exploiters, and what have you. I *think* it's because of plugins. Heck, I don't know. I'm just going to support, because I'm beginning to ramble.
#69309975Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:06 PM GMT

> why do people do that like what you did saying I really wish I could answer that, as long as I knew what you just said. > that sky is blue We're not talking about *that* sky. > your a life saver giraffe I might be a life saver, but I am definitely not a giraffe. > yay why do people do that People usually say *yay* when they are happy. ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69310015Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

im on about why is she saying the same thing every sentence and people do it all the time
#69310024Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

@Lego I've heard of DLL injection but not with CheatEngine. If they stop that and remove plugins then, hackers will stop until they put it back up with your idea. Anywho, the hackers will be idiots and think they can just hack the servers again. But then "OH NOEZ MY PWUGINZ IZ GONE" @su Go to YT and look up Action Bunnies. ~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69310089Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:10 PM GMT

@Su also look up ROBLOX Signature. On google though. ~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69310137Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:12 PM GMT

i still dont get it
#69310220Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:15 PM GMT

I copied a line from Action Bunnies and put it as my signature. Now back to the topic. ~Giraffe we need to stop this bomb! Which wire, red or blue?~~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69310232Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:15 PM GMT

@Scoot, I wish I could reply to that, but my post keeps getting filtered. Let me summarise what I *want* to be able to say: CE allows you to locate the client, inject the DLL and run it as if you are in Studio. ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69310256Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:16 PM GMT

@su33, I see what you mean now. It's called a signature. I have a chrome plugin called Siggy Automator, it's pretty awesome. It plants your set signature whenever you post ;-) ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69310280Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:17 PM GMT

so why do people do signitures
#69310364Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:19 PM GMT

@Lego Chrome user! :D By the way, can't they block CE? @Su For the fun of it. ~Giraffe we need to stop this bomb! Which wire, red or blue?~~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69310399Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:20 PM GMT

> so why do people do signitures Mainly because they make your post look nicer. The best signature is one that has special characters in such as: ›∟√≤≈≠└┬•Ω You can get special characters by typing "Character Map" in Start -> Search using Windows. Not sure if Mac or Linux has one though. ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69310414Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:21 PM GMT

@Scoot, WoW is known to detect if CE is open on start up - so I don't see why ROBLOX shouldn't be able to. ‹‹‹‹ Legokid135 ››››
#69335091Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:28 PM GMT

@Legokid Exactly! ~Giraffe we need to stop this bomb! Which wire, red or blue?~~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~
#69335202Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

Support, My friend got hacked with all of his expensive stuff...
#69336293Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

Bump of we need more supports. ~Giraffe we need to stop this bomb! Which wire, red or blue?~~The sky is bloo!~ ~Your a life saver Giraffe!~ ~YAAAAAAAAAY!~

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