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#69424703Thursday, June 07, 2012 5:19 AM GMT

10 y3@r old Jack Spencer is drifting off in his nice bed on Janurary 1st, 1988. Suddenly, he finds himself looking at his own body sleeping. He panicks runs to his parent's room, but they can't see the young boy! He runs to his teenage sister's room but still, NOTHING! He screams and yells and runs outside to get help. But the more he ran, the more he got lost. The darkness was leaking into him and deepening by the second.There's no way for him to go home. It's been y3@rs since Jack was lost. More and more children were pulled into that land by the dead. And sometimes, the dead took over. Jack was now Charolette, or Charlie, Spencer's grand-dad. But, Charlie thought of this as a suspicion, because she has had those dreams as well. At the @ge of 16, she has practically had them for 14 y3@rs! She never wandered away from the house and never dared going near the doors. When she told her parents, they burst out in anger and a week later, dropped her off at a camp. A camp for special children.A camp called Camp Eyes. It was a place for kids that could have out-of-body experiences. And sometimes, when they go explore, they go a bit too far... ___________________________________________________________________________ '`Rules`' *No trolling, random posts, bullying, cyber-bullying, gmodding, etc *Yeah, you can die.BUT! Don't kill others if you don't have permission. *Romance is limited. *Cussing is not allowed. *What I say goes. *FOLLOW.EVERYTHING.I TYPED.Because it took a long time, gimme some respect! *Be super descriptive, even if it's like REALLY long. *Don't say "THAT'S NOT THE RULES!"No, no. *If you get banned, no stinky trolls can troll. *OH and put 'Birdy :D' in CS.(ADD THE FACE TOO! ^_^) ___________________________________________________________________________ '`READ`' Yes, I know I was trying to be funny in the rules. Don't bring that up. I mixed Insideous with Born at Midnight. Both very good. But one's a book and the other is a movie.(You probably knew that. xD) Okay, well, I mostly used Insideous so..BLAH BLAH BLAH! ON WITH THE...whatever this is again.. ___________________________________________________________________________ '`CS`' Name: @.g.3: G3nd3r: Personality: Appearance: History: What follows you: (demon, ghost, etc. (If something IS following you then descripe it please.)) Other: ___________________________________________________________________________ '`MY CS`' Name: Charolette or "Charlie" Elizabeth(not included in top) Spencer @.g.3: 16 G3nd3r: Female Personality: Kind, quiet, can get curious sometimes, smart, and sometimes excited or terrified. Appearance: She has curly blonde locks with slight brown streaks. She has a very soft face and a light pink smile. She wears a small friffy skirt that stops above her knees with a pair of black high-heeled shoes that stop at her ankle. She has grey socks that are piled up at the top of the shoe and are only one inch higher than where the shoe stops going up. She wears a white one-shoulder shirt that turns downward with part of her purple spaghetti strapped shirt showing in a triangle form. She wears jangly rainbow bracelets and a couple necklaces. History: Above. What Follows you:Ghost. This ghost of Charlie's wants her body, REAL BADLY. Its a woman that looks like she is at least 22 and from the 1800s. She has blode hair in a small ponytail with a curly strand free. She has creepy red eyes and wears an Empire dress with a square neckline. She is skinny and blood is stained on her left hip side, from being stabbed by her husband. All she wants is to live. Other: Birdy :D ENJOY MY BIRDIES!
#69428156Thursday, June 07, 2012 7:19 AM GMT

'`CS`' Name: Raven 'Shadow' Jameson. @.g.3: 15. G3nd3r: Female. Personality: Hot-Headed, Slightly Rude, Un-trusting, Can be Friendly. Appearance: Short, shaggy purple black hair that reaches her neck. Pale skin with zero to few freckles. She's of average height and weight, and has reddish-blue eyes. She wears a gray t-shirt that has black stripes. Black skinny jeans, and black and white converse. Also an oragami necklace that has an oragami raven on it. She also hides a necklace with the jewish symbol on it under her shirt. [She's Jewish..so] History: Raven was born in Transylvania, and grew up at her grandparents house. Because her parents left her there when she was seven. Her father was mur.dered when Raven was about...10, and her mother killed herself a few days before Raven found out about it. Raven has been very ashamed of her past, and her religion, so she hides it. All of it. What follows you: A demon. It looks humanish..but it has orange skin, and red horns. It has like, goat legs, [you know that guy from Narnia..? like that] but they're colored yellow. It's eyes are strange, because of the colorings of the demon, you'd expect the eyes to be brown or something, but they're blue. Other: BIRDY :D
#69428227Thursday, June 07, 2012 7:24 AM GMT

#69428250Thursday, June 07, 2012 7:25 AM GMT

[Does...does that mean I can accept peeps two???]
#69428264Thursday, June 07, 2012 7:26 AM GMT

(DUH!! XD)
#69465921Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

(Rawr~) '`CS`' Name: Miya Ranger @.g.3: 17 G3nd3r: F Personality: She is a loner that isn't very nice and acts harsh around most, especially to those she cares about at times. Appearance: She wears faded blue skinny jeans with holes around the knees, black heeled knee-high boots, black T-shirt with a red bleeding skull, and a mid-riff gray jacket with black sunglasses. She has long black hair with icy blue eyes and pale skin. History: Whatever she usually sees happens in her dreams, or actually in the Further, she sketches what she sees when she wakes up the next day. Her parents found her sketches weird and sent her off to this camp. What follows you: YOU! Ya you must be a stalker, ya STALKER! Okay well actually it's a 17th century male with a n@zi suit and green eyes and blond hair ghost. Other: Birdy D: ; She is a magnificent artist and thinks she is a bad writer.
#69465983Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:39 PM GMT

