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#69601477Saturday, June 09, 2012 7:09 PM GMT

Name: Race: (Shapesifter, Vampire, etc..) Ec: (Eyecolor) Hc: (Haircolor) Wepoun: (Sword,Ax,Bow,etc...) Past or History: (Optional) Traits: ( Please pick 5 or less dont have to many) A.G.E: (Pls just use A it will be easier)
#69617829Saturday, June 09, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

Name: Ayashi Kimura Race: Fallen Angel Ec: red Hc: black Weapon: Obsidian sword which controls flames and has a long chain dangling from it, which Ayashi keeps in his right pocket. Past or History: Right after he died he lost all recollection of the past and was immediately set as a high ranking angel because of his great power and kindness, though one day something came to him in his dreams, and he had woken up on earth as a new fallen angel. He becomes very sad, since he had lost heaven, and his new Fallen angel powers caused him to lose most emotion. He now tries to find out his history, as he is very new and becoming an angel only about a year ago. Traits: Controls fire, controls darkness, has strength ( Not overpowering XD ), is quite fast, and has no emotions. A: 16 Theme song: No Buts! Mami Kawada
#69701814Monday, June 11, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

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#69733899Monday, June 11, 2012 12:20 PM GMT

( If I can make a second character here is it ^w^ : ) Name: Akisa Aru Race: Shapeshifter (?) Ec: Yellow Hc: Silver Weapon: Darts Past or History: He is a boy who is obsessed with solving crimes and mysteries and is quite smart. He wears glasses, and a suit, and is quite mysterious. At a certain age he found out he had the ability to shapeshift, but not into any other being or such, but shapeshift his body into different forms of solids and liquids as well as different chemicals, so nonliving things, but he was those non-living things. His mother and father got divorced, and now he lives on his own in an apartment. Traits: Mysterious, acts like a smart-alek, has a weird way of responding, tries not to use his powers, and is always observent. A: 15 Theme Song: the song of a certain truth mirai nikki ( It will say "Theme of Akisa Aru" after the main title )
#69775973Monday, June 11, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

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#69909382Wednesday, June 13, 2012 9:48 PM GMT

Name: Conner Fairn Race: Soceror/ Magic user Ec: Stormy blue Hc: Deep black Weapon: a small dagger that is usually conceiled Past or History: (will be realised as I rp for better effect) Traits: Dark, Mysterious, shy, unrevealing, cautious A: 16
#70062726Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:02 AM GMT

( XD I hope you don't think of me as too much trouble, but I love RP so much that I make a bunch of characters, and all of them have different personalities as well as having many different stories. While watching things like anime, I learn a lot of story line writing, so don't worry, If you accept my characters, I'll try to make this very exciting. ^w^ ) Name: Unknown, but refers to self as "Accelerator" Race: Vector controlling ( The control of a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, esp. as determining the position of one point in space relative to another ) which is also a much stronger form of Telekinesis, but more complicated) Ec: Red Hc: White Weapon: None Past or History: ( TO BE REVELED ) Traits: Crazy, Arrogant, Proud, yet very smart. A: 17
#70062904Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

( For a race, he is an Esper is what I meant, but his special powers in Espers is Vector Control. )
#70085742Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:18 PM GMT

( This will be my fourth character, and he will be another one who won't really come out until later on. ) Name: Stiyl Magnus Race: Magician Ec: Dark Brown Hc: Red Weapon: Rune markings which bring out Innocentus, a flame monster. Past or History: He was a left out child who was never thought of as the same since he could use flames, and always was picked on, his parents left him and he lived on the streets until the magic foundation found him and let him learn under them. Now he works in it as a high rank and is sent on many missions. He smokes, and is actually caring, yet won't hesitate to get a job done. Traits: Nice, care-free, loyal. A: 25
#70188887Monday, June 18, 2012 2:24 AM GMT

( For Accelerators theme song I'm using a song called: "Chasing the world- by May'n" )
#71601123Thursday, July 05, 2012 11:30 PM GMT

( NEW CHARACTER TIME KIDS :3 XD ) Name: "L" ( Lawliet [ but this name is not known]) Race: Human Ec: N/A Hc: N/A Weapon: Knife/wits Past or History: N/A Traits: N/A A: N/A
#71601353Thursday, July 05, 2012 11:32 PM GMT

( NEVER MIND I'M ADJUSTING THE LAST ONE! ) Name: "L" ( Lawliet [ but this name is not known]) Race: N/A Ec: N/A Hc: N/A Weapon: Knife/wits/imagine breaker ( his right hand cancels out all forms of magic. ) Past or History: N/A Traits: N/A A: N/A

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