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#69642337Sunday, June 10, 2012 5:22 AM GMT

Leonard Sparrow, ColourTheory. Achieved the Unachievable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1#: A friendly visit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A night, surrounded by an essence of blood, the dusk ended. light completely fade away. Leonard Sparrow was near the Vaktovian Royal Palace. He was observing the sparrow that stopped by his hand. After a few seconds, the bird flew away. Leonard started then, walking towards the main gate of the palace. The gatekeepers, slightly pushed Leonard. "You cannot enter, this is property of Emperor Vaktus. Go away plebeian" said one of the guards. Sparrow then turned back from where he came, and the guards, convinced of his retirement didn't expected what was coming. Suddenly Leonard turned again and quickly took out two knives that impacted on the guard's, directly in the chest. Leonard Sparrow just opened way through the entrance, and headed on the front courtyard of the palace. Evading patrols, by using cover that the pillars provided, those were positioned near walls of the courtyard. When the patrols headed to the other side of the yard he could enter. He was now in the indoors of the palace, straight on the main hallway he opened the Throne Room Door. He unsheathed his sword, as he entered the room. But Vaktus wasn't in the throne. He approached, and examined the zone, when he heard the door closed, It was Vaktus! "Oh, interesting way to infiltrate in my palace, eliminate my guards and come here just to kill me. Should i feel flattered?" Said Vaktus in a peculiar tone. "I didn't came here to kill you. I came to discuss, i want you to stop sending forces into Frostarian Territory." Replied Admiral Leonard. Vaktus waited some seconds then said: "Why not finishing the war, here? Right now." said the emperor while giving a sword to the Admiral. "Common, Fight" added Vaktus while giving the first hit, that Leonard blocked. The swords then started colliding with an incontainable fury, every hit inflicted dropped sparks from the intensity. As they were moving to the balcony of the throne room, bringing their non-stopping duel into it as well. Vaktus' Sword striked on Leonard's left arm which made him counter; resulting in Vaktus being hurt on the right side of the chest, the outcome was Vaktus in the border of the balcony, Admiral Sparrow took the opportunity of the moment, and pointed his sword to the neck of Vaktus. "Listen Vaktus, If you don't stop with the war against Frostaria i'll sink your beloved Vaktovian Empire down along with you" Threatened Leonard Sparrow. "No, I will eventually dominate you and your people. You'll see how they are going to be licking my feet, while you feel sorry about yourself" replied the Emperor Vaktus. Leonard stood straight and said one last sentence. "So be it, we'll see soon. And the next time, i won't spare your life." So the Admiral jumped from the balcony right into the water. As he went swimming away from the Vaktovian lands. To the North; way to Frostaria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That night, the war was confirmed. Memorial of the darkest one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#69642475Sunday, June 10, 2012 5:24 AM GMT

When Vaktus gave the sword to leonard there was suppossed to be a dialogue saying "No, thanks. I prefer my sword".

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