(Ugh.... accepted..... :PPPP)
#69466038Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:40 PM GMT

(Dont you test me!)
#69466194Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

#69466268Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:44 PM GMT

#69466830Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

(Okay, well, this is a must read for everyone: The camp is all about the dreams. The ones with the worst of dreams are sent to a lab and are tested. The camp has only been there for fifteen y3@rs and 14 of them they have not found any children who travel the farthest. This y3@r will be very different. (# of people joining) is how many they have now. On the first y3@r, they had ots of children who traveled far. Some even went so far that they had to give up on the body. Some were murdered in their sleep and some were tooken over. Heck, some of the scientists think that the "thing" still travels through other bodies. When the parents send the children to the camp, they test them in the lab to see if they are human. If not, they confirm this with the government. The government checks the family history to see if traveling has ever fbeen passed down and if it has, the parents are notified that the child will be under lab constrution. If the children are human, they send them home if they have normal dreams or keep them if they horrible dreams and for testing.)
#69514375Friday, June 08, 2012 5:00 PM GMT

(Okay sounds interesting, I call not startin')
#69514731Friday, June 08, 2012 5:06 PM GMT

(We need dudes... XD... that sounded wrong....)
#69524943Friday, June 08, 2012 7:48 PM GMT

'`CS`' Name: Doctor Cynthia Carter @.g.3:22 G3nd3r: F Personality: Kind, smart, exact, quiet, and allowed herself to get trapped in the world of science. Appearance: Long brown hair that waves down her back and stops at the edge of her back. She is skinny and is a tan color with green eyes. She wears skinny jeans, a belt, and a light pink shirt that says, "I'm a geek" with a pair of nerd glasses picture on it. She wears high-heeled boots that stops in the middle of her shin and wears a long lab coat to her thighs. History: She became a math and science geek when she was 10 and has always had an A streek. She got a college degree working in science and, well, nightmares and finally got a job. When she was promoted, she was moved to the Lab. There, every child that she helped with their dreams, made it back and safely. Cynthia has never messed up with a single child and so, this y3@r was different for her, because she got promoted to Main Scientists just this summer. So, it is a beginning for the children and her. Job: To teach the children, show them to where they sleep, and rule over all the other scientists and doctors. Other: Birdy :D This the Main Doctor. The rest of you can make a doctor and/or scientist with my permission. If you do not have my permission and make a scientists and/or doctor you will be banned.
#69527725Friday, June 08, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

'`CS`' Name: Donovan Ranger @.g.3: 17 G3nd3r: M Personality: He is a quiet follower of his twin sister, Miya, and comes off cold when he's trying to be honest and nice. Appearance: He wears faded blue jeans, black T-shirt, gray tennis shoes, dark blue sunglasses, and a gray jacket. He has dark brown hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. History: Like his personality, he followed his sister into the Further and since he has a better memory than her, he helps her with her sketches of the Further. What follows you: He has no idea of anything following him yet and helps her sister cope with whatever she says is following her. Other: Miya is his twin sister. Birdy
#69527950Friday, June 08, 2012 8:25 PM GMT

(Your vampire sheet is missing the :D :3333)
#69528159Friday, June 08, 2012 8:28 PM GMT

(Not a vampire sheet and I dun add that cause I added it before already, sis.)
#69530583Friday, June 08, 2012 8:59 PM GMT

[Making a Male character. BECAUSE IT'S ALMOST ALL CHEICKS. XD] '`CS`' Name: Kyle Jameson. [Lol Raven's Bro] @.g.3: 15. [Wooo twins XD] G3nd3r: Male. Personality: Kind, shy, friendly, he looks meaner than he is because of his appearence. Appearance: Short, shaggy purple-black hair, ice blue eyes. Average colored skin, average height and weight. White t-shirt with red stripes, blue jeans, and blue and white converse. A black belt to match...kind of. [LAWLZ] History: I don't feel like it this time. :P What follows you: Same as Raven, the demon has to make SCHEDUALZ. Other: BIRDEHHHHHHHHHHHH :D
#69530649Friday, June 08, 2012 9:00 PM GMT

[email protected]: arnold swwartzneggir @.g3: 55 G3n.d3Я: male Physical Appearance: 6'4' 292 pound, big powerful robo eye that u can use to scan for virus and shoot lazers out of eye to kill u! Clothing: leader jacket, underwear, pants Personality: i swear i will not kill anyone S.G is terminator Bio: i kill noobs Other: best
#69530778Friday, June 08, 2012 9:01 PM GMT

A jet crashes into a skyscraper, killing over 3-thousand people, Panic ensues following the incident, but another jet crashes into another skyscraper identical to the one that was just hit. More people die and bombs detonate, a nuclear missile is launched from china and hits the city, america retiliates and destroys china, then russian warheads come and destroy everything, but not before russia is hit by many missiles
#69530923Friday, June 08, 2012 9:04 PM GMT

[Not accepted. And The, go away.]
#69530988Friday, June 08, 2012 9:05 PM GMT

A nuclear missile strikes NCIS headquarters, killing all of the agents and the director who were in DC at the time.
#69531261Friday, June 08, 2012 9:09 PM GMT

(Wow we already have people! and a troll! Trolls mean people care! AWESOME!*shot*)
#69531481Friday, June 08, 2012 9:12 PM GMT

[The, ur just a retard. And, BTW, the headquarters was blown up by terrorists.]
#69532212Friday, June 08, 2012 9:24 PM GMT

(TROLLIES GO TO.... I don't cuss. :D I'm gonna make a dude chracter too. BUT HE NO TWIN, he mean big broder. :3)

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