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#69404865Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:53 PM GMT

I will announce my idea after someone posts. So start posting your ideas.
#69405520Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

I'm no expert but that's not really how collabs work.
#69405701Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

Ik, I just meant to do this. Well here's the idea. A huge war has started upon Roblox. Or we can scratch that out and make it America vs the World.
#69405787Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

no and no.
#69405825Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:06 AM GMT

A huge war between America and Japan?
#69405976Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:08 AM GMT

Well, all of those ideas have already been done. World Wars and all that. And the Roblox wars too. Those never turned out well. If ya' lookin' for war, I suggest something more of ya'r own idea. Nothin' too based off of someone else's make it your own. ~Arikai67/robloxunit1
#69406118Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:10 AM GMT

Yar can give me an idea.
#69406279Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:12 AM GMT

Vell, we can refer back to my old collab. I have in mind one of those rps where you are one of the leaders of one of the last remaining strongholds of humanity in the world and monsters are attacking you. You need to retake the land. What I need help with is the plot. I have most of the system thought out just a few more things need to be sorted. Or we can go full blown rp war! Medieval, Modern, Future, take ya'r pick. ~Arikai67/robloxunit1
#69538305Friday, June 08, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

( Bump, if you're gonna read this, go all the way to the bottom, do not read the top. )

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