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#70059626Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:14 AM GMT

So I was looking at my site, and saw this. 'Vyrivend 2012 Begins June 30th' Then I checked the date. OH DEAR GOD I HAVE 15 DAYS LEFT TO FINISHED V2012! I have to do 1290 more talents before I can release the thread. So, uh, it would be super cool if some people came to help me out, make it easier to finish all of this. Like, I would give you a dime or something, I don't know, Please help? If you want to help, I'll assign you one or two classes (Your choice) and tell you want the general direction I want the classes talents to go are, and then I'll edit it, make sure the terminology is all correct, and then I might be able to get something done. So, uh, any takers?
#70059733Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:16 AM GMT

Well, bud, your screwed, but since you pulled me out of the pits of hell, I guess I'm contractually obligated/ forced to help.
#70059738Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:16 AM GMT

If you need an explanation, just ask.
#70060302Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:25 AM GMT

#70061236Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:40 AM GMT

Come on, guys! Be nice! Help a guy in need!
#70061765Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:48 AM GMT

Okay, each class has 3 talent trees, each dramatically different from the other. Every tree has 5 tiers in it, with 5 talents in each tier. You need at least 3 talents in a tree to go to the next one. There are three kinds of talents Abilities, which can be activated at will in place of your attack action Passives, which are always active and provide you with special effects And Specializations, which increase your effectiveness with weapons/armors/spells/etc.. There is also a sub-talent spec, called Progressive -- Either every 1 or every 2 tiers, an upgraded version of a previous talent appears, which requires the original talent and any of it's other upgrades to get it it. Certain talents require other talents to get. Finally, every class has an 'Ultimate [Talent Tree Name Here]' talent, which is in tier 5, and requires all 24 other talents in the tree to get, which adds one new ability, passive, and specialization. The level cap in the game will be 300, so you can only possibly get 300 talents -- or all the talents in 4 classes. Here is an example of a Tier 5 branch of a tree Falcon Punch Punch an enemy with the force of a thousand suns, dealing 4d12+20 damage. Requires Steel Fist and F-Zero Skillz. Can only be used once per day. Dance Expert V Further increases your dancing skills by an additional +2. Requires Dance Expert IV. Eating Specialization III As Eating Specialization II, only with an additional +4 bonus Totally a Ninja Gain a +5 bonus to all Ninja checks. Ultimate Useless Example Requires all talents in the Example Tree. Grants you the ability to instantly kill one enemy with less then 200 HP, gives you an extra +10 Dance skills, as well as an additional +3 to Eating. -------------- The Fighter The Rogue The Cleric The Wizard The Ranger The Sorcerer The Druid The Bard The Barbarian The Paladin The Beastmaster The Celestial Harbringer The Demonic Harbringer The Mageblade The Blood Assassin The Warlock The Corsair The Draconian Knight ----------------------------- There All 18 classes I'm doing the first 4 for now as well as warlocks I already have the first 60 talents done.
#70061889Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:50 AM GMT

I feel like I'm being ignored.
#70064824Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:31 AM GMT

Anyone wanna come help?
#70064928Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:33 AM GMT

Mind blow...Unable to he-asldfaweipwetioj4ma and furthermore adhisfoapptpllwlpptdf. Okay?
#70066112Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:54 AM GMT

Is that a Yes I'll Help?
#70066113Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:54 AM GMT

doing it
#70067674Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:22 AM GMT

#70067770Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:24 AM GMT

The first Vyrivend made my head hurt...
#70067840Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:25 AM GMT

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#70068153Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:31 AM GMT

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#70068454Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:36 AM GMT

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#70069130Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:49 AM GMT

If there's "too many" people.. I'll leave.
#70069345Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:54 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#70069589Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:00 AM GMT

The under 200HP insta-kill thing is too overpowered, how about a HUGE stat increaser, it's just too overpowered
#70069847Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:05 AM GMT

You would be level 25 by that point, at least. A weak enemy would have 400 health. Also, if you want in, you have to PM me, something happened to the original pad.
#70070047Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:10 AM GMT

OH LAWL it was a example
#70070281Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:17 AM GMT

Even, join the party please.
#70070763Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:28 AM GMT

Can I help?
#70070813Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:29 AM GMT

I might have some old classes from when I tried to make my own tabletop system running around. I could try to find my notes. Also, if nothing else you can do what blizzard does: "Hehe, sorry guys, but [game] won't be ready for another [time unit]."
#70071245Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:42 AM GMT

Yes you both can. Also, Vendaris is officially banned from joining Vyrivend 2012. Join the party.

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